
One Piece: The Devil's Garden

Sean Kos, a young sociopath in the present day United States, had gone off the deep end. His desire for bloodshed and violence made him a notorious criminal, who would actively seek out conflict with either the police or criminal organizations in broad daylight. Sean's death occurred soon after his 16th birthday, where he stormed a small military base and wound up in a massive firefight. Upon dying, Sean found himself in a strange place, a lush oasis of sorts. Within this mysterious place was an array of stone pedestals, each with a mysterious fruit atop them. Sean, having been a fan of the series while it could still curb his bloodlust, could identify them as devil fruits from One Piece.

Felderis · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

The Perfect Dark Dark Fruit

Sean walked up to one of the stone pedestals, completely ignoring the other devil fruits. The fruit before him looked like a twisted fusion of a pineapple and grapes, the dark dark fruit. There was, however, a difference between this one and the one consumed by Marshall D. Teach, with this one being completely black and radiating a shadowy fog.

Reaching for the fruit, Sean jumped just as his fingers touched the devil fruit. Before him was a window of text.

[Perfect Dark Dark Fruit]

***This devil fruit allows the user to generate and control darkness, as well as possessing power over gravity and the ability to devour other objects. The weaknesses of the imperfect variant are completely terminated, with any and all sensations of pain being nullified alongside the ability to freely transform into darkness. The user can still be harmed by haki and sea prism stone, but retains the ability to swim and is not weakened by water and sea prism stone. (P.S. Taste isn't terrible)***

'What the hell?' Sean thought to himself, curious about the display before his eyes.

Shrugging, he picked up the devil fruit and took a bite. Sean was surprised at the sensation in his mouth, as the taste was actually like a sour grape. Sean was also thankful for the improved taste, as devil fruits were notorious for slaughtering the taste buds of any who ate them. As he was feeling the changes to his body, another window appeared.

[Please select starting location]

[East Blue]

[West Blue]

[North Blue]

[South Blue]

Sean selected the West Blue without hesitation, as it was an area in a constant state of chaos, good for killing. As soon as he selected his choice, a wave of nausea swept over Sean as he fainted.

- - - -

Sean awoke to the feeling of a hand gently shaking his shoulder. Opening his eyes, Sean was greeted with the sight of a young woman in marine uniform. And from what he could tell, Sean guessed that he was on a marine ship.

"Are you alright? We found you floating on a piece of drift wood out in the sea."

"I-I'm fine," Sean said, pretending to be stressed. "J-just tell me where we are. Y-you can call me Kos, by the way."

"Alright kid, we're on our way to the Kanedo Marine Base, we will see what we can do for you there." A gruff looking middle aged man in an officer's coat said as he walked up to Kos and the Marine girl.

"Mind telling me how far out we are?" Sean, now using his last name, asked.

"Hmm... I'd say about two hours out." the ensign said.

"Good..." Kos said with an eerie smile.

Suddenly, before any of the marines on the caravel could react, Kos snatched the officer's pistol from its holster and shot the unfortunate ensign in the head.

[ + 10,000 soul shards]

Kos grinned as he spun around and kicked the marine who woke him up in the side of the head. Drawing the daze girl's saber, Kos did a pirouette, slashing her throat and shooting a bullet into the heart of an approaching marine.

[ + 10 soul shards]

[ + 15 soul shards]

Grinning in tune with the adrenaline pumping through his veins, Kos turned to face the shocked marines standing before him. Looking at the two dozen or so men and women drawing their blades, Kos dashed up to the ship's bow, slashing and shooting along the way. With several more marines killed, the remaining soldiers rushed towards Kos. Seeing that he would be surrounded if he continued as is, Kos dashed forward before dropping into a slide. Slamming into an unfortunate marine, Kos ran the man through, using his momentum to impale the man behind his target as well.

Now without a sword, the other marines beside him started to slash at Kos, who nimbly avoided their clumsy strikes. Snap kicking one man's chin, Kos somersaulted forward and twisted his neck. Picking up another saber, Kos threw his pistol overboard and snatched a second sword. Duel wielding a pair of bloody weapons, Kos was like a whirlwind of death to all the marines on the boat, with those below deck having long come up due to the commotion. After several more minutes of fighting, Kos was the only person left on the ship. Focusing for a moment, a window appeared before him.

[Soul Shards: 10,295]



[Devil Fruits]


Kos was interested by the options, but decided to check the recruitment tab for now.

[Recruitment (Tier 1)]

[Revenant: 10 soul shards]

[Revenant Crewman: 15 soul shards]

[Revenant Thug: 20 soul shards]

Curious, Kos purchased one of each. As he felt the soul shards leaving his body, black mist coalesced into three figures. The standard revenant appeared to be a relatively scrawny man dressed in boots, trousers, and a black scarf covering his mouth. At its side hung a simple saber, the only noteworthy thing being the black handle. As for the revenant crewman, it was similar to the previous apart from wearing a vest and having more muscle. The main change happened with the revenant thug, as it was rather burly, with defined muscles and a large axe over its shoulder. At the thug's side was a knife, likely in case the axe broke. Looking over his new subordinates, Kos purchased four more crewmen and 19 revenants, leaving him at a clean 10,000 soul shards.