

  The Latest Grandchildren 2

  Then, she opened the passenger's door, got in and closed the door. She began to fasten her seat belt, and her husband glared at her before he drove off.

  'How would she move around tomorrow without her car? Especially now that Angel and Denise are hospitalized.'

  To avoid talking to her and using his car the next day, he parked at the gate, got off and walked into the security post.

  “Officer, take this key. Kindly get a driver to bring my wife's car to my house.”

  “I got it, Young Master.”

  “Thank you.”

  He quickly joined his family in the car, and they left. To Freya, he can be angry, but that meant that they would do the school run the next day together, and she loved it that way.

  In Mr. Phil Anderson's Bedroom