
What Egg?

Sonia, who had followed Lucy into Tom's bedroom, was torn between wanting to vent with Lucy and calming her down since she knew that Lucy had every right to be upset.

She wasn't even Lucy, yet she was blowing very hot herself after listening to what Evelyn had to say.

If she didn't want her husband getting upset at her, she should've not meddled in the first place. Even though Lucy had not asked Lawrence to report himself, she was pretty sure Desmond would have found out about it and would have still gotten upset, so why put the blame on Lucy?

How could Evelyn, who was supposed to be a mother that would pull the family closer together, be the one acting in a way that was causing so much unnecessary drama all because she was too proud to accept that she was wrong and apologize?

"You can vent if you want to," Sonia told Lucy since she seemed too calm.
