
One Punch Man: Legacy Of The Beast

The Beasts Have Roamed the world for centuries, Each passing their unique bloodline down... The Professor got his hands on this unique blood and decided to experiment it by using it on a Regular Human... Life wasn't the same and would never be the same, He might think He's being a Hero, but in the end, He's nothing more than a senseless beast with the Ultimate Power. This is the Legacy... This is his purpose as the Last Beast!

Kris_Tylers_1273 · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs


Damn, I didn't think he would be this strong," Handsome Kamen Amai Mask said while tending to his wounds in the helicopter, "He really is worthy of being an S class hero,"

"So what are we going to do now?" Kelly wondered, "He refused the invitation blatantly, It's not like we can send the whole hero association there to detain one man,"

"How about we classify him as an evil threat," Mark suggested, "Then we wouldn't need to worry and let the heroes do the work for us,"

Kelly rolled her eyes.

"That's stupid, If he was to find out that we were the ones that made him a villain in the eyes of the hero association, Do you think that he'll let us live?" Kelly asked then answered the question herself, "No, He won't spare us and let us live, He'd rather slaughter and kill us,"

Fear glinted across Mark's eyes when he heard those words.

"There must be a better way to ask him to join the Hero Association," Kelly said.

"Yeah," Mark said, "Since he refuses money, There isn't any other way that I know of to convince him,"

"How about we just send one of those popular S class heroes to the place and be done with it," Handsome Kamen Amai Mask was the one that spoke this time.

Kelly and Mark gulped and then nodded.

"So which one will it be?" Kelly asked while bringing up the 16 S class heroes.

"Let's go for Metal Bat," Mark suggested.

"Metal bat it is," Handsome Kamen Amai Mask said and then clasped his palms together.

"He better bring him back," Kelly said while dialing a number, Metal bat picked up the phone.

"This better be important," Metal Bat snapped."The Hero association has a mission for you," Kelly said.


I was about to leave when I saw someone racing up the mountain.

"Huh, Who could that be?" I wondered and the person suddenly jumped into the air and landed in front of me.

Who was this guy again? Aha, I remember, Metal Bat, Class S hero.

"You're Metal Balls right? Class S, Rank 15," I said.

"Who the hell are you call Metal balls," Metal Bat snarled, "I can't believe that this guy is the person that they want me to beat, He doesn't look strong at all,"

Bro, Are you seriously ignoring the 6 packs and serious muscle that's standing in front of you? How rude.

I snapped my fingers and let loose three balls of energy into the air within seconds.

"Let's see, If you can smash these three balls of energy with your bat alone then I will join your Hero association," I said.

"Like I care if you join, My mission is to beat you and drag you back to the base so get ready," Metal Bat said while rubbing his bat in between his palms and raising it into the air, "Because I'm coming,"

He sprinted to me and closed the distance between us while swinging his bat, I stepped back and dodged the attack.The Idiot threw a tackle at me and I jumped into the air, using his head as leverage to jump even higher. He snarled and threw his bat at me.

"Sheesh, They really send someone that doesn't have a single battle strategy to battle a reincarnator, It's as if the people in this world do not value what I think about them," I muttered while grabbing the bat and throwing it back at him with my super strength.


The weapon broke the sound barrier and hit him right in the stomach. He coughed up blood as he was sent rolling with the bat still in his hand.

"I think that's the end of that for now," I said and landed on the ground, "The Hero association still has a lot to learn if they think that these S class heroes can even come close to hurting me, in fact, I'm the one that's forced to hold back on my power in every battle,"

Sheesh, When did I get so strong?

While I was cringing, I failed to notice that Metal Bat was running at me with the bat in his hands. He raised the bat high into the air and brought it down only to realize that I used a finger to block it.

"Damn, Do not disturb the MC while he's monologuing," I said while focusing a fraction of my power into my fist and punched him in the face, giving him an uppercut.

He flew into the air and dropped his bat while blood kept on streaming from his mouth, He soon landed on the ground and created a crater, His bat rolled into the crater.

"That was surprising," I said while picking up my shirt from the tree branch that I hung it in, "If I don't get home in 5 minutes, Anna is seriously going to skin me alive,"