
One World At A Time (discontinued)


Kaykit303 · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Wonderful Water

Clair Aguado ( pov )

The smooth sand sifted through my fingers as I looked at the light reflecting off the sea making it shine almost golden. Funny how something so beautiful is going to be the death of me, it's almost as if my entire life was just for this moment. Looking at my life it was always revolving around the sea. I wondered if that was a coincidence or if something was trying to give me hints about my life.

I looked at the weights next to me hoping they would be enough to drag me down to the bottom even if I suddenly changed my mind and tried to swim up. If it's not I made extra precautions so that if I do make it back to the boat I will still drown but that was unlikely. I tried to make sure that there was going to be a storm today and what time it was going to hit. The weather report was right for once. I looked back at the water and the dark clouds appearing on the horizon and then to the little wooden boat tied to a pole makeing sure it stayed whenever it wasn't in use.

"Well, the storm is coming so I might as well head out now" I sighed

I grabbed the weights and started walking towards the tiny boat stopping every now and then to get a break because of how heavy the weights were. Once I finally reached the boat I put the weights in and untied the rope holding the boat in place. I got in just as the wind was starting to pick up. I grabbed the weights again and started to tie them to me on my arms, legs, and waist. After checking that they were secure I picked up the ores and started to row in a random direction out to sea trying to get as far away from land as I could before the storm fully set in.

I got as much of a distance as I could before the wind was getting too much to bear and the rain was coming down like bullets. I looked down into the blue water and sighed, eighteen, I would be turning eighteen today.

I looked around me not really being able to see anything except the waves getting higher and stronger pushing the small boat around and almost tipping it over. I stood up just now realizing how heavy the weights were when tied to me. I cleared my mind, thinking of all my life, good and bad, and leaned back, finally tipping the boat and throwing me out to sea. I instantly started to hold my breath and flail about while sinking deeper but I could only hold it so long till my body started to try and breath again forcing water into my lungs and filling them up. The water that filled my lungs made it feel like I was burning inside, and my head started to throb. My vision started fading in and out until I could see everything completely crystal clear and my mind going blank. As I eventually stopped flailing about while sinking deeper my vision slowly began to fade again. It's almost peaceful was the last thing I thought before I completely blacked out.
