
Chapter 4

• Reincarnation 2

{ White Void }

As soon as the option appeared in front of the elderly man, Ivar mentally selected a Race without hesitation, as he could already imagine countless possibilities if his guess was correct.

Suddenly, an overwhelming influx of basic knowledge about almost every species in this world rammed into his mindscape, causing him to grunt in pain and clutch his head tightly.



Normal Human:

The most common race in One Piece without any special traits, though individual strength may vary.

Long Leg Tribe:

They resemble humans but possess extremely long legs that account for most of their height. While some have great strength, others view this as a weakness.

Long Arm Tribe:

They resemble humans but have two joints in their arms, making them significantly longer. The Long Arm Tribe's natural enemies are the Long Leg Tribe.

Three-Eyed Human:

Almost identical to average humans but with an additional eye on their forehead. They possess a special trait that is extremely rare, though not every three-eyed human has it. Nearly extinct.

Large Human:

Massively large humans with great body proportions. To others, they often appear similar to giants.

Kumate Tribe:

Extremely similar to humans except for one trait: all Kumate tribespeople have silver hair and identical noses. They have extreme cannibalistic tendencies.

Kuja Tribe:

Physically identical to normal humans but with a natural affinity for one of the three major powers in One Piece. They are a warrior race, with some individuals displaying animalistic or unnatural body proportions.

Torino Tribe:

A race of short, round humans from South Blue. Despite their primitive lifestyle, they are highly advanced in medical research.

Snake Neck Tribe:

Humans who possess extremely long necks. They are generally slim and tend to decorate their necks with collars or tattoos.

World Nobles:

Descendants of the founders of the World Government. Physically ordinary humans, but they possess unparalleled political power.



Humanoid creatures that can breathe underwater and possess traits unique to their aquatic lineage. They are ten times stronger than humans from birth, and this strength is amplified underwater.


They have the upper bodies of humans but the lower bodies of fish. Merfolk are the fastest swimmers of any aquatic race and can communicate with fish. Female mermaids can split their tails into legs when on land, while male mermen retain their tails permanently.


Normal Giants:

Resemble humans but are massive in size, with the tallest humans barely reaching their knees. They possess tremendous strength that few other races can match.

Ancient Giants:

Far larger than normal giants, they have demonic features such as horns, sharp teeth, and unusual skin tones.

Yeti Tribe:

Twice as tall as normal giants, they are covered in thick white fur.

{ All giants have a life expectancy of more than 200 years. }

-Dangerous Beasts•

Sea Kings:

Massive, carnivorous monsters that inhabit the world's oceans. While they often have long, serpentine bodies, their appearances vary greatly. Choosing this race will result in a random form.

{ They are not mindless predators. }

-Sky Island Residents•


They resemble humans but have small wings on their backs. They possess advanced technology, such as Dials.


Similar to Skypians but more brutal and primitive. They have worshipped a giant snake for 800 years and rely heavily on Dials.


Nearly identical to Skypians but with larger wings and goat-like features.


Nearly extinct. They resemble humans but possess large black wings and have the unique ability of ignition.


Remarkably small humanoids with fluffy tails. They are highly skilled in plant life and possess innate strength that surpasses average humans. However, they are known to be extremely gullible.


Mechanically created beings originating from the Moon. They appear similar to flesh-and-blood humans.

{ Unknown traits. }

-Mink Tribe•

Humanoids with animal features, similar to Fish-Men or Merfolk. Each individual takes after a specific animal.

{ Their special ability, Sulong, allows them to become immensely powerful during the full moon. }

{ If you are not satisfied with one race, you may choose a hybrid species. However, certain combinations, such as Giants and Normal Humans, are not allowed. }

After processing this vast influx of information, Ivar shook his head, as though trying to shake off the temporary migraine. A smirk appeared on his face, excitement glinting in his eyes.

"So many races! This is interesting," he mused, greatly anticipating the new world he would soon enter.

"No humans! I've lived that life already—I have no interest in experiencing it again," Ivar thought firmly. Carefully, he began eliminating races:

• Giants: Slow growth and massive bodies make them easy targets.

• Sea Kings: No humanoid form.

• Automata: Unknown traits could be risky.

• Dwarves: Too small, and the gullible nature would be a liability.

• Normal Humans: Already ruled out.

He narrowed his options to Sky Island Residents, the Mink Tribe, and Fish-Men. However, he quickly dismissed Sky Island Residents, as they relied too much on technology, which he despised.

This left the Mink Tribe and Fish-Men. Excitedly, Ivar attempted to choose a hybrid of the two.

-Denied. Limited slot, unfortunately. Choose another.-

"Damn!" Ivar grunted, slamming his hand against his other palm. Frustrated but unwilling to waste more time, he opted for a hybrid of Large Human and Mink Tribe.

-Accepted. Which animal species do you want for the Mink Tribe?-

Ivar smiled in satisfaction. At least the hybrid option hadn't been fully claimed. He began pondering the animal aspect carefully:

• Lions? They had the right mindset for survival and battle but weren't the strongest.

• Gorillas? Too bulky.

• Cheetahs? Fast, but lacking in strength.

• Snakes? Not his style.

Suddenly, an image appeared in his mind, and his expression hardened with resolve.

"A tiger. Lions are considered kings of the jungle, but tigers are stronger. That's it," he thought.

Specifically, he chose a White Bengal Tiger, as he admired their beautiful white fur.

-You have completed the Race selection. Now choose your Location.-

Ivar scowled, anticipating the headache again—but this time, it was shorter and weaker.


The Blue Sea spans across the entire world, divided into five oceans by the Red Line and Calm Belts:

• North Blue

• South Blue

• West Blue

• East Blue

• Paradise: The first half of the Grand Line.

• The New World: The second half of the Grand Line.

Ivar processed this information with growing confusion. "Why let me choose a location as if I've been here before?" he wondered.

Ultimately, he didn't care—he chose the New World randomly, unaware of its dangers and chaos.

Unknown to him, he had chosen the most thrilling and perilous place in the world, where chaos reigns supreme.