
The Decision

Everyone was quite no one talked for a while until one of them did.

Sean: I don't need to think much I want to join the marines, Abdul talked about them a bit I think they might good choice.

Victor: OK that can be arranged. Anyone else?

Ruchi: I'm coming with you no matter what I have been alone without you long enough, not any more.

James: Me too I want to join your team this seams fun and I think it will help me in a way.

Victor: If you both are sure than why not but to be part of this crew you will have to get stronger and it will not be easy just be ready for the hellish training. That's three what about the others.

Abdul: I want to join the straw hats anyway that can happen?

Victor: We will see what we can do, no guarantee though.

Abdul: OK no issues if not that I will be a bounty hunter.

The rest of the people just looked at Syed for guidance and seeing no option out of this he said.

Syed: rest of us will get off at Louge town and see what we can do from there on.

Victor: OK now everyone can go and rest in their rooms we will start preparing to set sail from here from tomorrow onwards.

After hearing that everyone got up from where they were sitting and left for their rooms except for Victor and Ruchi they just sat there with an awkward silence which made it hard to bear any longer. Looking at the messy table Ruchi asked.

Ruchi: Who will clean all this mess?

Victor: don't worry Shirou will be back in a while to clean it up he doesn't allow anyone inside the kitchen. He says it therapeutic for him and his domain.

Ruchi: Can we talk somewhere else private?

Victor: Of course let's go to our room.

Hearing the word "our" brought a light in Ruchi's eyes she was a bit scared what will they do now that they are finally together, she had seen the woman in this world they and her were worlds apart according to her they were world apart in beauty and in charm she was not sure of herself as she was before.

In the room sitting on the couch that was present they were talking.

Victor: ...So that's why I can't take everyone with me.

Ruchi: I didn't know that the situation was so complicated, thank god I'm not marked otherwise I don't know what I would have done with my life. So you said that I would have to be get stronger from now on how would we do that?

Victor: Don't worry about that our resident Baba will be teaching you in short you will be getting strong in a short amount of time but it will be painful.

Ruchi: Baba?

Victor: Means old lady in Japanese.

Ruchi: You have an old lady your crew?

Victor: Well kind of, in age she is older than anyone of us but due to a secret method she still looks young. And you don't have to worry about your body the more you eat the food of this world the more your body will change to the shape of the women you see around give it a month tops.

Ruchi: Oh really now you would love that wouldn't you.

Victor: Guilty as charged who wouldn't want their mate to be sexy as hell and caring as you. Anyways we should go to sleep now we have a lot of work to do.

Ruchi: Ya lets go to bed.

Saying that both of them got on the bed together and went to sleep in each other's arms.

At the same time on the other corner of the worlds a group of 5 people were sitting on a round table wearing hoods their faces could not be seen but power could be felt from where they were sitting none of them spoke for a while until the door opened an another hooded figure came into the room and sat on the last empty chair.

???1: As all the members are present we can start the meeting. ....... As you all might know from the recent reports 5 more seals were found in east blue a day ago. So how should we approach them.

???2: Do we have a exact location on them yet?

???1: No, but we will probably have by the next week because the seals are new we are having a hard time locating them.

???2: OK but we should make sure that we find them early don't want a good set of pawns falling in the hands of world government.

???3: On another news our plan in east blue was ruined I heard.

???4: Ya it was the sins again they are being a hassle for our plans for a while now why don't we just attack them and destroy them in one go.

???5: Don't underestimate them especially their captain "wrath" he is as strong as us its not as easy as it seems.

???4: Don't think everyone's as scared of him as you are.

???5: Well you should be he went toe to toe with a admiral and came out unscathed didn't he?

???4: Beginners luck!!! and we are way stronger than any admiral.

???6: May be but being causes won't hurt what about the item is it with them.

???1: Probably no but we should assume they have it.

???4: Wasn't that suppose to be a important part of our plan to move forward.

???2: Yes it was but as the things have being going wrong for a long time now I suggest we change our plans if we start anew now we still might finish it on time.

???3: I agree with you we should just come up with a new plan.

???1: All agreeing with the motion please raise your hand.

Everyone raises their hand without exception.

???1: So its decided you all have exactly one month time to tie all lose ends we will all meet for the next meeting to decide our future path. Now let us leave.

After saying that all of the people left the room one by one leaving the room empty.

In a bar some where in south blue two girls were sitting together and enjoying a drink and having a food conversation which was going like.

Girl1: I got a call from captain he told us to come to Louge town in a month it seams the work in east blue is finally finished we can go back to grand line now.

Girl2: Anything else?

Girls1: He also found a few people who came out of dimensional rift surprisingly they were his friends from his previous world.

Girl2: By any chance he's lover also arrived?

Girl1: As matter of fact she did but she also brought a massive problem with her.

Girl2: What problem a new boyfriend perhaps.

Girl1: Something worse 5 people with karma seals and the worst kind of it.

Girl2: so what's our next move?

Girl1: Leave them in Logue town. and let fate play its part.

Girl2: You know its annoying that we can't do anything about it.

Girl1: I know anyway what's situation on your side?

Girl2: Espada's agreed to the deal one of their numbers will come and meet with us in a few months. what happened in your side?

Girl1: Girl I never fail a mission they agreed the the Ghoul's and the Mages guild are send people to the meeting spot lets just hope nothing goes wrong this time around. Ya and strawberry called asking for help we are going their after the drop and he will come with us to the meeting.

Girl2: You know he doesn't like being called that only people who call him that are captain and you.

Girl1: Big deal! its not like he can do anything about it. Any news from hunter association?

Girl2: No they are still stubborn after Captain defeated the Nekoko guy......

Girl1: Netero, Iscca Netero

Girl2: Whatever after that they have been stubborn about the accept our help in anyway.

Girl1: Well they do take pride in their power system and their only saving grace is the natural isolation that their island gets otherwise it would spell disaster the way they live there is way to advance for the rest of the common world and the way the use haki is just absurd just imagine if that spreads through the world blood will be everywhere.

Girl2: Captain did say they were the only group of people in this world who retained their original power of their counter parts and even made it more powerful.

Girl1: Now you mentioned it it was captain who helped us get the powers our counterparts had and use them perfectly like them.

Girl2: Almost like them not all of us are as good as you and Ginta.

Girl1: That book sure is mysterious isn't it.

Girl2: It sure is.

Hey guys last chapter of the day

I'm going to change the release schedule from now on

from Tuesday to Saturday (1 chapter)

Sunday no chapters

Monday - Mass release (unknown number but more then 2)

Also I'm also releasing my second book

called Ben 10: Animeverse

If possible please check it out also

Enjoy and have a nice day

Nastu1412creators' thoughts