
Heart Of A Dragon - 4

Graydle was a huge spindly man with tanned skin, a scarred face and slicked back grey hair, and there was an arrogant smirk on his face as he held one huge meaty fist atop the head of a nude voluptuous brunette and forced her head to bounce up and down in his lap.

….The cunt knew he was in the base, he just didn't care.

He was too busy forcing this woman, that little girls mother to suck him off while Kaden was ripping his way through his subordinates.

"So who the hell are y-" Graydle began his voice smarmy and smug, but he never got to finish before Kaden's leg lashed out, a blade of wind generated by the sheer force of his kick and sent hurtling towards the mans upper torso.

It sliced into and through him a split moment later, but no blood appeared as his body glinted with a metallic sheen and the blade of wind went through him, slicing a huge gouge through the wall behind him and passing through.

The woman shrieked, jerking back from the Vice Admiral as he dissolved into pure liquid metal, before reforming again still sitting on the couch.

"What a rude little brat," Graydle narrowed his eyes at Kaden, "Can't you see I was busy enjoying myself?"

"You mean forcing yourself on this woman?" Kaden bit out, snarling in fury, "Not giving a shit while I slaughtered my way through your subordinates?"

"Should I have cared?" Graydle snorted, "About trash like that who can't even stop one stupid brat? They're easily replaced. As for this bitch?" he casually backhanded the woman, a squeal of pain erupting from her as the hit launched her ragdolling across the room where she hit the wall and fell unconscious.

"I am a chosen one chosen by the gods who rule this world," Graydle declared with an arrogant sneer, "They even bestowed upon me my undefeatable power and saw my rise to this position for my services. It is my right to do as I please with my lessers."

Kaden's mouth trembled, his shoulders beginning to shake as fury mounted within him, "You….piece of trash!" he snarled, "You think you're something special because you were recognized by a few of those disgusting bubble headed freaks?"

Graydle's eyes widened, before narrowing into a fury of his own, "You…piece of heathen shit, you dare talk like that of the Celestial Dragons!?" the Vice Admiral roared standing up, "You think you're something special and can talk big because you can use those pathetic Rokushiki techniques? It's about time someone put you in your place boy!"

Kaden's eyes widened as Graydle punched out with his fist, his arm turning a gleaming silver before enlarging and stretching towards him until a huge metal fist over twenty feet high and wide rushed towards him.

There was no room to dodge!

"Tekkai!" Kaden crossed his arms across his chest, tensing his muscles and took the punch straight on.

The sheer force behind the punch lifted him bodily into the air and dragged him through it, smashing him into the thick sturdy concrete wall out in the hall and then through it.

In just a split moment Kaden was back outside and soaring backwards through the air from the punch he took, his body rattled from the impact, and his arms that took the brunt of the impact aching like hell.

"Die boy!" the voice of Graydle made him look up, just in time to see the man had followed him and was now above him, his giant metallic fist now in the shape of a giant blade and being swung down at him.

His cutlass had been shattered and his pistol was in pieces.

Gritting his teeth, Kaden swung himself around and kicked off the air with Geppou, launching himself out of the way and just narrowly evading the massive blade as it swung down and almost cut him in half.

Then he did it again and disappeared in a blur of speed, appearing above the Vice Admiral as his arm began shrinking back to normal.

Face in a frown of pure concentration, Kaden shot towards the man, before his eyes widened as a his senses went into overdrive.

He tilted his head to the side just as a lance of metal erupted from Graydle's shoulder, followed by dozens of more from all over his body.

If he hadn't trained with Geppou so much over the past three months in combat, he would have been dead right then and there-

Instead he kicked off of the air multiple times, weaving through the barrage of deadly lances, before lashing out with his fist, concentrating all his will into it.

And Graydle's eyes widened as his fist smashed into his cheek, and he wasn't able to avoid it with his devil fruit.

"Haki?!" Graydle managed to sputter, before Kaden powered through with his punch and launched him towards the ground with all his strength.

He hit the ground like a meteor, creating a crater in it, but he was only down for a split moment before a pillar of liquid metal rose up from it and formed into Graydle once more, rubbing his bruised cheek.

"You…dare strike me, a chosen one?" he growled, "YOU BASTARD!" he roared, spreading his arms wide and his body bubbling and rippling-

Before suddenly dozens upon dozens of gleaming silver blades erupted from his body and shot up like a hail of arrows towards him.

Kaden's eyes widened and he quickly kicked off the air, racing away from the blades.

Yet Grydle only smiled smugly and swiped his hands through the air towards him and the blades abruptly changed directions and shot towards him once more, chasing him!

'That's right, the book said the user of this fruit had control of shit they made!' Kaden gasped.

A cat and mouse game began, with Kaden dashing through the air and a massive hail of blades that just continued to increase in number by the second chasing him.

Before long, multiple hundreds of them were on his tail.

All my stories are way farther ahead on my Pa---tr---eon if you guys wanna read ahead, the link to it is in any of my story summaries.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts