
Chapter 123 : Join...

Law : You... Ate that Fruit!!!

Law saw both of them smile at him as they were right and disclosed their fruit to him, he did knew it.

Leon : You must have heard of this from Corazon right???

Leyla : Our mom was a former Marine and therefore we had learned about a few ups and down...

Leon : Including your past and more...

Law was speechless hearing a familiar name and about their mom as well...

It's true that when. Corazon searched with him about possible fruits that might save his life they had found three...

The Ope Ope No Mi, The Poison Poison No Mi and last but not least the Share Share No Mi which had rumos it connected two people for life...

However no matter how hard they searched in ruins or under stones, they couldn't find it not a trace of it...

It then hit him that since they ate it, they gained the ability to share their power which was displayed in front of him just now...

Meaning that both of them had eaten two fruits, one flame model and one ice model.

It seems that those two fruits compliment each other and when used together their power is unimaginable...

Just now he witness the negation of his room, if it works on all fruits like that...

The more his brain thought the more he came into a shocking realization...

What if he could negate that Man's fruit???

Law : Assuming I will join your little alliance what is there for me...???

Law : What is my merit???

Leon : Nothing...

Law : Huh???

Leon : An alliance is an alliance, when we are in trouble we help each other...

Leyla : No matter how serious the consequences are...

Leon : We help because there is merit in sticking together...

Leyla : We need your services as a doctor and you need out help dealing with him in the future...

Leon : We could for example block all the executives until you take the head...

Leyla : There are countless ways to go about it...

Leyla : Well?? What it's gonna be...

Law now was truly tempted and was close to take the bait, he knew that the only people he could beat from these bunch are...

Bonney, Nojiko for certain and then Deuce and Ace and that was if they didn't have a fruit to counter his abilities...

As for Kuina, Leyla and Leon his chances are way too small...

After five or so minutes, he finally decided while looking at them waiting patiently for his answer...

Law : Fine then... Today marks the start of our Alliance...

Seeing that he agreed both of them became Happy and smiled as they yelled for different reasons...

Leon yelled for checking the Quest which got completed and Leyla because she will now be able to court him...

/BEEP!!! Quest Completed!!! Make Law Join The Crew Either Permantely Or By Alliance!!! Rewards : 1 x The World Box!! / 20.000 Piece Points/

Now with these additions they had 2 x Sea Box and 6 x New World Box along with 105.000 Piece Points for them to spend through her...

As they were jumping around Leyla opened all the boxes they currently had as a celebration gift in hopes to get something good...

/BEEP!!! Opening 6x New World Box... Done... Obtained... Paramecia : Heat Heat No Mi, Paramecia : Clothes Clothes No Mi, Logia : Syrup Syrup No Mi, Zoan : Sparrow Sparrow No Mi, Zoan : Butterfly Butterfly No Mi, Zoan : Ape Ape No Mi/

/BEEP!!! Opening 2x Sea Box... Done... Obtained... Sea Stone Materials, Map, Scrap Metals, Blueprints/

Along with the fruits they gained, they also had the collection from before and with the one Leon got from that bastard...

Their collection grew by a total of 7 fruits...

Tuesday : Fairy - Bleach

Wednesday : Fairy - Bleach

I Owe Monday To Sunday (12-17/8/19) : Fairy (4) - Bleach (5) - One Piece (3)

STB : (0/10) - Dan Machi : (0/10) - DxD : (0/10)

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