
Chapter 82: Thriller Bark

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 82: Thriller Bark

"Ghost!" Usopp's face went pale.

The ship then started to shake.

"What is that vibration?" Asked Sanji.

"Guys!, come outside." Called Vivi from the deck.

Brook went out and looked in the distance. "Oh no! Was this ship under surveillance already?"

"Hey!, look at this. The gate has closed behind us!." Said Zoro

"So that's what caused all of that vibration!" Concluded Sanji.

"We are inside the gates…this is bad." Said, Brook.

"Did you guys happen to find a barrel before entering the fog sea?"

"Yeah, we did!" Answered Luffy.

"That was a trap. This ship has been targeted since you opened that barrel and sent the signal out." Explained Brook.

"So…my fears were founded, unfortunately." Said Robin.

"Guys look at that! there is an island there!" Yelled Chopper.

"Why is there an island there?" Asked Nami.

"This is the ghost island that wanderers through the sea. Thriller Bark." Answered Brook.

"A wandering island?, is that why the log pose is not responding?" said Nami.

"It's like today was a very lucky day. Not only was I able to meet some wonderful people, but I now have a chance to fulfill my heart's desire."

Brook jumped on top of the Sunny figurehead.

"Please, try to break the gate and leave this place. Do not even think about venturing into that island! I am glad to have met you, I'll never forget you!"

"Oi!, wait for Brook!" Said Luffy, seeing what Brook was about to do.

Brook jumped out of the ship and into the water.

"What are you doing? you can't swim!" Shouted Luffy.


They then saw Brook running across the surface of the water.

"What the hell?" Said Zoro.

"He can run across the water? how?" Asked Usopp.

"That's so cool! Now I want him even more!" Said Luffy.

"Anyways, we should do as He told us and leave this place." Suggested Nami.

"Yeah, this island is definitely bad news!" Said Usopp.

A wave of dread overcame them when they saw the happy and excited face of their Captain.

"Come on, you guys should know the Captain better. You think He is going to pass the chance to explore some creepy and dangerous island?" Asked Vivi.

Sanji sighed. "Here we go again…"

"At any case, it seems like we have found the culprit for all of those ships going missing." Said Robin. She then pointed back, at the gate with the shape of a mouth. "Looking at the gate that closes behind us, is safe to assume that the gate is the only way in and out of here. We are also being pulled towards the island."

"If the island is moving, we can't lay an anchor here" Said Franky.

"Hey!, stop talking like we are staying here! We need to leave!" Shouted Usopp.

"Listen…I think I have been afflicted with the 'I can't land on this island' syndrome." Said Nami.

"Me too! I have that too!" Shouted Chopper.

"Well, you guys can watch the ship." Luffy was all dressed for adventure already with a bug net included.

"Where are you going with that thing?!. Never mind that…Luffy, come to your senses. Look at that thing!." Usoop pointed to the giant creepy castle on the island. "That looks like a real haunted house, is probably filled with ghosts and evil spirits!"

"Don't worry, ill be careful. Besides, I'm ready." Luffy showed Ussop his bug net and a bug box. "Im going to catch a ghost!"

"You not going to catch shit with that!" Yelled Usopp.

"Is not like I'm only going there for fun. I need to get back our new crewmate. Sanji!, bring me the launch box!" Said Luffy.

Vivi placed a hand on Usopp's shoulder.

"Usopp, give it up. You know that once our Captain makes up his mind, there is no changing it."

Usopp lowered his head and sighed in resignation.

"Besides, He is right. Our new crewmate needs our help." Said Vivi.

"I have your lunchbox here." Said Robin.

"Having an adventure on a mysterious island gets me pumped up!" Said Franky.

"You two are going too?" Asked Nami.

"I like the thrills." Smiled Robin.

"Alright, you guys. From here, we are going to use a small ship to approach the island. I still have a big surprise for you all. Dock number 2!" Franky pulled a lever.

The gate opened and a small ship came out.

"Let me introduce you to our shopping boat! Mini Merry 2!"

"Whoa!" Luffy exclaimed.

A miniature version of the Merry with a steam engine was in front of them.

"I wanna drive it!" Nami immediately said.

"Me too!" Usopp and Chopper exclaimed.

The three of them were soon driving away in the small boat.

"You put a lot of thought into that, uh?" Commented Zoro.

"That was a very nice gesture, Franky." Said Vivi.

"Not fair! I wanna ride it too!" Complained Luffy.

"You'll have to wait for your turn, it can only fit three people." Said Franky.

"Channel 4 is still empty, but I'm planning on putting some awesome weapons in there."

After waiting for a while, the trio that left in the small boat didn't come back.

"They are taking too long." Said Sanji with concern.

They then heard Nami scream.

"Nami!, something must have happened to her! we have to do something!" Shouted Sanji.

"Ugg, I can't see anything with this fog." Said Zoro.

"They are just half a mile of distance, that way." Vivi pointed out in one direction.

"Righ!, you can sense them!" Said Sanji.

"You guys should be able to do this much if you didn't skip your training!" Complained Vivi. She went through a lot of effort to teach them observation haki but they barely show any interest, other than Nami and Usopp.

"Well…I like to focus on physical training and my swords." Zoro looked the other way.

"I'm very busy with the kitchen…" Sanji did the same.

"I just didn't feel like it!" Said Luffy with no shame.

Vivi sighed. 'Maybe it's fate…'

"Nevermind! I'll go get Nami and the others."

Vivi prepared to leave.

"By the way, there is an intruder inside the ship." She then jumped out and flew in the distance.

"Wait…an intruder? where?!" Shouted Zoro but she was already gone.