
One Piece World-Only I Know The PLOT!

Rifan, chosen as a 'Reincarnator' of the Earth by the Copy Space, sets off on an adventure toward becoming stronger in a world about which only he knows the plot. Advanced Chapters on my (P)(a)(t)(r)(e)(o)(n).com/LazySeeker. Ongoing Project(s): One Piece Golden List __Latest chapter 1000 Danmachi: 100+ chapters Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner...

Novelette_Seeker · アニメ·コミックス
517 Chs

Chapter 443: Kalifa's Interest In Cammy!

"I said Cammy, are you serious?"

Rifan couldn't help asking.

"Yeah!" Cammy nodded slightly, and said:

"Without you, this body is already dead.

"Therefore, it doesn't matter if I dedicate it to you."

Rifan raised his eyebrows, he didn't think what Cammy said was true.

After all, Cammy still has a chance to be resurrected.

Even if she died in the battle with Ethan.

She can also be resurrected.

Although the location of the resurrection is random, it may directly send Cammy to a dangerous situation.

It's like the reincarnated person who was once killed by Rifan once.

That unlucky guy was teleported to the territory of the Big Mom pirates, and then was directly killed by Smoothie.

"However, sometimes I may not be by Rifan's side."

"So, Nojiko, it is indeed necessary for you to copy my data."

Cammy said.

"Hehe, since that's the case, I won't be polite~"

As Nojiko said, she raised her right hand and used the power of Clone-Clone Fruit to record Cammy's data.

And at the request of Cammy, she changed into Cammy's appearance.

Cammy looked at Nojiko's face and body that were exactly the same as her own, and was quite surprised in her heart.

Of course, in Rifan's view, there are still many differences between Cammy and the Cammy that Nojiko turned into.

Cammy is unsmiling, but Nojiko loves to smile even if she becomes like Cammy.

With a smile, Rifan was able to tell the difference between the two.

"Cammy, you said you could give yourself."

"This should not only be because I saved you."

"You should have other ideas."

Rifan asked.

Cammy nodded and opened her mouth to speak.

But when she saw Kalifa and Nojiko beside her, she closed her mouth again.

"It seems that the two of us disturbed Captain Rifan, you chatted with Miss Cammy."

"Kalifa and I will leave for now."

Nojiko is smart, she naturally saw Cammy's thoughts.

She smiled, and after thinking that Rifan would often use the growth ointment and special ointment for new crew members on the Black Pearl, she walked up to Cammy and whispered a few words.

And after seeing that Cammy remained calm after hearing a series of content such as ointment, refrigerator, and drinks, Nojiko couldn't help sighing

"Then, Kalifa and I will leave first."

"Captain Rifan, Zephyr outside asked if he could watch how you train Hina."

"How do I answer him?"

Noki asked.

"Well... If it's him, it's not impossible to let him see it a little bit."

Rifan nodded and said.

If it was another Marine, Rifan might not agree.

But for this potential partner, Rifan doesn't mind laying the groundwork for him to join him.

"Understood, I'll answer it now."

Nojiko nodded, and planned to take Kalifa away...

But at this moment, Kalifa suddenly took out a Devil Fruit from behind and handed it to Rifan.

"Kalifa, what do you mean?"

Rifan asked puzzledly.

"Captain Rifan, if Miss Cammy intends to become one of us."

"You can give this Devil Fruit to her."

After Kalifa finished speaking, Cammy immediately looked at Kalifa, and then at the Devil Fruit in her hand.

Even Nojiko's words did not change Cammy's expression, but this time, facing Kalifa's sudden words, she showed a surprised expression for the first time.

Obviously, Kalifa's decision took her quite by surprise.

Of course, the same is true for Rifan.

"This is the Zoan Devil Fruit I gave you earlier.

"Why did you think of taking it out suddenly?"

Rifan asked.

"Captain Rifan, you said it before, if I meet someone who can use the dog dog devil fruit wolf form."

"I can give this devil fruit to her or him."

"Coincidentally, I think Miss Cammy might be very suitable for this Devil Fruit."

"So, if she is willing to be one of us."

"I won't keep this Devil Fruit any longer."

"Instead of staying in my hands, it is better to let it play its due role."

"If it can increase the combat power of the Black Pearl Pirates, that would be a very good thing."

Kalifa spoke up.