
14 Year old

In the safety of the library, Pudding sought solace in Venom's embrace, her tears staining his shoulder as she whispered apologies. "Sorry, brother, I always put you in trouble," she lamented, her voice heavy with guilt.

Venom gently wiped away her tears, his words soft and reassuring. "Don't cry, Pudding. Your eyes are truly beautiful, like precious gems," he said, his gaze fixed upon her left eye.

Pudding's tears halted, replaced by a hesitant smile at Venom's unexpected compliment. "Really, brother?" she asked, her voice tinged with hope.

Venom nodded firmly. "Yes, those bastards are just jealous of you," he affirmed, his tone laced with conviction.

Pudding's smile widened, the warmth of Venom's words melting away her sorrow. "Okay, brother," she said, her voice filled with newfound resolve.

But beneath the facade of comfort and reassurance, Venom's thoughts simmered with resentment. "Motherfucker, I will make you pay the price," he vowed silently, his eyes gleaming with a steely resolve.

As the days passed, Venom and Pudding maintained their distance from Daifuku, their interactions limited to the sanctuary of their shared space. Together, they honed their newfound abilities, delving deeper into the depths of their devil fruits' powers with each passing moment.

Between training sessions, they found solace in simple pleasures—sharing meals, engaging in playful banter, and basking in the comfort of each other's company. Venom, ever the protective older brother, took it upon himself to teach Pudding various games from his childhood on Earth, immersing her in a world of laughter and nostalgia.

As the years rolled by, Venom reached the age of fourteen, while Pudding trailed closely behind at thirteen. Amidst the hustle and bustle of their family's dynamics, a competition emerged—a contest to determine the favorite sister among the Charlotte siblings.

With much fanfare, Charlotte Flampe emerged victorious, her victory celebrated with resounding cheers. However, in the shadows of her triumph, a stark disparity unfolded. Pudding found herself entangled in a tie with Brûlée, both sisters receiving only a single vote each.

Flampe, reveling in her triumph, couldn't resist the opportunity to mock Pudding's misfortune. "Haha! You loser, with your ugly eyes, only managed to get one vote!" she jeered, her laughter ringing out through the hall.

In a fit of cruelty, Flampe spat at Pudding, the venomous insult aimed directly at her. But Pudding, fueled by a surge of defiance, deftly dodged the attack. With a swift motion, she retaliated, delivering a stinging slap across Flampe's face. "Shut up, you bitch!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with suppressed rage as she spat back at her tormentor.

Flampe's tears flowed freely, her facade of superiority crumbling in the face of Pudding's defiance. Enraged by her humiliation, several of the brothers leaped forward, intent on retribution against Pudding.

But before they could act, Venom materialized before them, a formidable presence that halted them in their tracks. No longer the weakling of a decade ago, Venom had honed his devil fruit powers to their zenith. With the added mastery of armament and observation haki, he stood as a formidable force within the Charlotte family—a figure not to be trifled with.

In that moment, as the tension hung thick in the air, Venom's very presence served as a stark reminder to all who dared challenge him and his sister.

With unwavering resolve, Venom pressed his foot against Flampe's fallen form, a silent warning of the consequences for her actions. "Mind your words next time," he asserted, his voice carrying a chilling undertone. "Because next time, you won't even see how quickly you'll meet your end."

Leaving Flampe to stew in her humiliation, Venom turned away, his gaze locking onto Pudding as they made their way to Big Mom's chambers. Upon reaching their mother's presence, Venom made their intentions clear. "Mom, Pudding and I want to experience the sea," he declared.

Big Mom, assured of their safety with the presence of homies and the knowledge of their life cards, readily agreed. "Very well, go and experience the sea. Take some homies and a ship with you," she consented, her confidence in her children's abilities evident.

With Big Mom's blessing, Venom and Pudding embarked on their journey, accompanied by homies and provisions for their voyage. As they boarded the ship and set sail from the island, Katakuri's voice reached them from the shore. "Take care, you two. And Venom, protect your sister," he called out, his concern evident.

Venom nodded in acknowledgment, his determination unwavering. "Fine, no need to tell me that," he responded, his voice resolute. With one final glance back at their homeland, Venom and Pudding set their sights on the horizon, ready to embrace the adventures that awaited them beyond the confines of Totland.