
Chapter 10

Read ahead on patreòn.com/stormlighter


With the money I received from Viola, I started preparing for my trip to Alabasta, checking from my [map] function, I knew it was going to be a long trip, so I went ahead and bought essential survival items, by that I mean mainly buying a lot of booze, as you know, Alabasta is a dry ass country, and it's important to stay hydrated, it was definitely not because I was addicted to it.

With the remaining berry in hand, I went to a nearby shipwreck and ordered a small boat with a huge parasol on top off it, it would be done in three days, so for the rest of the time I was basically free.

"I wonder how Chinjao feels about his new head," I smiled, using my devil fruit to head to his location, trying to kill time.


When I reached Chinjao's room, I noticed the door was left open so I went inside, what awaited me was a beefy man crying as he looked at his reflection on the mirror.

"Yo, Chinjao, it seems you've taken a liking to your new pointy head," I said, greeting him.

"Mark," Chinjao said turning to face me, "yes, yes I have. I've missed this old head of mine. I'm truly grateful to you for returning back my lost glory," he smiled, a hint of relieve in his eyes.

"I did what I could," I chuckled at his almost opposite attitude towards me, besides I had a promise to keep.


3 days later, my boat was completed, and it looked exactly as I imagined it, a small boat that looked more like a raft with a huge parasol attached to it, to prevent the sun rays from reaching. I smiled looking at my sext creations, though looking closer, I realised my boat resembled a lot to the strongest swordsman.

"It'll be 10 000 berry, sir," the shipwreck said as he approached, asking me to pay up.

"You've done a fantastic job, here you go," I smiled looking at my boat, handing him a pouch of berry.

With that done, I jumped in my sexy boat, not forgetting to load the fuckton of booze I bought, occasionally sipping. With my [Map] function out, I steered towards Alabasta with the mission to retrieve a copy of a poneglyph, wondering the same time if the straw hats would've arrived by now. The timing seemed right, so they are probably already there.

The journey, from my calculations would take about a week, as long as the weather didn't decide to fuck me over, and pour down on me a storm, which thankfully didn't occur so far. With the free time I had, I pondered over my plans in Alabasta, specifically whether I should help the straw hats defeat the sandy guy or not. With my power right now, it should be but a breeze, but I don't how that would affect canon.

"Whatever happens, happens I guess," I sighed, drinking booze from a barrel nearby by me.

The journey was rather peaceful, the sky was shining blue as the birds flew under it, the sea waves created a good harmonic rhythm, all in all, it was a pleasant experience, more so with my sexy boat.

The one thing I was most happy about, was the boat the shipwreck made me, it made my travel extremely easy and comfortable, the thing even had a leather seat, "this the best boat ever," I chuckled, staring at the air."


Fuck the boat, why you ask? Well, I was on my journey to Alabasta, enjoying the beautiful scenery, when I decided to take a nap. That's when it all went wrong, it started with me feeling excessively cold to a part of my body being drench in water, that's when I startled awake, only to look at boat being halfway underwater, with all my booze lost in the sea.

I glared my surrounding and found the culprit, it was a shark sized water creature that looked a lot like a lion, it had fur and all. Needing not to be said, I killed the culprit easily with an [Ash Punch].

As for where I am right now, in the sky, flying my way to Alabasta. Thought to be honest, this sped up my journey by a lot.


It took me less than 2 days to arrive at Alabasta, the town I had arrived in was a popular one, having many buildings and citizens occupying it. The buildings seemed to be something you'd see in olden arabia.

I was pretty much drained of my stamina as I basically flew all the way over here, so I decided to head to a restaurant to grab a meal.

As I entered the nearest restaurant, feeling exhausted out of my mind, I heard something, from the voice, I could instantly recognise who it was.

"Luffy," I mumbled to myself, staring at Luffy who was seated next to Ace.