
One Piece: The World's Most Dangerous Criminal

Thomas Bennet, a New York-based software engineer, lives in a world dictated by lines of code and looming deadlines. His only escape is the vibrant world of 'One Piece,' an anime series filled with grand adventures and epic battles. In a twist of fate, Tom finds himself waking up not in his cramped apartment but on an uncharted island in the heart of the Grand Line. With a new attire and a system-like power that allows him to level up and gain abilities, he realizes he's been transmigrated into his favorite anime. In 'The Code of the Grand Line,' Tom must navigate through the perils and wonders of a world teeming with dangerous creatures and unpredictable challenges. From a man of code, he must become a man of courage, surviving and growing stronger in a world where power determines survival.

Nay_Lin_4394 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Stranded in the Grand Line

It was another ordinary day in the world of Thomas Bennet, a diligent software engineer tirelessly churning lines of code in the bustling city of New York. Trapped in a cycle of keyboards and coffee, he yearned for the thrill of adventure, a break from the grayscale routine. A lifeline to a vibrant world came in the form of 'One Piece', the beloved anime series that had captured his heart since his childhood.

As dusk settled over the city skyline, Tom retreated into the comfortable confines of his apartment, his sanctuary away from lines of code and deadlines. Scattered across the room were remnants of his enduring passion – posters, figurines, even his laptop's wallpaper, all dedicated to the grandeur of One Piece. As the opening theme echoed through the room, a smile spread across his face. He was ready to embark on his nightly adventure.

As the night wore on, Tom's eyes grew heavy, and he drifted into slumber, the vibrant colors of the Grand Line dancing in his dreams. Little did he know, reality was about to blur with the animated world he held dear.

Sunlight pierced through his eyelids, drawing him out of his dream. Tom groaned, expecting the familiar view of his apartment ceiling. Instead, a clear blue sky stretched out overhead, interrupted only by the swaying of palm fronds. His back rested not on a soft couch but gritty, warm sand. As he sat up, a vast ocean unfolded before his eyes. Confusion clouded his mind – this wasn't his apartment.

Rising, he took in his surroundings, the smell of the sea mingling with the scent of lush vegetation. Behind him, a dense jungle hummed with life. And then he looked down. Instead of his usual pyjamas, he wore a billowing white shirt, a maroon sash around his waist, black breeches, and a rugged pair of boots. Tom was no longer in his New York apartment. He was standing in the world of One Piece.

A strange sound resonated through the quiet of the island, similar to a video game notification. A holographic screen materialized before him, welcoming him to the 'Grand Line System' and displaying his current stats:

Name: Tom Bennet

Level: 1

Health: 100/100

Strength: 5

Speed: 5

Intelligence: 5

Abilities: None

Bewilderment gave way to excitement as he read the screen. Not only was he in his favorite anime, but he was also part of a leveling system similar to a video game. A small icon blinked on the corner of the screen labeled 'Tutorial'. Cautiously, he tapped it, and the screen changed to reveal the words, "As a player, you will level up and gain abilities through experiences, battles, and achievements in the world of One Piece."

A roar echoed from the depths of the jungle, jolting him out of his thoughts. His heartbeat quickened as a massive creature emerged from the undergrowth. Its muscular body was coated with flaming red fur, and its fierce eyes were locked onto Tom.

His software engineer life hadn't prepared him for a face-off with a monstrous beast. But here, in the Grand Line, there was no option for retreat. His survival instincts kicked in, and he grabbed a hefty branch lying nearby. He squared off against the beast, his pulse pounding in his ears.

The tiger lunged, its massive paws swiping at him. With a grunt, he dodged and retaliated, swinging the branch. It collided with the tiger, stunning it. Using this moment, Tom swung again, landing another blow and sending the beast retreating into the forest.

His heart pounded in his chest as he panted, processing the whirlwind encounter. Before he could catch his breath, the system pinged again, displaying his updated stats:

Name: Tom Bennet

Level: 2

Health: 70/100

Strength: 6

Speed: 6

Intelligence: 6

Abilities: None

He had leveled up. The city-dweller, now an adventurer, looked out over the vast ocean. He was alone in the heart of the Grand Line, facing a world teeming with dangerous creatures and boundless adventures. The reality of his situation was daunting, but the prospect of living his dream was exhilarating.

As the adrenaline rush subsided, the magnitude of his situation dawned upon him. He was stranded in a world where pirates reigned, the principle of survival of the fittest was the code of life, and he possessed the ability to grow stronger, like a character in a video game. He had no way of knowing how to return to his world, and the line between his reality and the world of One Piece had blurred. But he was not going to surrender to fear.

Staring at the horizon, the New Yorker made a solemn vow to face whatever this world threw at him. This was his grand adventure, a chance to carve his own path in a universe he admired. He would grow, learn, fight, and survive.

With the fiery beast's retreat, silence once again claimed the island. Tom found himself alone on the sandy shore, the remnants of his battle scattered around him. His breaths came in ragged gasps, the adrenaline slowly fading, replaced by a shaky sense of reality.

He ran a hand through his hair, feeling the sweat drip down his brow. "I...I just fought a monster," he muttered aloud, his voice sounding foreign in the desolate beach.

His words echoed into the distance, swallowed by the sound of crashing waves. In the heart of the Grand Line, Tom was alone with the echoes of his thoughts. It was terrifying and exhilarating, a blend of danger and potential that made his heart race.

As the remnants of adrenaline faded, he looked down at his hands, roughened and marred with fresh scrapes. The hands of a coder had become the hands of a fighter, a vivid testament to his shift between worlds.

"I can't believe it," he murmured, flexing his fingers. "I'm in One Piece, and I just leveled up!"

The system pinged, capturing his attention. With a quick glance, he saw his updated stats displayed on the screen. The increase in his numbers brought a grim smile to his face. He had become stronger.

As the reality of his situation started to settle, he looked around, his engineer's mind whirring into action. He needed to strategize, find a shelter, and figure out his next steps. Survival wasn't just about strength; it was also about intelligence. The system had highlighted that, displaying his intelligence status. As he strategized, Tom spoke out loud, the sound of his own voice giving him a semblance of comfort.

"Alright, Tom. You're stuck in the Grand Line," he started, pacing along the beach. "You've got no crew, no ship, but you've got this leveling system. First thing, we need shelter."

With a determined nod, he turned towards the lush forest, an untamed maze of towering trees and dense undergrowth. His first challenge in this new world was survival, and he was ready to face it head-on.

As he walked towards the jungle, a rustle of leaves caught his attention. His hand instinctively reached for a nearby rock, his body poised for an attack. But instead of another monstrous creature, a small, green lizard peeked out, its beady eyes full of curiosity.

"Hey there, little guy," Tom breathed out, a small laugh escaping his lips. "I guess you're my first friend in this world, huh?"

The creature merely cocked its head, eyeing Tom before disappearing into the undergrowth. Tom chuckled, shaking his head. "Even the lizards are cuter in One Piece."

Despite the surrealness of the situation, a sense of calm washed over Tom. He was in the world of his dreams, a part of the Grand Line's narrative. It was a challenging, dangerous journey, but it was also an adventure, a chance to break free from the chains of his monotonous life. In the heart of the Grand Line, amidst the danger and uncertainty, Tom found a spark of excitement.

The software engineer from New York was now a novice adventurer, ready to carve his own path in the world of One Piece. As the sun set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Tom stepped into the jungle, his heart brimming with determination. The Grand Line held countless adventures, and this was just the beginning of his story.

A soft ping echoed around him as he walked into the jungle, a new update from the system. With a smirk, he read the notification, "Congratulations on leveling up, Tom Bennet. Your adventure begins now."

"Bring it on," he whispered, his voice merging with the evening breeze. As the first day in the world of One Piece came to a close, the lines between reality and fantasy blurred further. The world of One Piece wasn't just on his screen anymore. It was his reality, his adventure, and his chance to leave a mark in his favorite universe.