
Entering the fish man island

Guys today we are celebrating the birthday of Monkey D Luffy.

Apart from the best anime protagonist, he is my favourite anime character.

So happy birthday to Luffy.

And my gift to him and you guys is, this extra chapter today !

Remember to wish him.


Entering the fish man island

Seeing in the darkness was hard. But due to Robin's observation haki, she was able to keep track of Sanji, Zoro and Luffy while she defended the ship from occasional attacks made by the kraken. Although the sea water was weakening her, she has trained with the sea stone bracelet to work on her stamina and the feeling of weakness due to the sea stone, during her time with revolutionary army.

Everyone else were shocked seeing Robin's power.

While everyone was marvelling at Robin's power up, her own focus was on Luffy and the others.

Luffy went into Gear 3 and used armament Haki, hardening his arm. But, because of his use in the ocean, he was feeling the same problem as Robin. The Kraken tried to grab him, but Sanji dashed through the water using Blue Walk, outside his bubble. He then hit the Kraken with Diable Jambe: Bien Cuit: Grill Shot. Zoro went in next and used Santoryu Ogi: Rokudo no Tsuji, to cut off one of the Kraken's tentacles into six pieces. Luffy complained to the two that they were going to take off all its legs before hitting the Kraken with Gomu Gomu no Elephant Gun.

But before they could come back to the Sunny, they were all swept up in the current of the Downward Plume and pulled further down.

Robin was too late to warn the others as she couldn't sense the Downward Plume before they were swept away. Franky, with Nami's navigation, manages to keep the ship from crashing, but the Monster Trio ends up separated from the ship.


I found myself in a dark place. I didn't loose consciousness, but due to the speed of the Downward Plume and the darkness, I lost my sense of surroundings for a moment.

But the cold part of the sea was full of sea kings. As I tried to sense around us, I was terrified by the shear number of the sea King surrounding us.

"Franky, don't turn on the lights, we are being surrounded by at least fourteen sea kings, who can easily destroy our ship. And I doubt that I will be able to do anything in this situation. So lay low for now." I said to Franky seriously who was about to turn on the lights. I could already feel a crying Nami, chopper and Ussop hugging me tightly. They were crying as silently as possible.

"This must be "The Deep Sea," a part of the sea where light cannot reach, and no normal creature exists. It is also known as "The Underworld of the Sea". Remember reading about it during my time with the revolutionary army. There is a rumour that any ship that was unlucky enough to reached here, never returned."

I spooked them even more.

As they started shivering and hugged me even tighter.

"Robin, don't scare them !

Can you tell, where captain and the others are ?

We need to find them." Franky told me.

"Currently, I can't sense them.

Nami, you should help Franky to get out of here."

The ship started to move with the help of Nami and Franky with the help of his night vision. He steered the ship slowly but smoothly without disturbing any of the sea kings.

"It has become really hot, don't you think Ussop ?" Chopper asked Ussop.

"Yeah , now that you said it, it has become really hot !" Usopp agreed.

"Is that a cloud of smoke ?

The presence smoke under water, along with hydrothermal mineral deposits, could only indicate that we are in a deep-sea volcanic region ! Fuck ! We came from frying pan to burning hell !" Nami shouted.

Franky turned on the lights of the ship to get a better view.

"No shit ! If this errupts, then we will die in seconds !" Franky then steered the ship away from the volcanoes.

"Hey guys, look at that light in the distance ! I wonder if we have reached Fish-Man Island ?"

Chopper asked aloud.

"That's not, fishman island, that's a sea king !" I immidiately activated my devil fruit powers.

"Cien fleur !

Fish-Man Karate: Giganteum !"

I smaked the fish, which was trying to eat our ship, with a haki coated attack, and sent it flying.

"Robin ! You are a life saver !" Ussop cried out happily.

But I didn't take my guard down. I could sense a massive creature approaching us rapidly.

"Be careful ! Something huge is coming !" My warning came a little too late, as a sea giant, appeared infront of Sunny.

"How dare you pirates ! Hurting Ankoro like that ! Captain Vander Decken would be mad at me, if I let you go unscathed !"


I heard someone singing.

A ghostly ship approached from behind the giant.

"Impossible ! I thought that ship is only a legend ! The legendary Flying Dutchman !"

Brook identified the ship. "It is called "the ship that should not be." The story dates back hundreds of years. On a stormy day, a captain became deranged and started throwing his crew overboard, killing all of them. The captain's name was Vander Decken. He incurred the wrath of God and was doomed to an eternity of wandering the sea, forbidden to ever make port. That ship..... This is the flying Dutchman ! The very same ship—the cursed ship of Vander Decken !"

Brook said with awa. While Brook was busy informing us about the ship, Vander Decken came close to the sea giant.

"What the hell are you doing Wadatsumi ! Destroy that ship already. They managed to repale Ankoro. They must be dangerous !" The fishman on the deck of flying Dutchman oreded the giant.

Everyone started to panic. But I remained calm as I could already sense Luffy and the others coming towards us with the kraken.

As I expected, the Kraken showed up in the exact moment when the sea giant was about to grab sunny, and punched Wadatsumi. Everyone on the ship is surprised to see it again. The Kraken, named as Surume by Luffy, continues to beat up the giant.

"Surume ! Stop !" As Luffy ordered him to stop, it did. Everyone was relieved to see that Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji were safe. Luffy did not like it in the cramped bubble, so he sprawled out on the deck of the ship, happy for so much room. But just when we were reunited, a rumbling sound came from one of the volcanoes.

"Shit ! The volcano ! It is about to errupt !"

"Surume ! Take us away from here !" As Luffy ordered, Surume took the Sunny away from the volcano . When we got a good distance away, the volcano explodeed, sending out a shockwave. The Flying Dutchman, along with Wadatsumi and Ankoro, were blown away, though Surume was able to keep ahead as the magma began to run down the volcano. Surume jumped in a darker area, falling into the trench as the volcano erupts again, causing an avalanche that destroys the trench above us and sent rocks falling toward the Sunny. A stray boulder fell on Surume. But before it could reach the kraken, I deflected it with my devil fruit, knocking it out of the way.

As we slowly decended, the darkness continued around us, until we saw light.

From distance it looked really beautiful. Like a sparkling gem in a dark room.

"Is that what I think it is ?" Ussop asked aloud.

As we went closer towards the light, a smile appeared on everyone's face.

Our long-sought destination, Fish-Man Island is there. It was an island wrapped in a gigantic bubble, and looked really beautiful under the light.

"Alright guys let's go !"


Before the straw hats could go to the island, a voice called out to Surume, criticizing him for letting humans order him around. Surume became scared, left the Sunny, and ran away. The Sunny was surrounded by a gang of much larger Sea Kings.

The fishman riding one of the sea kings started to speak again. He said that he knows about the Straw Hat Pirates, the ones who crushed Arlong's ambition but also protected Hatchan and assaulted one of the World Nobles.

He then gave the crew two choices: join them or be sunk right there. The only choice the Straw Hats had is to run and charge straight toward Fish-Man Island with Coup de Burst. They made it in, but the coating of the Sunny wears off, and they all get separated after the ship falls into a current.



This fanfiction will get updated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Check out my other fanfictions

One piece Rebecca

One piece Snake Empress

Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Uzumaki Naruko

Naruto Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a useless girl

You can read advance 22 chapters of this fanfiction on my p@treon AnimefanfictionInd just for 5 $. And 10 advance chapters for 3$. Obviously I will increase the number of advanced chapters in the future.

You can also read the advance chapters of my other fanfictions in the tier FanFiction phase 1.
