NO HAREM The Mc reincarnates as Sanji's brother and goes through life in One Piece. He meets his favourite characters and helps them out (Kind of like a guardian angel) But he also has his own goals and motivations! _______________ I don't own the picture in the title nor do I own One Piece. So if anyone has a problem with it just contact me and I can take it down!
After a few days of recovery the crew set off once again. They sailed towards Water 7. On the way there they spotted a frog swimming in the ocean and decided to follow it. After a little while a train that was moving on top of the water came barreling towards them and the frog.
Suddenly the frog changed the direction it was swimming in and started heading straight towards the train. The train barely missed the Merry but the frog tried to stand off against it. The frog waited for the train to reach it before it attacked the train headbutting it.
There was a huge clash between the two! Err… well honestly, the frog was just sent flying as soon as the train hit it.
The crew had their jaws drop. He looked so confident in knocking the train off the tracks. Then he just got sent flying.
"Wahahaha! What a funny frog!" Kai said as they approached the lighthouse that the train just passed by.
Before they got there they could see a little girl who shouted. "Granny, granny! Pirates! There are pirates here!"
An older women heard this and gasped. "Don't worry Chimnie I'll call for help!"
She picked up a den den mushi and called a number.
"She's calling for backup!" Zoro yelled out.
When the phone connected the lady said. "Um, Hello. Why did you call me?... I called you?! No way!... Why did I call? What are you talking about?... I forgot. *burp* Bye. *click*" She hung up the phone.
"You're too drunk!" Zoro yelled out at the old lady who just waved him off.
They crew landed at the lighthouse and explained that they weren't there to do anything bad to anyone.
"Oh that's great I thought you wanted to rob us! Kakakakaka! I'm Kokoro and this is Chimnie!" The old lady said.
Then the little girl Chimnie said. "I'm Chimnie! And this is my cat Gonbe!" As she held out a rabbit.
Kai cut in. "I think you made a mistake, that's not a cat…" Everyone else on the crew nodded.
"That's clearly a dog." Kai nodded sagely after he said this and everyone on the crew face planted.
"I'm not a dog!" Chopper yelled out.
Kai looked at Chopper strangely. "I wasn't talking about you though? I was talking about the other dog." Kai said as he pointed to the rabbit in Chimnie's hands.
Chimnie shook her head. "No! Gonbe is clearly a cat!"
Kai retorted, "A dog!"
"A cat!"
"A dog!"
They went back and forth for a bit before Nami cut in. "It's clearly a rabbit!"
Both Kai and Chimnie stopped arguing and looked at Nami weirdly.
"What an idiot." Kai whispered to Chimnie who nodded and said. "She's got a screw lose for sure." Then they both said together. ""He's clearly not a rabbit!""
Nami was about to strangle Kai but decided against it at the last minute. Just then Luffy nodded and said. "What's wrong with you Nami? That clearly isn't a rabbit."
Nami felt a blood vessel burst in her head as she lost her self control and started to punch Luffy.
Eventually everyone calmed down and Kokoro told them about Water 7 and that if they wanted to get a shipwright or repair their ship then that was where they needed to go. She gave them a letter of reference for Iceburg and told them to get him to fix their ship up as he's an old friend. They thanked Kokoro for her hospitality and sailed off to Water 7.
After a while.
The crew landed at Water 7 and they split up. Robin went with Kai. Nami, Usopp and Luffy went to exchange the gold for money. Zoro stayed on the ship. Sanji and Chopper both went off together to buy food supplies and go to the library.
Kai and Robin were walking around and Kai rented a bull in order to travel through the water passages with Robin. They went out to get lunch together and walked around the island with one another holding hands and having a great time. Eventually Kai left to go to the bathroom and when he came back Robin was gone. Kai shook his head, and walked in the direction he knew she was. Finding her was an easy task due to his kenbunshoku. As he searched around he eventually came to an alleyway.
"It's not very nice to ditch your date like that." Kai said as he walked up to two people while wearing his marine coat.
Robin turned to him and smiled sadly. "I got held up by something."
Kai nodded in understanding. "Very well. Would you like me to wait for you?"
Robin was about to answer when the person beside her cut in. "What is a marine doing on a date with Nico Robin the devil child?!!"
Kai gasped loudly and leaped at the man smacking him in the head. "You idiot! I was undercover! You ruined my whole operation!! I was about to catch her too! If only you didn't ruin my opperation!! You bastard!!!!" He started yelling at the man as if he was truly pissed at him.
Robin desperately held in a laugh that narrowly escaped.
The man stared at Kai and asked in confusion. "You're undercover? You're wearing your marine coat though?"
Kai tilted his head confused. "So?"
"Weren't you undercover?" The man asked Kai.
Kai nodded while crossing his arms as he huffed out in anger. "Yeah I WAS until SOMEONE ruined it!"
The CP9 agent was unable to speak in his state of shock. After a moment he finally managed to form a sentence. "So you were going undercover just now?"
"That's what I JUST said." Kai grumbled, it was very apparent he was pissed off.
"But you're wearing your marine coat." The man said while trying to emphasize the fact that Kai was currently undercover as a marine.
"So?" Kai asked again.
At this time Robin caught on and added in. "You were a marine this whole time?!?! I thought we had something special?! How could you do this to me, Fujin?! Why!? I demand an answer!!" She started to fake cry as she brought down her balled up fists on Kai's chest one after another in 'anger'.
Kai had deja vu from Skypiea. 'I wonder how Billy and Jenny are doing.' He thought before he answered Robin with his own fake tears to match the energy Robin was bringing. "I'm sorry, but I needed to do my job! I truly wish what we had was real, Sugar Buns. Perhaps in another life, honeybee."
Robin fake crying intensifiyed as she looked up at Kai with horror apparent in her eyes. She was very clearly devastated by the news.
The CP9 agent was staring in disbelief. "You believed him?!?!?!!?" He asked.
Robin nodded and wiped her tears. "Why wouldn't I?" She asked him.
The CP9 agent's face palmed. "Idiots." He said.
Kai's eyebrow to twitch, but he held in his outburst that threatened to ruin his and Robin's mini soap oprea.
Kai took a deep breath to suppress himself and finally said. "Who even are you? I'm here to arrest the devil child, so I can't have you steal her away. She is wanted by the marines."
The CP9 agent said. "I'm CP9, WG."
Kai shook his head and played the fool. "Do you think I'm an idiot? There are only 8 CP's, CP1-8! You'll need a better excuse, you pirate!" Kai said haughtily like he just caught a criminal in the act.
The CP9 agent sighed. 'Idiot' he thought, both Robin and Kai could easily tell what he was thinking, causing Robin to almost laugh out loud.
"We are a secret agency!" The CP9 member said.
Kai just looked at him with disappointment in his eyes. "Nice try pirate, but I'm not that stupid."
The CP9 agent sighed. "You know the special passcode right?" He asked and Kai nodded. CP9 dude whispered in Kai's ear. "Justice, absolute justice."
Kai's eyes widened and he gasped. "You do know! I apologize sir! I had no clue! I was just trying to do my job!" Kai said like he was scared of a scolding from his superior. Except we all know how those go…
The CP9 agent smiled. Finally the idiot would be out of his hair. He thought until Kai started speaking again. "Umm. Mr. CP9. Would it be alright if I came with you. You see, I've been chasing her for a while and I think I'll get a promotion if I catch her. I don't mean to say you didn't help but I like to think I would have caught her either way today, so uhh could I come with you and you tell my boss what happened? Please?" Kai said as if he didn't literally turn down a promotion like a month ago on his own.
The CP9 agent was really pissed off at this point. "I don't know if I can do that."
Kai cut in again. "Please! I really need this promotion! I have a family! I can't keep going on this measly salary!"
"No, I don-" The CP9 agent tried to deny him again.
Kai got on his knees and grabbed the CP9 agent's leg, with tears in his eyes he begged. "Pretty please sir! With a cherry on top."
The CP9 agent kicked him off his leg and said. "Fine! Fine! Just get off of me."
Kai jumped for joy. "Thank you! Thank you!" He exclaimed as he followed after the two, giving Robin a wink when the CP9 agent turned around.