
One Reincarnated Firebender Journey

A guy gets reincarnated in ATLA as a fire nation soldier a week before Zhao attacks the Northen Water Tribe. My knowledge of the world is a bit scattered, been a fucking while, so i will have to go rewatch the episodes of book two for better context, updates will not be fast. Power progression will be linear, he won't be able to fight azula after three chapters, it takes years to master bending and the Gaang is already hella fast doing it in one and they still admittedly have a way to go except maybe Aang himself. First time writing, plz go easy on me.

DrAuthor · テレビ
4 Chs

Ch. 2 The attack on the Northen Tribe

A week almost turned to two, the tides were constantly against our match pulling in the direction we were coming from, changing the route bore no change, it was either the work of waterbenders or the will of the world trying to tell us to stop.

I couldn't complain since that meant I could spare more time training. Having the body and the memories of a soldier helped a lot: first of all stamina and strength were top-notch, however fighting technique was severely lacking compared to what you see in the show. That wasn't a problem I could fix now, I needed to get as good at firebending as quickly as possible if I wanted to have a chance in this world.

The first time I created fire was the most exhilarating moment in my whole life, the feeling of having supernatural powers, which is something every single kid dreamt of at some point in their life could make me forget my worries for a brief moment. The benders in this world don't understand what it means to not have Bending, and that is the problem Korra will face. As someone who couldn't and the could I realized how precious and equally intoxicating having this kind of power can be, and how easily can create jealousy. I was never a hero, I have no attachment to this world but... I think I have a duty to do something. From power comes responsibility, I think I get it now.

Maybe I'm too high on it but... I think I have to revise my plan of going with Iroh, if I could be with the Gaang maybe, just maybe, I could find things about myself I would have never found before. What will it be then, trying to survive in this harsh world or living the greatest adventure I will ever be able to take part in? After having already experienced one life on Earth believe me when I say you really have one choice. Your gut chooses for you, your emotions will prevail.

My training routine for the first 4 days consisted in: practicing the standard and advanced breathing techniques while doing basic grunt work (since I was excused from group training), practicing precise fire control (which meant controlling the flames around me while doing other things such as physical training or guard duty), and, when I had free time, I would practice the basics of our standard fighting techniques finding it to be very interesting.

When the time came for the physical checkup I wasn't in my best condition probably thanks to this training so the doctor, thinking I still was not prepexcused me from group firebending spars with the other soldiers but I would have to participate in the regular spars because, you know, a war was coming.


The next six days passed without a hitch, training went better than expected, every day I was improving massively. Fire control came to me almost as easily as walking. Night and day compared to the "old me".

Power and technique were still on the meh side though.

Aang was right: fire is life and energy, maybe it is because I am a special case when it comes to bending but I really could feel it, the energy passing through you every time you wish to create even the simplest of fires, the warmth, it is life because of how much it is connected to the sun, because of how much you need it for your daily life, to both life and to truly live you need fire, you even need some kind of fire, or motivation to do things. Death is the loss of fire both physical and metaphorical. Death is darkness and in darkness, there is no fire, no will, and no light.

Why couldn't people understand it, why is it so hard?

As soon as I started treating my fire differently, as soon as I changed perspective I noticed that my firebending became easier, stronger. I was today years old when I realized that bending is linked to the mental state of the person doing it.


On the last day, after a game of Pai Sho with the general came two surprises.

"Wonderful game Private Shen, you are improving quickly," he said with a big smile, at that, I internally groaned

"Yet that doesn't stop you from finishing me off in record times general" at that he loudly laughed

"I have a reputation to uphold after all. You heard the news Private?"

"No general" I haven't received any personally still

"Ah, then I will tell you, on the attack you will be placed in our personal escort, your job will be to follow us to the destination Zhao has in mind" at that I became serious

"Copy General" I answered simply but firmly

the general looked at me for a while before nodding "Good, go rest private, tomorrow will be a big day" he said grimly


The attack started, trebuchet launched heavy spheres coated in fire with the objective of destroying the city and its walls. If you listened closely you could hear heartbreaking screams every once in a while, people may have died.

Zhao was deliriant about it. He went on and on gloating about how he is going to become the "Moonslayer". Iroh, clearly trying to give time for the water tribe to recover recommended the deranged general to stop firing during the night to rest our tired troops. What a bunch of bullshit. He already betrayed the fire nation.

In the meantime, however, the northern tribe and the Avatar froze and sank some of our ships, but it did not matter in the long run we were still too many.

Just before sundown and just before our army would rest Hahn the incompetent decided to attack our ships disguised as a fire nation soldier.

I only let him scream the first few words "Zhao you bastard-" immediately I breathed, power surged in my veins, in this exalted state I did not forget to do the correct stance, and a fireball formed in my hands, however, I did not stop there, it would have been too easy, it would have not been personal enough, it would have severely lacked style.

Instead, I used my will to transform the ball into a spear and launched it to that failure of a boyfriend; all of this happened in a second, the first sored to the shocked still figure oh Hahn not expecting an attack so suddenly, the first lodged in his chest and he immediately died with a scream.

His unit, in disarray, was quickly caught and killed.

Now, why did I decide to take the matter into my own hands? Why did I decide to kill? Two reasons, one because I wanted to know how well I could use my powers against a real opponent and two I wanted to have my first kill in an environment I could control, imagine if it happened while I was escaping somewhere, and killing made me freeze like depicted in fictions.

Honestly? I felt nothing.

"It seems like there is someone in this worthless bunch that can actually do something, good work private," said surprisingly Zhao pulling me from my reverie "And you lot, are a disappointment. Sound the order, we are resting for tonight" Zhao then disappeared into his chambers. Iron gave me a wry smile and a nod, I answered in kind with another nod.
