
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · アニメ·コミックス
571 Chs

Chapter 266: Mega Digimon—

[Tl/n: I'm not always looking on Ranking List so I didn't know this fic is on Rank 2. And because a new fanfic is released, extra chapters for this one is rescinded. And instead of 1 or 2 chapters daily, I will update 2chapters daily. But it's always nice seeing your work on top rank, so if this fanfic stay on 1st or 2nd rank. I will update 3 chapters daily. If lower, 2 chapters.]


After a while, Sengoku sighed deeply and said to the Marine who was in charge of logistics not far away:

"Take Vice-Admiral Onigumo and prepare a solemn funeral for him when things here are over."

The Logistics Marines nodded and ran over, preparing to take away Onigumo's body with a serious face.

"Wait!" At this moment, Garp's voice suddenly came over.

Everyone turned their heads and looked around, and found that Garp had a serious face and came straight to Onigumo's front.

"He's really dead." Looking at Onigumo's still wide eyes, Garp sighed and stroked Onigumo's face with his hand to help him close his eyes.

Although the relationship between the hawk and dove is not very good, Garp still feels quite uncomfortable to see an elite Marine die like this.

"Sengoku, you can't continue to challenge like this." Garp looked at Sengoku, "You can't let Marine's elite face such a big danger for the Digimon Eggs that still need to be hatched. The life of Onigumo is no longer a few Digimon Eggs that can be traded. That's it."

Sengoku frowned, sighed and said, "I understand what you said, Garp. It's just that now, we have no retreat. Whether it is to fulfill the requirements of the World Government or to increase our combat power, We all need the Digimon Eggs. If we back down now, wouldn't we let Onigumo die in vain?"

Garp is silent, he knows that it is extremely necessary to compete for rewards.

It's just that he didn't want to see his colleagues continue to face the dangerous thoughts, which made Garp faintly resist this challenge.

At the same time, he regretted not being able to join this challenge.

[Dark King Rayleigh: Speaking of which, this is the second time the challenger died. ]

[Redhead Shanks: Im challenge was actually quite close to death. If it wasn't for her strong resilience, she would have been killed by Rifan's projection. ]

[Sabo: The challenge roll is really a reward that is proportional to risk and reward. ]

[Dragon: It's actually quite simple to get an initial reward. Whether it is the Hawkeye Zanpakutō or the Im's Saint Cloth, their first challenge has ensured the initial reward, but they have lost in the subsequent challenges. Although Hawkeye got Zanpakutō through the second challenge. But the Marine's reward this time is even simpler, if they are not greedy, Onigumo can get a Mature Digimon Egg. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: All in all, you must not be greedy when you challenge this thing. Unless the strength reaches the level of Sire Rifan. ]

In the golden list, while people are discussing, the situation in Naval Headquarters has also changed.

"Everyone has seen it. When choosing a challenge object, you must be cautious." Seeing that morale is a little bit sluggish, Marine Chief Staff Tsuru stood up, "Also, if you encounter a Digimon that Rifan specifically reminds you. Don't hesitate. Immediately admit defeat!"

"Although a Digimon Egg is important, your life is even more important to Marine."

"Even if you don't get a Digimon, there is nothing to be ashamed of."

After she said that, Tsuru turned her head and looked at Sengoku: "Sengoku, I will challenge it next."

"..." Sengoku frowned.

"Don't worry, other people don't understand, but you should understand my strength better." Tsuru smiled and looked up at the golden list.

— Marine Chief Staff Tsuru uses [Digital Egg Challenge Roll]; the level is determined, Ultimate Body; the opponent is determined, Lillymon.





In the battle with Lillymon, Tsuru won the battle smoothly.

Although Lillymon is not strong in the face-to-face battle, this battle also proved to the world that Tsuru, who was in the same period as Sengoku and Garp is definitely not an easy character to deal with.

After Tsuru finished her battle, other Marines also started their own duels one after another.

Because of Onigumo's incident, every Marine was extremely cautious during the battle, and no Marine died in the follow-up challenge.

Although there were several tricky challenges, the Marine chose to abstain.

And after almost a day of challenge, in the end, only Sengoku and Akainu were left without participating in the battle.

[Charlotte Smoothie: Finally only Sengoku and Akainu are left. It took so long for the tenth place award. ]

[Redhead Shanks: If I'm not mistaken, Marine has won 19 Ultimate Digimon eggs and 73 Mature Digimon eggs so far. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: The remaining Sengoku and Akainu, as the finalists, should challenge a Mega Digimon. Let's take a look at the strength of a Mega Digimon. ]

"Marshal Sengoku, let me start first." Akainu said to Sengoku and planned to start his own challenge.

"No. Let me do it first." Sengoku shook his head.

Sengoku knows Akainu's temperament, he is righteous but persistent.

He is similar to Onigumo.

In order to prevent Onigumo's accident from reappearing, Sengoku decided to explore the strength of the Mega Digimon by himself.

Hearing it, Akainu frowned, before he had time to say anything.

On the golden list in the sky, Sengoku has already used the words [Digital Egg Challenge Roll].

- Marine Marshal Sengoku uses [Digital Egg Challenge Roll], the level is determined, the ultimate body; the opponent is determined, the MetalSeadramon.

In the next moment, Sengoku's figure disappeared from the Naval Headquarters and came to an isolated island provided by the golden list.

Around the isolated island is the vast sea.

An isolated island of only a few hundred kilometers, in front of the sea, is like a small boat.

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahaha, it's finally a bit interesting. The challenge of the marines with some Ultimate Digimon almost made me fall asleep. Except for a few interesting ones, those Ultimate Digimon are at most the level of Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral. Not to mention the mature Digimon, even Marine Commodore can't beat it, such a Digimon is boring. It really depends on the Ultimate Digimon.]

[Kaido Kaido: I hope Sengoku this guy can challenge the Mega Digimon, Wororororo~ ]

[Blackbeard Teach: I think you only want to see the scene of Sengoku being killed, Zehahaha~ ]

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