

A young man named Ishar, in the modern age lived in the United States. While he had a great start in life, after his parents died, he quickly took a dark turn. In a series of events, he first lost his reputation, then his money, and soon after, is forced to work in a slave factory. He earns little money each day, to save up for his girlfriend.

Things were more or less the same in the factory. They would be forced to help with construction work until lunch break, then work again until dinner, when they can go back to their shabby, metal chambers for bed. The slavery was outright painful, and some slaves would have been killed if the manager hadn't intervened. Still, death rate was at least 22% due to the sheer force and other factors.

On one particular day, Ishar noticed he was a little light. As he went through the daily life of a slave, he felt like he was weakening by every pull. By lunch, he could barely eat, and before dinner, his last ounce of strength was gone, and he had to take the brutal torture. His vision became blurry and grew brighter. He knew he didn't have much time left. But, how could he think? His brain cells were fried anyways.

Suddenly, he felt the pressure disappear for a moment before waking up as a 9 year old boy named Paundo.

Well, this concept is certainly broader than the last story. Currently, BK&KW is being postponed due to some personal problems. Even though this was pretty short, a longer chapter is coming soon. Do you have any ideas about my story? Comment so I can know. (Schedule is on Monday every week at 6:30AM where I live.)

Alexander_Ngo_8531creators' thoughts