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Blurred figures dance in Yasu's vision, too unrecognizable to be of any use to him, their intent mixed in the air making it impossible who was going to do what. He could feel the person in front of him wanting to kick him just for the kick to come from the side.

His observation Haki was worse than ever before, totally useless right now. The best course of action right now was to shut down his sixth sense and rely on the rest of his senses. So that's what he did.

Yasu let himself be enveloped in absolute darkness again, this hadn't happened since he discovered he could feel things as some sort of magical radar, but he still lived many years of his early life like this, he was no stranger to darkness it even feel comfortable as if returning home after years traveling outside, going back to simpler times.

Air split above his head, the sound of a sword traveling to split him was getting closer, the rapid heartbeat of the man wanting to kill was standing right in front of him.

Swords clashed atop his head, his opponent's blade sliding down his own and with a well timed push the blade was deflected, passing by his side and hitting the floor making the man holding it lose his posture.

Placing his sword parallel to the ground, Yasu pushed his whole body forward, his blade slicing through the muscle and bone of an arm, cutting it clean off and reaching the man's belly, separating fat and flesh.

Shutting down his Haki also made his other senses a little sharper, he could hear everything perfectly, how the man screamed in pain, how his guts spilled out of him, and how his muscles tried hard to keep everything in place.

But he didn't have the time to feel disgust or pity over it because before the body of the man he surely killed fell to the ground, three more bandits were over him swinging their weapons at him.

Jumping back, the attacks hit the ground where he was standing milliseconds ago, not wasting any time regaining his posture, when Yasu's feet touched the ground, inmideately he lept to his attackers while spinning in the air passing by the bandits and if they had just been through a blender, cuts filled the body of the three.

Sliding through the blood soaked mud and coming to a stop, Yasu took a deep breath of air before slashing at everything around him, cutting down everyone that gets too close while avoiding any attack coming his way, following the rhythm of the fight and dancing along with it.

Thrusting his blade inside a man's chest, before he could pull the sword out, the man he had just pierced grabbed his hands holding the handle of the sword. The strength of a half dying man didn't come close to his, but it stopped him long enough for him to lose that rhythm and make a mistake.

A kick to the ribs makes his way to Yasu sending him rolling to the ground, leaving his sword still stuck in the chest of a bandit.

Getting up from the ground, covered in mud, before he could stand, a kick landed on the bottom of his jaw, racking his brain inside his head and disrupting his senses for a moment before falling to the ground on his back.


Loud ringing echoes inside Yasu's ears, tearing his eardrums, not letting him focus.

'Come on!'

Regaining his senses, the first thing he notices is a blade coming down to stab him in the guts.

Rolling on his back, the blade pierces the ground and with a kick to the face, Yasu sends the bandit flying against some of his companions leaving the blade behind which Yasu quickly picks up slashing behind him, cutting the chest of another man.

While all the fighting was happening, Juzo was watching from the sidelines, leaning forward with one hand on his kanabo. His face was relaxed, no trace of panic or anger reflected on his face as if he was just enjoying a show unfolding right in front of him.

"Boss!" A young man, no older than twenty came running to him.

Clicking his tongue, Juzo turns to look at the man, looking down on him with narrowed eyes.

The man between heavy breaths, with his hands shaking and sweat covering his entire body, managed to speak a few words.

"The kid's killing everyone!"

"And?" The man is taken back by the response of his boss, no emotion or care in it making him tremble some more. Opening his eyes wide, his attitude suddenly changed.

"You promised me that in return for being in this group, I would get a cut from everything and I didn't have to fight or anything! You promised!" The trembling in his hands was gone, now he had them clenched into knuckles.

"Let me make something clear..." Juzo's voice came out deeper than his usual voice. Hearing his tone of voice, the man shrunk in place, realizing the mistake he had just made. "...if I tell you to fight, you fight, and if I tell you to die, you better die, so now go out there and get yourself killed"

The man was completely shaking from head to toe under Juzo's presence, he had royally screwed up so he decided to do what any normal person would do in his situation... Beg.

"N-no please, I can't die now, I did all of this for my daughter, I-I need to go back home! Please! I need to take care of her I can't get killed! I had no other choice! Please!" The man got on his knees with his hands together as if praying to a higher being.

"Ohhh? You have a daughter? Tell me more" Hearing this, the man's face instantly light up, he may get out of this alive appealing to him with his daughter.

"Y-Yes Yes! She is but eight years old! She lost her mother so I'm the only one left for her, she's the best thing in my life!"

"So she's the best thing in your life?" The smile on Juzo's face grew bigger and bigger with every word spoken alongside the man's hopes.

"Yes! I can't imagine a world without her!"

"You know? I believe in giving something for another thing of the same value. So in exchange for your life, I think your daughter would make a great concubine for me, don't you think so?" The smile of the Juzo had his face stretching to its limits.

"Huh? W-what?" the smile on the man's face had vanished away with a simple sentence.

"Ohh, I can imagine her face the moment I tell her that her dearest daddy sold her because he was a coward, the face of disbelief would be perfect!" Juzo's unsetteling face got closer and closer to the man's own.

"W-wait w-ait"

"She would scream for her daddy to come and help her, but no one would come"

"N-no no wait" His face sunk further and further into despair with every word that reached his ears

"What happens? Didn't you want to live? To run away? Isn't the body of your daughter a fair price to pay?"

"I-I don-" The light in the man's eyes faded more and more hearing to what Juzo was saying.

A hand gripping his shoulder made him look up seeing the twisted face of Juzo mere inches from him.

"Don't worry I will take good care of her in the absence of her daddy"

"AGHHHHHH!" The bones of his shoulder under Juzo's hand started breaking under the preassure of his grip and if he was holding a towel, the father's feet got lifted off the ground while he was screaming under such intense pain.

With great ease, Juzo launched the man at great speeds toward Yasu who was still fighting, surrounded by a mountain of corpses.

With great elegance, Yasu killed another bandit and with a quick movement of his sword separated the head of the man that was thrown at him, the same man who was begging to go back to his dauhgter a few seconds ago and as if nothing happened, Yasu continued fighting the bandits, leaving a head roll over all the blood covering the grass.

Juzo watched this with the utmost smile possible on his face.

With a slight twist of his wrist, the sword aiming to pierce him instead went through the chest of another bandit, shocked at what he had just done, the man didn't see the sword slicing at his neck.

With their bodies falling to the ground, after half an hour of fighting, no more came attacking him. Focusing on his smell after the long battle, a foul smell entered Yasu's nose, making him stumble back for a second.

"Oh god" Letting his Observation Haki feel his surroundings again, his heart started beating faster. The sight looked like something that came out of the deepest pit of hell.

The forest they were in was completely covered in corpses, bodies pilled one after another, severed limbs and heads decorated the scenery while blood changed the color of the grass. A little puddle of blood had formed in the middle of it all feeding the underground roots of the surrounding trees, red thick mist floated in the air, coating the sunlight in a hue of red. Some groans echoed through the forest in a desperate cry for help.

Standing amongst this landscape, Yasu stood tall, completely drenched in blood from head to toe, his white hair had turned almost entirely red. Even his clothes had lost their original color, now changed into a dark red.

Yasu covered his mouth, trying to not let out the vomit coming up his throat, he hadn't killed anyone before today, he didn't think it was in him to do so, and now he was surrounded by the stench of death all around him, standing over a river of blood. Yasu started swaying left and right about to lose his balance and fall to the ground.

'No, I can't be dragged down because of this, they kidnapped Momo and Hyori, they knew what they were getting into went they became bandits, they made the decision of becoming bandits knowing that this could happen and they could die, they are at fault for their own deaths'

Even after saying that, a voice deep in his psyche whispered at him, trying to claw at his mental sanity. What if they didn't have a choice? What if t-

Shaking his head, getting those thoughts out of him, Yasu turns to where Juzo was standing, he didn't even move while the fight happened, he just stood there, watching.

A clap echoed through the forest.

"Good, that was really good, now why don't we get to the real business now that those weaklings are out of the way"



I've been thinking about this the whole month but U haven't decided yet, so I'll leave it to you, the people.

Would you like Yamato to be a part of the story and stay with Yasu or not, leave your thoughts.

