
One-shot book

Besically using by brain and writing random ideas. Cuz I have nothing to do. Also I know this app is a serious place. But people write to express their feeling,no? So here I am. Writing one-shot story on webnovel

3 Chs

A mind reader's problem.

Chapter 1: Mind reader's problem.

My name is yukino Rina. Last name rina and First name yukino. ‹Yukino› (与希) is a Japanese given name and it is written in the Kanji characters 与 and 希. The first Kanji 与 means "and", while the second Kanji 希 means "wish, hope, or aspiration". So together, Yukino means "and hope" or "wish for peace.

Meanwhile ‹Rina› (里奈) is a Japanese given name that has both feminine and masculine versions. It's written with the Kanji characters 里 (Ri) and 奈 (Na), which means "village" and "grace" or "elegance" respectively.

That's what my name means. I am your plain girl who doesn't have anything to do. I eat,study,play games or watch movies and lastly sleep. Yes. This is my daily life. It's boring isn't it. Well you wanna know a exiting. It's i.can.read.minds. Yes lady's and gentlemen I am a mind reader. Woohoo what a great ability you have!

No!!! It's not a great ability!! I am borderline insane but inside. Like I can hear people's thought when one of the guys that was passing by me was thinking 'Damn I want to bang my teacher' like bro! Have some shame. She is a married woman. Don't go to the false path of NTR. Which is a path to hell.

Then there was this guy who was thinking 'gosh that brat got a nice ass' THATS FUCKING PENDOPILE!!! THAT KID LOOKS LIKE SHE IS ONLY 10!!!! You might think that only guys are bad, right?.





No. ...

Yes everyone girls are bad as hell. No. I didn't meant it like that. I didn't. They are down bad horrendous. Like for example lady's and gentlemen.

That one day I was doing nothing in particular. Just looking outside of the window when I saw the popular boy of my school was playing football and slightly took his shirt of. Then that happened.

'Gosh look at that body.' 1st thought.

'I want to lick his sweat' 2nd thought.

'I want to be his personal dumpster who will take his love' 3rd thought.

'i want his stick in side me' 4th thought.

And many.... I am exhausted.

Now it's the start of a new semester so all of us changing seat. I sat beside a guy named Akiyama Riku. God I hope I won't have to be traumatized.

'I love yukino-san'
















Love. That's unexpected.

I looked at the boy sitting next to me who current looking at the board where our teacher is teaching geometry. Which I don't understand. But who cares. I will just memorize all of them at night right before the exam . Hehe. I think lot of people do this.

The next day.

It's currently history class. Why study history? All of them are dead. Six feet under the ground. Talk about spoiler.

'She looks so cool. While looking at the board like she doesn't care about it' I heard someone's thought. Well there are only 50 people here including the teach. And each brain can produce at least 45 thought in a minute and at least 70,000 thought's per day. So if I were Calculate then that means there are 2250 thought's in this room per minutes.

'she is so cute' again who? I looked around and saw akiyama looking at me. Hm is he...

'she looked at me? Her eyes looks so beautiful ' he thought.

Fuck. What to do!?

The next day.

'She look so nice while smiling '

If I start saying bad stuff and push his away then it won't be a problem. He will hate me cuz I am used to being hated. My mom hated me for being able read mind. People looked at me weirdly. Call me witch,shit,garbage etc. So I am kinda used to ignore those thoughts. Now suddenly positive thoughts? Kinda not used to it. And might expect to much about it.

The next day

His book fell on the ground. I took it up for him and our face coincidentally was quite close.

'Her face is really beautiful from up close' again his thought. I should do something.

Yes tomorrow.

The next day

He looked in his bag not finding his book.

"Hey can you give me your note book?" he asked me. His face most of the time is emotionless so everyone thinks he is emotionless.

"No" now hate me. Wait does that makes me masochistic.

He looks down and nodded his head. Not saying a thing. Now I feel guilty.

'wow her cold side is so cool' I heard him think.

But still this feeling. Forget it. I give him the note book.

"Here take it." I said while he took.

"Thank you. " he said blankly.

'wow she is so kind to me' he again thought.

The next day

Now I have to do something about it.

I walk up to him .

"Hey let's talk only the 2 of us" I said while looking at him.

"sure" he said as he got of his seat.

Now we are on the rooftop.

Now what should I do....?

'Is she going to confess to me?. Is she going to confess to me ?Is she going to confess to me? Is she going to confess to me? Is she going to confess to me? Is she going to confess to me? Is she going to confess to me? Is she going to confess to me? Is she going to confess to me? Is she going to confess to me? Is she going to confess to me? Is she going to confess to me? Is she going to confess to me? Is she going to confess to me?'

Damn it I can't!!! I fall on the ground steam coming from my head.

"Yukino-san?" I heard him say as I fell unconscious.


After yukino-san fell unconscious,I carried her to infirmary. After doing so,I was instructed to get to class as it was about to begin in a few minutes.

While walking I was sure of something that had been bothering me. Yukino Rina is an interesting individual. Either she is too good in reading people's expression or just has dump luck with her. Because when girl are busy simping over a dude,she is busy making the most hideous reaction known to man. So that leaves to me to one conclusion either she is too good with face reading or somehow she might be able to read minds not though psychological ways but through supernatural ways. Because when ever I think of things like 'Yukino-san is cute' or when complicated she immediately reacts. But other times when someone else insults her,she doesn't react. Like that time when I told someone to insult yukino-san in their thoughts,she didn't react or more specifically she had expression which spoke 'i am used to it'. So in conclusion she has supernatural ability to read someone's mind.


After waking up from sleep,I saw a unfamiliar scene in front of me. It felt like the.....infirmary.....how did I came here in the first place.

Slowly the memories from the rooftop incident came in my mind and a blush appeared in my face. Thinking about how I fell unconscious in front of him....it was embarrassing. I don't think I can show him my face again.

I sat by the window, staring out at the beautiful afternoon in front of me through the window. Most of my thoughts and embarrassment or what happened today in the rooftop,all were consumed by nature and the serene atmosphere around me. The only thought I had were about the gentle breeze, the soft light filtering through the clouds, and the calming birdsong. I thought about the peace and tranquility that washed over me as I watched the gentle movements of the trees and the sunlight casting shadows across my face. It was a moment that seemed to last forever, and i was truly thankful to be able to experience it.

But suddenly I felt a eye on me. I looked at that direction snd saw Akiyama looking at me with a small smile.

A rare smile blossomed across Akiyama's face, causing the corners of his mouth to lift ever so slightly. His lips formed a thin, almost invisible line and his eyes grew soft and gentle. It was as if he were basking in a moment of joy and happiness, and no one had seen him like this before. It was a glimpse of a side to his character that was usually hidden behind the veil of stoicism and indifference. Akiyama's smile was a rare sight, and it made him seem more human and relatable in that moment. It was a moment of beauty and grace.

"I love you" he said suddenly with that small yet unnoticeable smile.

"huh!" I was taken a back from this sudden confession.

"You can read mind correct?" he asked me and making me more surprised than I already was. How did he know?Can he also--

"If you are thinking how I know about this and one of the possibility is me being able to 'read mind' then no. It's not." he told me.

"But it's my analysis and me finding doing some experiment on you. And now I know that you can do so. And while I was doing so,I think I might have fell for you. So can you go out with me, yukino-san?" he asked me out. Experiment? This word was confusing but I was more than glad to accept this confession.

"yes thank you. And please take care of me. " I bowed my head.

"Same here. Please do the same here." he replied.

Like this is how our relationship started.

«Time skip»


After 20 years,now i am working as a fashion designer and for Rina, she works as a freelancer and stay homes most of the time. Now it's time for our wedding. We already made a agreement on waiting until I can get a job ,which was both of our parents wish as well.

I looked at the door and saw Rina entering through it. She looks as beautiful as the first time I saw her.

She took in front of me.

"Rina you look beautiful" I complimented her.

"y-you too look handsome riku" she praised my looks. Guess she still isn't used to being on first name basis.

The 2 of us looked at priest. He started to speak to me.

"Do you, Akiyama Riku, take Yukino Rina to be your lawfully wedded spouse, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, until death do you part?" The priest said.

"Yes" I answered without wasting a single second. Now it's rina's turn.

"Do you, Yukino Rina, take Akiyama Riku to be your lawfully wedded spouse, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, until death do you part?" The Priest asked Rina.

"Yes" Rina answered as well in a second.

"Now you may kiss each other" the priest said to us.

"Thank you for talking me as your husband" I said to Rina who still had a little blush on her face.

"Thank you for accepting me as your wife as well" Rina said me as we kissed each other.

But there is one thing I didn't say. That is you are a mind reader and have several problem with that ability. But don't worry. No,I think it would have been good if I say this directly to her.

"Also all your problem's as a mind reader....I will take care of them. You can count on me" I whispered in her ear so that only she could hear me.

She looked at me , shocked and kissed me again. I could see the priest mouth 'Couple this days' while smiling.

[The end]

[Drop some power stone and some golden ticket's. That would help me being motivated writing more stuff like this]