
One Piece: The World's Most Dangerous Criminal

Thomas Bennet, a New York-based software engineer, lives in a world dictated by lines of code and looming deadlines. His only escape is the vibrant world of 'One Piece,' an anime series filled with grand adventures and epic battles. In a twist of fate, Tom finds himself waking up not in his cramped apartment but on an uncharted island in the heart of the Grand Line. With a new attire and a system-like power that allows him to level up and gain abilities, he realizes he's been transmigrated into his favorite anime. In 'The Code of the Grand Line,' Tom must navigate through the perils and wonders of a world teeming with dangerous creatures and unpredictable challenges. From a man of code, he must become a man of courage, surviving and growing stronger in a world where power determines survival.

Nay_Lin_4394 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Voyage Begins

The day finally arrived when Tom stood at the edge of the lagoon, his gaze fixed on the raft bobbing gently on the crystal-clear water. It was a humble vessel, cobbled together from logs and vines, but it represented freedom, adventure, and most importantly, progress.

With a deep breath, he pushed off the sandy bank, his makeshift raft floating into the open sea. A burst of adrenaline coursed through his veins as he paddled away from the island, leaving his training ground behind.

"Goodbye, Island," he murmured, casting a glance over his shoulder. "Time for the real deal."

As the island faded into a speck on the horizon, Tom felt an indescribable sense of exhilaration. He was no longer an earthling but a bona fide adventurer on the Grand Line.

His days on the raft were an education in survival. He fished for his meals, using his spear and raw skill to capture some of the most bizarre-looking fish he'd ever seen. Each successful catch led to a new culinary experiment, the system awarding him experience points and new recipes.

"I guess there's a first time for everything," he'd often chuckle to himself, roasting an odd-looking fish over an improvised fire.

Yet, the sea wasn't all tranquil. Storms broke out, testing his resilience. Powerful winds threatened to toss him overboard, while monstrous waves rocked his raft violently. But he held on, using the system's navigation tools to steer his raft, the interface flashing with crucial data and instructions.

"Ride the wave, Tom! Ride the wave!" He would shout above the roar of the storm, his grip firm on the make-shift steering oar.

Every storm weathered, every adversity overcome, added to his strength and experience. The more he battled, the stronger he became, his attributes improving with each challenge.

His nights were spent staring at the starry sky, the soft lap of waves against his raft the only sound breaking the silence. It was during these moments that Tom felt a connection to the characters he loved, feeling as though he was living their adventures.

He imagined Luffy, standing at the helm of Thousand Sunny, his straw hat blowing in the wind as he led his crew towards their next adventure. "If Luffy could sail the Grand Line, so can I," Tom would mutter under his breath, his grip tightening on the steering oar.

Days turned into weeks as he voyaged through the vast sea. The isolation, coupled with the constant battle for survival, could have broken a weaker spirit, but Tom persevered. He wasn't merely surviving; he was evolving, growing, and becoming stronger.

One fateful day, as Tom squinted at the horizon, a dark shape slowly came into focus. His heart pounded in his chest as he made out the towering cliffs and lush greenery.

"Land ho!" he yelled, a wide grin splitting his face.

As he neared the island, the system pinged again, the words flashing on the screen sending a shiver of excitement down his spine. "Mission Accomplished: Reach a new island - The adventure continues."

With renewed vigor, he paddled towards the island, its cliffs appearing more daunting, yet inviting, with every stroke. He was ready to step onto a new land, face new challenges, and write the next chapter of his adventure.

As his raft scraped against the sandy shore, Tom leaped onto the island, his hands running through the coarse sand. He looked around, taking in the thick jungle before him, and the unknown adventures it held.

"I wonder what this island has in store for me," he thought aloud, excitement fluttering in his chest.

With the endless expanse of the sea at his back, Tom stared at the uncharted island before him. A jungle of massive trees and twisting vines stretched towards the sky, an orchestra of strange animal calls echoing within its depths. The air was thick with the scent of moist earth and verdant foliage, a wild fragrance that sent a thrill down his spine.

"Well, here goes nothing," Tom murmured, stepping onto the soft sand.

System Status:

Tom Level: 3 HP: 100 Strength: 12 Agility: 10 Intelligence: 8 Luck: 5

As he ventured deeper into the jungle, the rustle of leaves and the crunch of twigs beneath his feet filled the silence. His senses were alert to every movement, every sound around him. He was a stranger in this land, a foreign presence in the dense wilderness.

Suddenly, a loud rustling from the bushes caught his attention. He spun around, his hand reaching for his spear. A large, lizard-like creature with sharp claws and fiery eyes leaped at him. With quick reflexes, he parried the attack, thrusting his spear towards the creature.

A fierce battle ensued, the quiet of the jungle replaced by the clash of spear and claws. With every dodge and parry, Tom could feel his adrenaline spike. His training on the uninhabited island was finally paying off. After several tense minutes, he managed to land a decisive blow, piercing the creature's thick hide.

As the creature collapsed, the system pinged.

"Mission Accomplished: Defeat your first island beast - Congratulations on your victory."

System Status:

Tom Level: 4 HP: 85 Strength: 14 (+2) Agility: 11 (+1) Intelligence: 9 (+1) Luck: 6 (+1)

"Huh, not bad," Tom muttered, panting heavily, a triumphant smile on his face. He looked down at his first conquered enemy in this new land, a sense of achievement washing over him.

His exploration of the island continued. He discovered a fresh-water spring, its clear, cold water quenching his thirst and rejuvenating his body.

"Mission Accomplished: Find a freshwater source - Survival on the island has become easier."

System Status:

Tom Level: 4 HP: 90 (+5) Strength: 14 Agility: 11 Intelligence: 10 (+1) Luck: 6

As days turned into weeks, Tom learned to navigate the island, marking trees and rocks to create a crude map in his mind. He battled more creatures, each encounter increasing his strength and skill.

His nights were spent under the canopy of the stars, a small fire crackling beside him. He'd sit by the fire, his eyes lost in the dancing flames, his thoughts wandering back to his favorite One Piece characters and their adventures.

He began to build a shelter from the materials he found in the jungle. His hands, guided by the system's instructions, worked tirelessly, constructing a sturdy shelter to protect him from the elements.

Upon completion, the system pinged again.

"Mission Accomplished: Build a Shelter - You now have a base on the island."

System Status:

Tom Level: 5 HP: 100 (+10) Strength: 16 (+2) Agility: 12 (+1) Intelligence: 11 (+1) Luck: 7 (+1)

"Feels like home already," he muttered, gazing at his creation, satisfaction lighting up his face.