
One Punch Man - Master of All Arts.

A cultivator who was betrayed has now appeared in the One Punch Man universe, what will he do in this unknown world? He will battle and have fun while drinking wine on the side.

Atarired · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Chapter 3: Sparring. (edited)

Chapter 3: Sparring

After Shigeo became my disciple, three years have passed since then. Life has been peaceful except for occasionally monsters finding a way to our home.

Sadly Shigeo only broke the bottleneck of Qi Gathering and was about to make it into the Foundation realm.

Far within the forest, Shigeo lungs burned past it's limits, A feeling of pain sharing on his whole body. legs, arms, abdomen and his head screaming at him to take a break.

A luxury he cannot permit "S-sensei.. *huff* It's been a while s-since I-"

*Smack* I smack his head with the hilt of my Katana "Try harder or you will do this until tomorrow"

Shigeo wheezed with his blood shot eyes, doing a horse stance with many rocks all over his body, the goal of this training is to keep the balance. It might seem easy by how it looks but it's nowhere near that.

For three years, Shigeo suffered from the hands of his Master. Shigeo wouldn't lie that there is a part of him that regretted being his disciple, but without anything to lose in life, he will tread a road of hell just to be strong.

Reminiscing from the beginning, he can't even believe that he survived this hellish training his master stored for him, Climbing the tallest tree thrice per day, performing martial stances, cultivation. And spar with his master.

'His talent is awful, many cultivators can easily get into the gold core realm in three years and the martial arts he is learning are just soldier level.' I thought while watching him finish the training by dropping onto the floor tired.

The level of Ranked items are Commoner, Soldier, Noble, Grand noble, Master, Grandmaster, Half Emperor, Emperor, True Emperor, Half Immortal, Immortal.

"Hmm.. That's done" I said to Shigeo. Even if the kid's talent is awful I favored the boy's fighting spirit, With his improving tenacity and mental mood.

"Let's rest up before sparring practice."

Hearing those words, Shigeo fell asleep.

_____1 Hour Later at a clear area without trees or rocks.___{Note: This attack is Like Genos fight so imagine it like that}

Shigeo inhaled deeply, leaping up, he slashed down, trying to cut his master with a Katana I gave to him.

Two hands relaxed behind my back I stepped to the side with synchronized timing completely dodging his slash, Smiling at his audacity "Yes! Fight against your weakness!" I grinned as he turned left trying to slash my neck. I kept avoiding Shigeo's attempts at slashing me, I even had my guard down and he could not slash me, although that is mostly due to my higher realm and personal experience which he needs dearly.

"Use your Qi to strengthen your body since you cannot use it to attack" I commanded him. You need to be at least at the Soul wandering stage to actually send range Qi attacks, because of the lower realms their Qi is not that strong and they have not perfectly controlled it yet so most input Qi into their weapon or body to make it stronger.

He listened to me and started spreading his Qi throughout his body making him glow a translucent green, only cultivators could see the green aura surrounding his body since they can sense Qi.

He charged at me doing a wide slash sideways which I dodge by leaning back and putting Qi under my feet making me stick to the ground.

The blade slashed above my face barely missing my nose. I took this chance to let one leg not stick anymore and I kicked straight up hitting him right in the chin sending him back on the green short grass.

"Get up! Let's continue!." I said leaning back up and standing straight as a Katanaaaa.

He struggled getting up before getting into a stance where he had his Katanaaaa in front of him instead of the usual charging stance.

"I see…. You want me to attack you"

After saying that I jumped high into the air and kept spinning while having one leg straight out intending to kick him in the head. He saw this and channeled his QI into both arms hoping to defend against the attack.

I felt the wind around me while spinning before I made it near Shigeo and slammed my right foot down aiming for his head.

He held the Katanaaaa with two hands and did a huge slash from over his head hitting my foot straight on causing a wave of Qi to come out of the clash.

*BOOM* The grass around us got cut and the land cracked under Shigeo, he was struggling hard while being pressured making him start to lower his body.

"Don't fall! Block my attack or be crushed!" I said and he exerted force and started pushing my foot back which was still exerting power.

*Crack!* The land under us cracked even more from the pressure I was exerting and finally he yelled.

"{Focus Art! Qi Explosion}" The tip of his Katana grew green before exploding, sending both of us flying, although I easily stabilized myself.

He was slammed back a couple of meters sliding across the ground.

I did not let himself get stabilized before running across the land towards him. I jumped up again flying through the air but not as high and I was not spinning.

I sent a double kick at him which he barely dodged by ducking, making me fly past him. I used Qi to boost me back towards his way, I flipped making me go upside down while I lifted my right foot once again aiming for his head.

He turned around and hurriedly deflected my attack by hitting the slide of my foot.

"Come on! I have just been playing around this whole time! And you're struggling, if it had been even a stronger opponent you would be dead!." I said upside down before using my Qi to rotate me midair putting me upright in the air.

I sent a barrage of twisting kicking attacks while using Qi to keep me afloat. He kept deflecting every single one because he could not dodge any attack I sent out because of the speed of them.

'Why are your legs so hard!" He said slashing another one of my kicks, sending it back.

I smiled before inputting a small bit of Qi into my left leg.

"Defend this!" I yelled before sending a left kick to his side.

He blocked his swide with his Katanaaaa and my power sent him streaking across the ground making his feet dig into the dirt.

Twisting around midair, I landed on the ground.

Shigeo was half deep into the dirt with a destroyed streak of ground following him.

He climbed out of it with sweat all over his face and his white training clothes were soaked.

I was jumping around on each foot while moving, getting my legs ready.

"Ready for round two!?" I asked with a heartwarming smile.

In Shigeo's eyes, I was a demon who was smiling viscously.

We kept fighting for two more hours with Shigeo being smashed into the dirt many times.

We stopped around 6pm since it was getting dark.

"Hey Shigeo, let's stop here, you need rest for tomorrow and I need to go somewhere." Right when I said let's stop here, he was already walking into the cave ignoring the rest of my sentence.

"Damn brat, I'll smack you next time we fight." I grumbled before looking around.

The forest was still big but the area around the cave was more like a very small village with wooden stakes made into barricades.

There were a number of things we built: a cooker, skinner, wood chopping station, and some drying racks for clothes.

We also learned how to make clothes out of hide and skin, it was easy thanks to my master ability which works in this world.

Our training place is in an open area I made, around 20 meters in length and has a number of other training gear.

While looking around I frowned. The last three years were new, this place was new to me but also not new since it was very much like earth, although I never lived in a forest on earth. Still my power level is making me worry.

My power is still very weak. When I was injured I was about to become an Immortal which is the fourth highest stage of cultivation. Now I only had enough power to kill a Nilihilty realm cultivator, although I have improved a lot from my injury, I would still be destroyed by a Ascended realm cultivator or even half Nilihilty realm cultivator.{Note: Half Nilihilty means half step away from Ascended, same with Half Ascended which is a step away from Immortal.}

I sighed, it was sad to not be able to kill anyone in a realm below you, even if they were only half way, I could still easily kill them since the difference in pure Qi is huge. The main reason I was so weak was because my Qi core can't hold as much Qi as it could before which means in any even battle I would lose and even a battle which I am a little bit superior I would still lose.

'Well, it's better than having my core destroyed.' I thought to myself as I looked at the sky. It was a beautiful night sky, the moon was out and the stars were twinkling. 'Should I check out the city?' I squatted and prepared to jump as I input Qi into my legs.

'Although, I could do this easily with my current body strength, it is easier to use Qi since it makes things easier.' I thought before jumping.

The ground crack as a loud boom echoed throughout the air. This sound woke up Shigeo who was trying to sleep.

A grumbling Shigeo walked out of the cave in anger. He kept looking around in rage before seeing a note falling from the sky.

Shigeo grabbed it and read the note {Yo, sorry for waking your ass up, Imma go to the city and bring some beer and ladiessss.} the note says with an annoying smiley face in the top corner.

A tick mark appeared on Shigeo's head as he looked at the sky 'Seriously, this master of mine..' he thought while walking back to the cave with him stomping the ground with every step.

_______Flying in the air_________

After jumping through the air, I tossed a note to Shigeo who I knew would wake up from that.

"Hehe, damm brat, that was payback for ignoring me earlier." I said to myself while flying through the air.

Using Qi to stay afloat is easy. All you have to do is boost yourself at little speed or even the tiniest of boost and it keeps you in the air. Once you perfect flying then you could stay standing in the air without moving.

Most use items to stay afloat since you waste Qi while flying but I don't mind losing a little bit and even if I meet a equal or more powerful opponent, the little loss of Qi would not affect the fight, since even if I use the most powerful techniques or tactics, as long as they have more Qi or more powerful Qi then your pretty much dead. I learned from experience when fighting my master.

Flying through the air looking for any signs of life and I kept flying through the air before seeing something not too far from where I was.

'Hmm, is that a city?' I thought standing midair. I spread my Qi around me to observe my surroundings before looking down.

"This should be a good spot incase I have to run." I said before doing a weird sign with both of my hands touching each other.

"{Escape Teleportation Array}" A array which allows you to teleport to the place where the array is at from anywhere.

Having mastery of all is great when it comes to learning and even moving since everything you do becomes perfect, haggling, cooking, walking and even breathing becomes perfect.

So when it comes to arrays, I have perfect mastery over a number of them.

Making sure my QI is embedded into the array I start flying towards the city.

As I fly through the city, I cover myself with Qi making the illusion of me wearing modern clothes and also hiding my weapons.

'Better make sure I fit in, although my hair and my eyes do not fit the perfect modern image I like my hair and my eyes..' My hair was dyed and not from old age, I look around 25 and I am still young considering cultivators age. I just liked white slicked back hair and having greenish brown eyes.{Note: His hair is not white like old people white, it is the cover picture white.}

As I arrived there I slowly descended to one of the buildings to have a better view of the surroundings. I looked around to see many market's open and not many people. I decided to just jump off where no one could see me.

I slowly landed myself in the alley and was careful to not make any sounds and right before I walked out of it I heard screaming.

I turned around to see a mother and child being held at gunpoint by a creepy man with a ugly face.

'Ain't this too cliche, although I sensed them earlier I did not think they were being held at gunpoint and led into an alley. Where is the police? Unless he threatened her by holding the boy hostage secretly and acted like a dad on the sidewalks.' Maybe I was overthinking it but why else would the police not be there unless this world's sense of justice is morphed.

I turned around and started walking forward making the man see me.

"STOP! Or else I will shoot this child, and while you are at it give me your money by dropping it on the ground and leaving it, also do not step forward anymore." After seeing me he said that and then pointed the gun at the woman's abdomen making sure the woman stood still before grabbing the child and pointed the child towards me while holding him in a chokehold and with a gun to the side of his head.

I stopped moving and looked at him coldly, I had a perfect build with a lean but broad body. I looked like an athlete and bodybuilder mix. I stood around 6'3 and my muscles bulged through the suit for the robber, so of course he would take countermeasures since if I got into a physical fight he would most likely lose.{Note:It's the illusion making the suit seem tight on him.}

"Hmmm, it seems I would have to kill you seeing your karma" I said looking at him with {Karma Eye} his karma was pure evil he either has caused people suffering or killed many people. This kind of karma was mostly seen at Demonic Sect.

I kill when I need to.. Killing people is quite annoying because of their blood spewing everywhere. And I hate this kind of annoying person since all they cause is problems. I'm not a knight in shining armor but I have had a lot of encounters with evil people and most of them just cause problems, I even kill some people which would affect me before they cause trouble, I also teamed up with good and bad cultivator so in all has long as it gives me benefits and don't cause me trouble I would join up.

'Even so I never killed a civilian, cultivators the moment they start cultivating are prepared to die so I don't mind killing them except for the few who don't kill no matter what' I like to stay humble and always think of what would not cause me trouble in the future since that world is a kill or be killed world, but this one might be different since from what I see the world is at least kept at peace.

"What are you fucking talking about!?" He said loudly causing spit to go everywhere from his mouth. "Are you fucking mental! Just drop the fucking money and leave!" Hearing his shouting I was surprised that no one had heard him or called the police unless this was common and people decided not to care about other people's lives.

"P-Please save my son!" The women shouted.

"Sure" I said with a smile, surprising the man and women.

"Wh-" The man was about to scream before slicing the air at high speed with my hand like a sword cutting straight down.

The man looked at me like I was stupid before the gun he was holding got cut into two pieces.

He was shocked before dropping the gun and hurriedly was going to grab something in his pocket but he forgot about the kid he let go of and the kid turned around and kicked the man in the balls making the man scream in pain before falling over.

The kid was only around 8 but he was tall and had pure black hair and had tan skin.

'He got balls' I thought seeing the kid kicking him and then he ran to his mom who was in tears.

"Thank you so much!" The woman said while hugging her child and crying.

"No problem, you can leave now unless he took something? I can get it back but if not then leave I can handle him." The woman shook her head and I approached the kid after seeing her shake it "Hey kid, nice job! If we ever meet again, just know my name..." I patted the boy head. "Vanir" I said and the boy smiled with eyes full of admiration and respect.

"Thank you so much mister, be careful!" The boy said waving before being taken away by his mom.

I turn around to see the robber cradling his balls. Looking back, that kid looked familiar to me.

'Probably a coincidence'

I thought as I walked to the man before crouching down and tapping him on the shoulder.

"Goodbye robber. {Qi Overload}" My Qi went through my hand and went inside the robber's body spreading throughout his Qi veins and his Qi core overloading them with my Qi.

Everyone has Qi veins and core but when they are super weak, you can send Qi through their body without resistance making it where you can control them, kill them, or break them from the inside.(Super weak like C class and below type of weak.)

'Monsters are different since their whole body is made of Qi which empowers Them but they get stronger by different means so You can't overload a weak monster with your Qi. I have captured a monster before and checked their body and they are not made of Qi which is surprising but they are still so powerful and sometimes one can have Qi inside them while others don't, I gave up on testing since it won't help me in any means and from what I found out researching on them is pointless since the difference in this worlds way of power.'

After my internal monologue, the robber glowed before his body bloated like a balloon before popping causing blood to go everywhere.

I stood up with blood all over my suit and walls, I raised my hand and all the blood floated through the air making a ball of blood, I clenched my fist and the blood ball started turning inwards becoming smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

I smiled before walking out of the alley hoping to finally explore this city.