
Little Fruit

Yggdrasil was stressed. The asgardians that were once the pine tree's eye candy became wimpy little flower seedlings that sealed away their only worthy warrior, the ice giants were near extinct, the firefolk were currently infighting, AND Midgard was full of abnormal humankin and false heroes.

He needed a new race, fast. Strong, smart, unified. What's more unified and numerous than ants?

So, Yggdrasil put his skills to work and started making the perfect race. Sharp, wise, temperature-immune, sight capabilities and flight capabilities of a dragonfly donated from Yerbanora's garden, with a wasp's abdomen stinger that regrew. Perfect.

And so, Yggdrasil created a new sentient race behind every entities' backs called the Anthropodicae. He gifted his best creation to Yggardael because of a favor, damn outer gods interfering and trying to eat his world fruits! They deserved to be dissolved in the bubbling pot of sap that was his sibling's stomach juices. Oops, can't have too many negative feelings. It'll effect the species and they'll end up like the firefolk if there are too many negatives.


The Queen was complete. Now, all he needed to do is to give her the instinctual urges, for a few days, then give her sentience. Also protein-rich fruit jellies from Yggardael's, since the newly developed organs wouldn't be able to handle more solid foods and the proteins were for the eggs.

Suddenly, Yggdrasil's little sibling named Yggardael came.

{Whatcha doin?}. [Making a new race, of course. The last few turned into failures after prolonged independence.] {I mean, you're RIGHT, but did you ever stop to think that Asgard could come and kill your new progenitor if they make a rainbow bridge here?}

Yggdrasil stopped for a second. They really didn't think about that, being stressed about the disorder and weakness of his races.

[I'll take care of that after I finish developing this fruit. They won't be able to battle over it since I made it so that the females of this new race will abduct their chosen male or female mates, with both genitals.]

{Aren't you copying me a little?}

[I'll admit I copied you a little, but being a fut- I mean, both genders is convenient. Also, no periods.]

{Wish you put the 'no period' thing before you made your humans and your asgardians, huh?}

[Yes, Yes, little sibling. Now please leave before you break any of the outer demigod samples.]

Yggardael left the same way they came in, but they also took a small hairy crocodile lizard on the way out. Yggdra would have to replace that later, with one of the ones from Yerbanora. He really should go give something to Yerbanora once in a while, but she would mutate all organic items immediately on touch most of the time if she wasn't careful about her energy.

Also, the rainbow road problem. Those seedlings would probably have tried to stake their claim on that fruit already. Well, time for some pesticides. The only reason that he kept them around is that they would make good fodder for the Ragnarok experiment as that little demonbeast needed a lot of blood and souls from beings stronger than humans.

Soon, it would be time to release the Anthropodicae into the world, and it would probably dominate all the other worlds as well. That would be for the better, since they were made for it anyway.