
One Piece: The World's Most Dangerous Criminal

Thomas Bennet, a New York-based software engineer, lives in a world dictated by lines of code and looming deadlines. His only escape is the vibrant world of 'One Piece,' an anime series filled with grand adventures and epic battles. In a twist of fate, Tom finds himself waking up not in his cramped apartment but on an uncharted island in the heart of the Grand Line. With a new attire and a system-like power that allows him to level up and gain abilities, he realizes he's been transmigrated into his favorite anime. In 'The Code of the Grand Line,' Tom must navigate through the perils and wonders of a world teeming with dangerous creatures and unpredictable challenges. From a man of code, he must become a man of courage, surviving and growing stronger in a world where power determines survival.

Nay_Lin_4394 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

A New Dawn

As the first rays of the sun pierced the thick canopy of trees, Tom stirred from his makeshift shelter, fashioned from large leaves and branches. The rough texture of the bark against his back was a stark reminder of his new reality. The engineer was now an adventurer, the skyscrapers of New York replaced with towering tropical trees and his office desk exchanged for a sandy beach.

He unfolded himself from the shelter, muscles aching from his unaccustomed sleeping arrangement. His stomach grumbled, a clear sign that he needed to find food. But before he could address his hunger, another challenge demanded his attention.

"Guess it's time to figure out this system," he mumbled, stretching his stiff limbs. As he voiced his thoughts, the familiar holographic screen flickered into existence.

He navigated through the options, his eyes scanning the different tabs - Status, Inventory, Skills, Map, Missions. It was just like a video game interface, but with a more sophisticated design. He found himself intrigued, the game developer in him appreciating the complex system.

Under the 'Missions' tab, he found a list of tasks. Reading them aloud, he murmured, "Basic survival - Find food and water. Start a fire. Craft a weapon."

He nodded to himself. It was just like a survival game, except the stakes were higher. This wasn't a virtual reality. This was his reality.

As he started his mission for food, Tom began to speak to himself, sharing his thoughts aloud. The sound of his voice broke the stillness of the island, providing a comforting presence.

"I remember from the show that there were different kinds of fruits in the Grand Line," he pondered aloud, scanning the greenery around him. "Now, the question is, which one won't kill me?"

His attempts to find edible fruits and berries were rewarded after a while. He found a tree, its branches heavy with vibrant fruits that resembled oversized grapes. Cautiously, he picked one, rolling it in his hand.

"Here goes nothing," he said before taking a small bite. The fruit was sweet and juicy, a welcome relief to his parched throat and rumbling stomach.

As he enjoyed the fruit, the system pinged again. Tom looked at the screen to see his health replenishing, the system adding a note, "Discovered a new food source. +10 EXP."

"Nice," he grinned, picking more fruits. "One mission down, two to go."

The rest of the day was spent exploring the island, figuring out ways to survive. He found a freshwater stream, created a makeshift spear for protection, and even managed to start a fire, using rocks and dry leaves. With every accomplished task, he felt a sense of achievement and a noticeable improvement in his stats.

He spent his evenings strategizing, his eyes pouring over the 'Missions' tab. From being a software engineer, he was now planning quests, strategizing how to increase his strength, speed, and intelligence. He was not just a character in a game, but also its developer, figuring out the best way to navigate the complex system of survival and power.

As days turned into weeks, Tom could feel himself getting stronger. He was adapting, learning, and evolving. The system was his guide and companion, directing his actions and rewarding his accomplishments. Tom had embarked on a journey of transformation, honing his abilities and learning to survive in the challenging world of the Grand Line.

The island was a harsh teacher, but Tom was a determined student. Each day brought new challenges, but also fresh opportunities to grow stronger. From battling monsters to understanding the complex system, Tom immersed himself in the essence of the Grand Line.

His daily routine became a cycle of gathering food, exploring the island, and leveling up. His conversations were mostly with the system or his thoughts, reflecting on his journey. "Day 20 in the Grand Line. It's not New York, but it's growing on me," he mused one day, staring at the setting sun.

The solitude was challenging, but it also provided him time to reflect. He was living his dream, embarking on the grand adventure he always craved. He was a part of One Piece, a world that had captivated him for years.

As he slowly carved a life in the wild, the reality of his situation became clearer. He was alone in a world where danger lurked around every corner. But he was not just surviving. He was evolving, growing stronger with each passing day. The Grand Line was his home now, and Tom was ready to embrace his new reality.

For the next few days, Tom's routine continued. He woke up at dawn, trained with his makeshift spear, scavenged for food, and spent his evenings watching the sunset, his thoughts his only company.

The lack of human interaction was a harsh reality, but Tom adapted. His self-dialogues ranged from sharing his findings with an imaginary audience to reminiscing about his favorite One Piece arcs.

"Remember when Luffy fought against Doflamingo?" He'd grin, practicing his spear thrusts against an imaginary foe, "Man, if only I could figure out Haki as they did."

In these solitary moments, Tom found a strange sense of peace. He was isolated yet not lonely, cut off from civilization but connected to a world he loved. This paradox was his reality, and he embraced it, for it was an adventure unlike any he'd ever experienced.

One day, after an intense session of training, Tom decided to venture further into the island. His objective was to explore the island's interior, his senses keen for new discoveries. As he pushed through dense foliage, he found himself in a clearing. The sight that greeted him stole his breath.

A massive waterfall cascaded down a steep cliff, its thunderous roar filling the clearing. At the foot of the waterfall was a pristine lagoon, its crystal-clear water reflecting the azure sky.

He whistled, the sound of his voice swallowed by the waterfall's roar. "Not a bad place to set up camp, eh?"

With renewed vigor, he spent the next few days relocating his base, moving from the beach to the clearing. He constructed a more robust shelter, gathered fruits from the nearby trees, and hunted down the strange creatures of the island with his trusty spear. The waterfall became his training ground, his muscle and endurance building up with each passing day.

Every night, he'd sit by the lagoon, staring at the reflection of the stars in the clear water. He would think of his favorite characters, the epic battles they fought, and the dream of becoming a part of the grand narrative of One Piece. "I wonder how Luffy and his crew are doing right now," he'd whisper to the stars.

One evening, as he was engrossed in his thoughts, the system pinged, a new mission flashing on the screen. His eyes scanned the text, his heart skipping a beat.

"Mission: Craft a Raft - It's time to explore the sea."

The new mission brought a wave of excitement. The sea, the defining symbol of One Piece. It was time for his adventure to truly begin.

He stood up, his gaze sweeping across the lagoon to the roaring waterfall, and beyond it, the unseen sea. "Alright then, raft it is," he said aloud, the words echoing through the clearing.

The following days were spent in diligent labor, chopping down sturdy trees, binding logs together, and creating a sail from large leaves and vines. He stumbled, fumbled, but with each failed attempt, he learned and improved, his perseverance paying off.

The system was a constant guide, offering tips and skills as he leveled up. As he worked, Tom found himself lost in thoughts of the sea and the adventures it held. "I wonder what kind of islands I'll come across," he mused, fastening a vine around a log.

By the end of the week, a rudimentary raft was ready, bobbing gently on the edge of the lagoon. It was a simple structure, but for Tom, it was a symbol of progress, a testament to his determination. He was about to embark on the next phase of his adventure.

The system pinged again, a congratulatory message flashing across the screen. "Mission Accomplished: Craft a Raft - Your journey across the sea awaits."

With a wide grin, he looked at the raft, a sense of pride swelling in his chest. He was ready to leave the island, to embrace the vast sea and all its mysteries. As the sun dipped below the horizon, Tom sat on the edge of the lagoon, his eyes reflecting the glittering stars above.