
Looking for a new sword, saving a princess.



With the end of the Marineford war and the funeral of Edward Newgate and Portugas D Ace, Saito was on his way to the Amazon island where Monkey D Luffy is being cared for.

Arriving at the location, Saito was surprised by the hostility of the Amazon leader Boa Hancock, but fortunately Luffy was able to alleviate the situation by saying that Saito is a friend of his.

This caused Boa Hancock to stop hostility in the blink of an eye and Saito said he arrived at the island after Shanks pointed out the direction. All the Amazons and even Roger's right-hand man, Reyleigh, were shocked by Saito's feat.

In any case, Saito was accepted to stay on the island only in the area where he was allowed to stay and if Saito exceeds he will be attacked by the Amazons, but Saito didn't care about that, since his objective is just to keep an eye on the straw hat, just like Jimbei.

As in the normal story, Reyleigh gave the idea for Luffy to return to Marineford and to tell his crew to reunite after 2 years and that during these years, Luffy will be trained by Reyleigh to become stronger.

As expected, Luffy accepted the offer, however Reyleigh also invited Saito to participate in the training together with the straw hat, Saito not wanting to miss the opportunity to learn how to use his Haki.

With that, Saitio, Luffy, Jimbei and Reyleigh went to Marineford to ring the bell there 16 times and pay respects to the place of Ace and Whitebeard's death.

This only worsened the reputation of the Navy that failed to kill Luffy and that let the feared "Green Demon" return to the place he destroyed without being attacked. This only caused more headaches for the higher-ups in the world government.

- Honestly, what a controversial guy this Straw Hat Luffy is... But, coming from Garp's grandson, it's no surprise. - Said a head of government.

- How does he know Reyleigh? I doubt Reyleigh wanted to return to the center of the action now. - Said the Second Boss.

- Jimbei finally rebelled against us. His position as Shishibukai was that of a symbol of peace between the races. How embarrassing! - Said the third boss.

- Now the three great powers are out of balance. How are we going to fill the three vacancies in the Shishibukai Seven? - Said the fourth boss.

- We need to see what will happen in the New World. There will be changes in power relations among pirates. We have to choose the most powerful ones. - Said the fifth boss.

- Blackbeard has already shown what he came for in the New World and took down a 100 million newcomer. - Said the First Boss.

- He knows Whitebeard's territory very well. - Said the Second Boss.

- He has the advantage over the other pirates who want to become the four Yonkos. That Devil Fruit of his is very dangerous! Besides he is unpredictable. - Said the Third boss.

- The only ones who can stop him are the four Yonkos... Or Marco, the Phoenix and the remnants of Whitebeard's crew. - Said the fifth boss.

- We cannot forget that we have a threat that could be much worse than Blackbeard. This boy named Saito Tatsumaki gave the Sailors the title "Green Demon". - Said the Fourth boss.

- I admit that the title of "Demon" suits what he did. - Said the First Boss.

- He killed many of our unit without any effort and on top of that he left all the admirals very injured, only Garp, Sengoku and Akoiji who did a little better. - Said the fifth boss.

- The worst thing is that we don't know anything about him, all we have is that this boy fell from the sky, caused chaos in Marineford and took the Shishibukai sword "Falcon Eyes". Now he seems to be allied with the Straw Hat and that could be a big problem! - Said the third boss.

- He said he aims to be the strongest in the seas, that can only mean one thing.... - Said the Second Chief.

- That for him to achieve such a title he will have to face the four Yonkos or become a Yonko in the process. To be honest I don't think this is difficult for him. I wonder what the Green Demon is doing now? - Said the Fifth Chief.


1 year later. Saito's vision


I never thought I would spend a year living with the protagonist of One Piece on an island full of dangerous and strong animals, very strong for Luffy because to me they don't mean much.

If someone told me in the past that I was going to live with Luffy for a year, I would laugh in their face without stopping, but life is a box of surprises and this is one of them.

To be honest, it's not that bad to live with Luffy for a year, I never have a day when I'm bored with him around and he's still easy to understand. We both have simple minds, so it's easy for us to get along. Now about my Haki training it wasn't very difficult.

I learned to use weaponry, observation and King's Haki in just 1 year, I still managed to learn their evolution, weaponry Haki combined with King's Haki and in addition to the Wano technique called "Ryou".

The only technique that I haven't gotten used to yet is the advanced level of Observation Haki, which is quite boring to master.

Other than Haki, I also learned a little about the culture of swordsmen and how they fight, in addition to learning "sky walk" or "Geppo" as the CP call this technique.

I can practically "fly" again now, but I have to make small jumps in the air.

With that in mind, I'm dealing with a little problem that I'm going to need Reyleigh's help with.

- Hey, Reyleigh, can I ask you a question. - I say this eating a large piece of meat near a fire.

- Yes, you can ask, Saito. - Reyleigh said.

- Can you tell me where good swords are sold? - I say this leaving Reyleigh confused.

- Now that's an interesting question. Don't you have Mihawk's sword? Why do you want another one? Isn't she already perfect for you? - Reyleigh said curiously.

- The explanation for your questions is very simple. Yoru is very strong! Any attack I make cuts everything around it! Even though I hold on to my strength, it still does a lot of damage. You yourself saw what I did months ago when Luffy was training, I literally almost cut the Island in half! - I say this expressing the complicated situation.

- Well, if you say it like that, I can understand the problem. So let me see if I understand. You want a new sword to avoid causing unnecessary destruction using Yoru, right? - Reyleigh said.

- Yes that's right. - Saito said.

- Ok, if that's the problem, I'll help you. One of the good quality gun stores that I can remember right now is one in Alabasta, which is a desert city. - Reyleigh said that the moment I heard it, it reminded me of the Saga of Alabasta.

💭If my memory serves me correctly, Luffy went there to help free the city of Alabasta from Crocodile's control, and that a princess was a member of Luffy's crew, but I can't remember her face or name. Princess of Alabasta.

- Okay, I'm going to leave for Alabasta immediately. If I'm not mistaken, it's here on the Grand Line, isn't it? - I ask Reyleigh.

- So you know the place? - Reyleigh asks.

- Not exactly, I just heard about the country. I just don't know where it is. - I answer.

- Well, Alabasta is over there. Normally a trip like this would last a week or two, but since it's you we're talking about you should arrive in a few hours or minutes. - Reyleigh said, laughing lightly.

- Hahahahaha! You know me, Reyleigh, no sea or storm can stop me! - I say this laughing out loud like Whitebeard.

- Do you want to tell Luffy that you're going? - Reyleigh said.

- Hmmm..... I don't think it's better. Luffy knows more than anyone I know how to take care of myself, plus he has to focus on his training. Another thing is just a sword that I'm going to buy. I won't be long. - I say this with a smile.

- Right then. Have a good trip and a good tour in Alabasta. - Reyleigh said saying goodbye and I take my pirate hat and coat and leave Yoru in the place where Luffy left his straw hat.

- Well, I shouldn't take long, let's see what Alabasta is like in person. - I say this as I run off the island and the moment I leave I let out a happy scream.

- Alabasta here I come!!! - I say this already running in the direction that Reyleigh pointed.


It took me an hour to get to Alabasta, honestly the place being a desert doesn't surprise me that the Straw Hats didn't like it their first time.

💭Hmmm.... Where is this city? Did I get lost?

I've been walking for some time in the desert without being bothered by the hot sun and I had to deal with some desert creatures, but they weren't a problem, the problem is finding the city's misfortune.

- Wants to know? Screw this! I'm going to use Sky walk to find the city! It feels like I'm going in circles! - I say that and I start jumping in the sky and when I'm high up, I can see the city and the palace.

- OK! Now I'm not lost anymore. - I say this as I get down and then I start running towards the city.

When I checked in the real city, I can see that the place is very busy and full of vendors, you can see that after the Saga of Alabasta the country is in good financial condition.

- Ok now, I have to find someone who sells swords, it can't be that difficult. - I say this by starting to look for a store, but without success.

💭Okay this might be harder than I thought.

Seeing that I couldn't find the store makes me very frustrated and I keep wandering around the city looking for the store I want.


In the midst of my anger, I end up accidentally bumping into someone and the moment I see who the person is I see that they have black eyes and long, slender blue hair, as well as a very familiar appearance.

💭 Wait..... She's not.....

- A-Are you okay? - Said the Girl who made me return to reality.

- Oh! Yes I am. - I respond and then the girl leaves, following the opposite path I took.

- I feel like I've already seen her... - I say this looking in the direction she went and I see a certain group of armed men going after her.

💭I may be a pirate now, but that doesn't stop me from being a hero.

I go to where the men went and the moment I arrived in an alley I see the girl surrounded by 3 men, one is holding her shoulder and the two are approaching her slowly, obviously to do something not pleasant.

- Look, it looks like it's my lucky day. I see three pigs in front of me. - I say this with a smile, teasing the trio. The man who is holding the girl's shoulder looks at me irritated.

- Can't you see we're busy?! Look for another noblewoman to capture a kid, this one is already ours! - He said.

- Oh, really? And what stops me from taking her from you? Not the law that stops me from doing that. - I say this, approaching them slowly with a confident smile and this only makes the trio even angrier.

- Didn't you hear what the boss said? She's ours! So go ahead and get another one! Or if not, her head will roll, understand?! - Shouted one of the men who has a short temper.

- Are you really sure about that? If I had a sword, it would be your heads that would be rolling, but since I don't have one... - I say that and then use King's Haki and leave two pirates unconscious, leaving only the boss alone with the girl and him. He then uses her as a shield and puts a gun to her head, leaving her very scared.

- One step and she dies! - shouted the leader scared of me and I couldn't stop smiling.

- My friend and companion. I don't need to worry about that, after all... - I say that by snapping my fingers and in the blink of an eye I hold the girl by the waist.

- I'm too fast for you. Now be a good pirate and take your companions away capiche? - I say this while still smiling and the leader did what I ordered.

- I promise! That I will get revenge on you and I will get her back! - Shouted the leader, leaving.

- Okay. The pigs are gone. And are you okay? - I say this, letting go of the girl and moving away a little.

- Yes I'm fine. - Said the girl.

- For a well-dressed person like you, you shouldn't be walking around alone, right? - I say this with my arms crossed, not losing my smile.

- I had no choice! I was kidnapped at the ceremony and I managed to escape, but they were still after me. Luckily you arrived in time to save me. - Said the girl.

- Don't worry my dear, I'm just helping someone who needed help. - I say this making the girl look at me in doubt.

- It's rare to see a pirate helping a person without having any reason behind it. - She said, keeping her arms crossed as well.

- Well if you say so, I just want to know your name. - I say this leaving her surprised.

- Just that? Wait a second. You do not know me? - Said the girl.

- Actually, I'm a new pirate who wants to see the world, but I admit that you're very familiar to me. - I say this being honest.

- Well since it's like that, I'll tell you. My name is Nefertari Vivi, I am the princess of Alabasta. - Vivi introduces himself, leaving me surprised.

💭Oh my god I really forgot about her!

- Ahhh so you're the Vivi that Luffy told me about. - I say that and now I leave her surprised.

- Wait! I saw you in the paper last year. You are Saito Tatsumaki! The Green Demon isn't it? - Vivi said, becoming too happy for my taste.

- Yes? - I say this feeling a little strange.

- I heard a lot about your stories in Marineford. About the amazing things you did there! You don't know how grateful I am that you helped Luffy! - Vivi said, getting too close to me.

- Oops, oops! Princess, breathe a little, you don't want someone to come here and make conclusions about what you're doing, right? - I say this making her notice how close she is to me and Vivi immediately moves away from me, blushing a little.

- Hehehe. I'm sorry, that's because I've been in the castle for a long time and having a taste of fighting or adventure warms my blood too much and I get really excited. - Vivi said embarrassed.

💭I'm noticing this.

- Anyway, why are you here in Alabasta? - Vivi asks.

- Well, I came here looking for a sword to buy. - I answer.

- Did you bring money? - Vivi asks, making me stop moving.


To be continued....


A/N:I wasn't planning on Saito having a sword in the One Piece saga. I only had this idea after seeing the meme of Meliodas cutting a plain in half with a stick. And the meme makes a suggestion that if Meliodas uses Mihawk's sword he will cut the planet in half.

When I saw this I thought "Look, this isn't a good idea". It was from there that the fight between Saito and Mihawk arose.