
Maid dress (pt 1)

Yggdrasil finally made it in all of its frilly, lacy, one-size-fits-all monochrome glory.

The maid dress.

Yggdrasil finally finished it. He finished the knee socks a few days earlier due to their thinness and used spandex, the see-through kind. You see, spandex was ridiculously hard to make look good AND be comfortable, but he DID IT. The frills and the shoes were relatively simple, while he had to weave the fabrics himself. All of it was made out of lotus silk, which was very expensive. Of course, Yggdrasil didn't care about the materials.

Yggardael would probably make their husbands and their daughter's husbands cross-dress with copies of these, but it didn't matter. It was HIS first creation made out of cloth and some dubious form of plastic in centuries. He was gonna make Ygga pay a pretty little dimensional pocket for copies.

Ygga came, and they both negotiated with each other for a bit. Some was about the materials and the method creating it, while another was about its ability to fit all sizes.

All in all, Yggdrasil gained some blank outer-god souls and a large dimensional pocket while Ygga gained the copies of the dresses. Don't be fooled now, since Yggardael had a growing desire to dress their family's male members in maid dresses.

(Why only the guys?


It was because your dear (A/N) here decided that they would draw beetlemen and skeletons in maid dresses. Yeah. Dunno why, it happened. And they looked fucking good. So, yeah. Novel version, here we go!)

Yggardael would have a whole lot of fun. In fact, they bet that Caucasus would look good in it. They'll send a few pictures to Zalvanirr, Of course. They couldn't keep T H I S to themselves. She would like to see her husbug in a maid dress, since she'd love to just take her husband to the bedroom right then and there and take HIM.

Vialuor would enjoy it too since she loves teasing her little lion boy about his feelings, while also reprocating those feelings. The maid dress would just make the teasing worse, but did Yggardael care about someone else's love life? Mostly no.

Kalvanirr and Vialuor were either gathering souls to trade or battling for more territory, so both of the guys were at home right now. A perfect chance to steal them away temporarily. Ygga's husbands were already being entertained at their garden hill, so they had plenty of time to spare...

Actually, they may need some EXTRA time to actually find the dyes for the maid dresses with the colors red, blue, and turquoise. Seems like that's gonna take awhile.