
Battle with Doflamingo

As Law charged towards Doflamingo, he started to plan and ready his attacks in order to deal with Doflamingo. He brought out his sword and tried to slice Doflamingo to end the battle quickly and get his revenge on him. Doflamingo expected this and he used his strings to block Law's sword which also cut some of Doflamingo's strings in the process. As he was about to slash at Doflamingo again, there were some strings that held his sword back and Doflamingo took this chance to kick Law on the stomach. Law was kicked away and hit a nearby tree while Doflamingo slowly walked up to him while saying "You know Law, I can still forgive you for defecting from my crew. You just have to agree to a certain request of mine and I will grant you everything you have ever wanted. A win-win situation for the both of us." but Law did not say anything as said "RO-" Doflamingo noticed this and reacted quickly by restraining his body as he could not do anything against Doflamingo.

"Admit it Law, you are weak. Just like my brother, you shall die then I will take your Devil Fruit and give it to someone who will be more useful than you!" shouted Doflamingo as he prepared to stab Law with his strings. Law, who was getting desperate, forecfully broke out of the strings and blocked his strings to try and end Doflamingo right here in this island. "Pitiful effort Law, so just be obedient and die!" said Doflamingo as he blocked Law's sword again and slams Law into the ground. Law started to lose consciousness as he started to think, 'I could not avenge you Cora-san. I swore to finish what you could not finish, but I was still too weak.'


Rosinante, who was called Corazon in the crew, was trying to escape with Law after forcefully feeding Law the Ope-Ope no mi. As they were escaping Rosinante hid Law in a chest and he was surrounded by Doflamingo's crew. Corazon asked Doflamingo why he wanted to chase Law and Doflamingo said he wants to because he intends to make Law die for him. They point guns at each other then Doflamingo shoots Corazon several times and leaves him lying on the snow as he and his crew leaves the island. Corazon then says his final words to Law "Walk, Law. Unnoticed...quietly...far away...far, far away...nothing will bind you anymore...not the iron borders of the White City...nor your shortened lifespan. Nothing will restrict you anymore. You are now...truly free." Law then cries after hearing Corazon's last words as he boards a random ship and then begins his escape from Doflamingo.

(Flashback End)

Law sheds a tear for Corazon as he closes his eyes and prepares for his death. Only for him to notice that Doflamingo's attack never reached him. As he opened his eyes again, he saw his captain blocking Doflamingo's string and pushing Doflamingo back. "Can't have you dying on me right now, Law. We still need our doctor and you still need to keep your promise with Crocus." said Alex as he had his back turned at Law while blocking Doflamingo's attacks. Law then said thank you to Alex as he lost consciousness and Alex told Robin to get Law away from his battle with Doflamingo.

"Now that the field is clear, why don't we go back to square one and introduce ourselves. You would not mind that right? I am Alex, Law's captain and you must be Doflamingo." said Alex as he maintained his stance against Doflamingo. Doflamingo laughed at Alex's actions as he said "Talking to stall time for escaping, clearly you didn't think that would work on me, Asura Hands. Tell you what, just give me Law and I will leave you all alone. Seems like a fair deal right?" Alex laughed at him and said "You must be out of your mind to ask me to just 'give' you my crew members. I am their captain and I will protect them from pieces of s*** like you." Doflamingo not liking Alex's answer said, "Well, I was going to let you all go but you just pissed me off big time. Make sure you got your coffins because I am going to bury you all here!" and he charged towards Alex while using his strings to bind Alex so he can't move. Alex also charged at Doflamingo while holding both of his swords. Doflamingo wanted to finish the fight already so he started to bombard Alex with strings before Alex could get closer to him. Alex coated his swords with Haki and sliced the strings while Doflamingo was surprised that Alex has already achieved this level of Haki already. Doflamingo wanted Alex to sail under him as he does not want to waste a talent like him but their relationship now is beyond reparable. "I would have recruited you into my fleet to sail under me, but you wasted this chance Alex. I will make you regret this decision." said Doflamingo as he started to attack Alex in a faster pace and Alex needed to adjust to Doflamingo's speed. "I will not regret my decision Doflamingo because if this can stop me, then I do not deserve to be the next Pirate King!" shouted Alex as he was trying his best to defend against Doflamingo.

While they were fighting, Robin, Franco, and Van Augur were up against Doflamingo's crew and keeping them from interfering their captain and Doflamingo's fight. "Just give up you guys, your captain is not a match for our captain. If you all give up now, then we might consider letting you all in our crew." said one of Doflamingo's crew members as Franco said "Shut up, our captain can beat anyone when he gets serious." as they continued to fight with each other. Robin was using her abilities to restrain multiple crew members and knocking them out while Van Augur was moving from one tree to another as sniping Doflamingo's crew members.

My novel will still follow the canon timeline, but since my OCs would be added there are more things that would change in the One Piece World. This novel is just a product of my ideas that I got while I was reading about One Piece.

Thank you for reading my novel. Please tell me what you think of the novel and what I can do to improve it.


If I made some mistakes you can put it in the comments below. Thank you again and enjoy!

ImStar0710creators' thoughts