
One Piece: King of the World

The mortal kings did not dare meet my gaze, and the Admiral would bow his body in my presence. Why, you ask? Because I was born noble, standing above all living beings. Luffy wants to become the Pirate King? That is a fantasy. Send him straight to Impel Down. Dragon wants to challenge Mariejois? Impossible. Send him for ideological reformation. For 800 years, the world has been beneath our feet, and it will remain so for a thousand more. I am a god walking among mortals. If this world must change, then it is god who will lead that change. Everything under the sun is trampled beneath the hooves of the Celestial Dragons! "I am the King of the World!" — Donquixote Claudius. ______________________________________ This is a TL Raw: 海贼:世界之王 Support me on patreon for 30+ Advanced chapters: patreon.com/Blownleaves

Junkdog · アニメ·コミックス
54 Chs

Chapter 45: Test

In the Holy Land of Mariejois, Claudius felt more than familiar with his surroundings. After all, this was where he lived. But despite having passed by the World Government's headquarters countless times, he had never set foot inside, let alone visited the top floor, where the Five Elders those who held the highest authority in the world had their office. The entire floor belonged to them, spacious and prestigious.

Born into the Celestial Dragons, Claudius, even in his previous life, had never had the privilege of meeting the Five Elders. He was, after all, part of the lowest rung of the Celestial Dragons hierarchy. But beside him now was Admiral Sengoku, who walked these halls with familiarity. It was clear this wasn't his first time meeting with the Five Elders.

Walking behind Sengoku, Claudius couldn't help but think about how this man was likely the Five Elders' chosen candidate for the next Marine Fleet Admiral. It made sense. If Claudius were in their position, he'd likely favor Sengoku as well. Not only was Sengoku incredibly powerful and intelligent known as "The Resourceful General" but more importantly, he was obedient. Among all the high-ranking Marines, Sengoku had the closest ties to the World Government and followed its orders without question.

Despite his strength and intelligence, Sengoku had always been the most loyal to the World Government, even to the point of carrying out a Buster Call on Ohara, destroying the island without hesitation. For him, following orders was Marine's ultimate duty.

It was only later in life, when Sengoku neared retirement, that he started to question these views and began to favor Kuzan for the role of Fleet Admiral. Unfortunately for him, the World Government had other plans, supporting Sakazuki instead. But all that was still in the future. Right now, Sengoku was the model of a Marine officer someone the Five Elders trusted implicitly and likely intended to place at the top of Marine's command.

As they approached the top floor, Sengoku hesitated outside the door of the Five Elders' office. Turning to Claudius, he asked, "Have you met the Five Elders before, Your Highness?"

Claudius blinked, then smiled and shook his head. "No, I'm just a minor figure among the Celestial Dragons. How could I have met them?"

"Really?" Sengoku chuckled lightly. "They're not as intimidating as they seem. They're actually quite approachable."

Claudius gave a polite nod, but in his mind, he disagreed. They're only approachable because they like you, Sengoku. They see you as one of their own. Try telling that to Sakazuki when he's being cold-shouldered in the future.

Sengoku knocked on the door, and after receiving permission to enter, the two walked in. As expected, all five of the world's most powerful figures were present.

It was Claudius' first time seeing them in person. While they were already old, they appeared younger than he had imagined from his memories of the future. Despite their age, they radiated a powerful aura that instantly made Claudius feel a little tense, as if standing in front of them made lying impossible.

These men aren't like the other Celestial Dragons, Claudius thought to himself. They exude real authority. They feel like true rulers.

The Five Elders didn't spend much time addressing Claudius. They focused mostly on Sengoku, who provided a concise report on recent events. His report wasn't exaggerated or filled with unnecessary praise for Claudius, but it also didn't downplay the contributions Claudius had made, keeping things fair and balanced.

Claudius didn't mind. After Sengoku finished, the Five Elders turned their attention to him. Claudius couldn't shake the feeling that there was something like relief in their eyes, though he couldn't quite place why.

"Donquixote Claudius, correct?" asked the bald elder who held a sword. He didn't bother introducing himself; it seemed he expected Claudius to know who they were.

Claudius, ever respectful, nodded and replied, "Yes, that's correct."

"Antonio's son?" the other bald elder inquired, as if recalling a distant memory.

Claudius' father, Antonio, had passed away from illness long ago, but it seemed he had made quite an impression on the Five Elders during his time.

"Yes, Antonio is my father," Claudius confirmed.

"Ah, I thought I remembered correctly," the elder said with a nostalgic smile. "It feels like just yesterday you were a child, and now look at you."

"Thank you for remembering, it's an honor," Claudius replied politely.

One of the other elders, a bearded man, studied Claudius for a moment before speaking. "Courteous and respectful. It seems you're quite capable, given how Sengoku speaks of you. It's rare to see a young Celestial Dragon like you. Usually, all we see are those troublemaking brats who embarrass us with their behavior."

Claudius managed a modest smile at the compliment, but inside he was processing the situation. It was true many of the Celestial Dragons were arrogant and reckless, relying entirely on their bloodline to act above the law. Clearly, the Five Elders had little patience for such behavior.

The elder continued, "It's good to see a promising member from the Donquixote family for once. Your family has produced more than its fair share of... oddballs." He chuckled slightly, clearly thinking of Donquixote Homing, who had forsaken his Celestial Dragon status and gone to live as a commoner.

Claudius chuckled politely but said nothing. He was fully aware of his family's strange history.

After some pleasantries, the Five Elders shifted to more serious matters. Despite their apparent satisfaction with Claudius, they needed to measure the depth of his understanding and ambitions.

Without much preamble, the elder with the sword asked, "Claudius, as someone of your status, you must know why it's important to strive for strength. Is it because you're afraid we can't protect you?"

Claudius paused for a moment, considering his response. He decided that honesty would serve him best here. "Yes and no," he said.

The elder raised an eyebrow. "Explain."

Claudius took a deep breath. "You may not be fully aware, but about six years ago, I had an accident. I ended up stranded on a deserted island in the New World. It was only thanks to Zephyr Admiral that I was rescued."

The Five Elders exchanged looks but didn't interrupt.

"Before that accident," Claudius continued, "I was like many of my fellow Celestial Dragons living without a care in the world, assuming my status was enough to shield me from anything. But that experience taught me an important lesson."

"And what lesson is that?" the bald elder asked, clearly intrigued.

"In this world, everything you have without strength is just an illusion. It may seem grand and secure, but it can all be taken away in an instant. If you don't have power, then everything you possess status, wealth, even your life is at the mercy of others. So, I believe a person must rely on themselves above all else."

As soon as Claudius finished speaking, the elder with the sword laughed heartily. "Well said, boy! You're absolutely right. In this world, strength is everything!"

Claudius nodded. "That's why I seek strength. On the one hand, I trust that you can protect me, but on the other hand, I want to be strong enough to protect myself. That's why I've been working to grow stronger."

The Five Elders exchanged approving glances. The elder with the beard spoke next, his tone thoughtful. "You've got ambition, and that's a good thing. But what are your thoughts on the future? How do you see the world, and more importantly, how do you see our World Government?"

Claudius felt a slight chill at this question. They're testing me, he realized. He couldn't reveal his true thoughts, his desire for power and control over the world government itself. If they sensed even a hint of disloyalty, they could crush him on the spot.

Carefully choosing his words, Claudius replied, "I believe the world as it is today is stable, but that stability won't last forever. There are forces in the world, like the Golden Lion Shiki and others, who seek to challenge our rule. Careerists, like them, want to overturn the World Government and seize control. While our strength is undeniable for now, the future is uncertain."

His words were cautious, but they were enough to make the Five Elders take notice. For someone so young, Claudius already had a clear grasp of the global situation, and more importantly, he wasn't naive about the future.

"And what do you think of our World Government?" the bald elder asked again, pressing the issue.

Claudius knew this was a trap. Criticizing the World Government would be foolish, but blind praise would be equally unwise. So, he opted for loyalty.

"The World Government is the foundation upon which my identity as a Celestial Dragon stands," Claudius said firmly. "Anyone who threatens the World Government is my enemy because I understand that my power and status come from the stability and authority of the government. We are inseparable."

The Five Elders smiled, clearly pleased with his answer. Claudius had passed their test.

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