
Oden wouldn't be Oden...

In the Flower Capital, a melody could be heard.

People are going on with their day to day life while listening to the melody in the air, children are playing on the streets, housewives are hanging up the clothes and the birds are chirping.

All listening to the same melody.

In the streets, a young boy is whistling while walking down the streets.

'Men, I'm bored' Yasu, who was walking down the streets with his hands at the back of his head, couldn't help but feel bored in this uneventful sunny day.

Although nothing was happening right now, it certainly had been an interesting week, as much interesting as it can get with a dragon flying over the Capital's castle.

He knew that this world wasn't just a medieval one, he heard stories of cities on the back of giant elephants, or underwater, but he certainly didn't expect to see a dragon floating over the city.

'I could go see Kiyomi, maybe she can tell me more st-' But fate wouldn't leave him be.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" A scream could be heard from the distance, it wasn't that loud, but for Yasu with his hearing it felt like screaming in his ear.

Before he knew it he was already running to where the scream came, thanks to his sense he could feel two presences in an alleyway, one of them clearly exuding fear while the other some sort of amusement.

The two were too far away from him if he wanted to make it before anything really bad happened, so he did what any reasonable individual would do.

Sprinting towards some boxes on the side of the street, he placed his feet on one of the boxes and gathering all the strength he could in that leg he pushed upwards, turning all his momentum from the sprint into a vertical jump reaching with ease, the rooftop closest to him.

Across rooftops, the figure of Yasu could be seen jumping the spaces between buildings as if it was natural to him.

Letting himself fall in an alley Yasu screamed "Hey you!"

Looking up, the only thing the assailant could see was a shoe sole before it all fades to black.

Standing before the unconscious body of the man, Yasu looked at the woman who was trembling in fear.

"Don't worry, he can't do anything to you anymore" With a smile on his face, Yasu reassured the woman who simply just nodded before getting up and running away, not without muttering a thanks to him.

'sight' Although he didn't want to be a sort of hero he couldn't just ignore things like this.

Relaxing again, he started to make his way out of the alleyway 'I guess that can count as my goo-'

Stopping in the middle of the alley, with sweat running down his face, there was only one word that came to his mind.

'Monster' When he was training and feeling the presence of the people passing by, he could tell some lights were stronger than others while some were fading if that was possible.

But behind him he felt a presence no others he'd seen could even come close to, it was like staring into an abyss of strength, but that was not it, the presence felt as if it was above all the rest and normal people should just bow down before it.

"Oh? I seems like you really got it handled, kid" The voice of a man broke Yasu out of his trance, turning his back to be facing the man Yasu really didn't know what to say.

Standing right in front of him, a Behemoth of almost three meters and a half was staring right at him.

"I-It was not a big deal" those were the only words that came out of Yasu's mouth as if compelled to answer.

"I wouldn't say that a child leaving a full grown adult unconscious on the floor isn't a big deal, how old are you kid" while talking he started to get closer and closer to him until he was towering over Yasu, although he could not see, he could feel a big smile planted on the man's face.

"T-twelve sir"

"Oh? and those eyes you got there?" said the man full of curiosity leaning towards him with his hand on his chin.

"I'm blind sir" for a moment silence reigned over both of the before Yasu felt the smile on the face of the man get even wider.

"Follow me kid" Why would he follow a complete stranger?, he knew that if someone tells you don't know tells you to follow him you must not, his parents in both lives taught him this... Then why was he following this complete stranger!?.

In no time they were both in a clearing he didn't know existed in this city until today.

"Why are we here?" Yasu asks still nervous about this stranger.

With a completely serious face, the man asks "Tell me kid, what is your dream?"

"My dream?" Hearing this, Yasu stared at the man while repeating his own words.

"Yes, everyone has a dream they want to accomplish, some of those dreams are really simple and some are almost impossible, but no matter the complexity of it, dreams are the fuel of the soul, so tell me, what is your's?"

Hearing this Yasu stars thinking about all the things he has ever wanted in both lives, power, money, fame, recognition, health, but although he thought of all of this, no words came out of his mouth.

Still thinking, a conversation with Kiyomi came to his mind.


Yasu and Kiyomi were in a room, Yasu was holding a shamisen and just finished playing a song.

'clap clap clap' "Good work, you're improving very fast, it's only been a year and it feels like you could take my job at any moment" with a gentle smile Kiyomi stars complimenting Yasu whole-heartedly.

"It's thanks to you!" A still 6 year old Yasu says with a big smile to which Kiyomi blushes still not used to this relationship of master and student.

'cough' "I think that we can leave it like that for today" Kiyomi says trying to not show her embarrassment.

"Hey Kiyomi"


"Did you hear any stories about the outside again?" Yasu looks at Kiyomi with obvious enthusiasm on his face.

Looking at the kid she's been with for the last year and seeing him so excited makes Kiyomi smile.

"Well, today one of those drunk pirates started talking about some islands from the outside, I think he said something about the legend of an island trapped inside a hurricane moving across the world, would you like to hear it?" While Kiyomi was talking you could see stars of excitement in Yasu's eyes as if he was just being given the best gift in his life.


"Ok, why don't we go somewhere comfortable then?" and with that both of them get out of the room with Yasu almost jumping with excitement.


Looking at the man, now without doubts about his dream, Yasu spoke "I want to be free!, I want to see everything the world has to offer and die without regrets!" with only determination in his eyes and conviction in his voice, Yasu declared his dream for the man to see.

"Uhahahahahahahahahahaha" Leaving aside his serious face the man busted out laughing.

Hearing him laugh Yasu started to get angry at the man, he just ask him his dream and he completely laugh it off!.

Before Yasu could do anything a katana still in its sheath flew towards him, grabbing the sword out of reflex Yasu looked at the man with a confused face.

"Hit me with the sword!"

'What?' He technically kidnaps him, asks him about his dream, laugh in his face, toss him a sword to hit him with it, and just refuses to elaborate further?, who the hell is this man?.

With all that just happened, Yasu completely forgot the fear of him he had just a minute ago.

With a big smile, the man continues talking "Come on! Hit me!...I know! If you can hit me once you can keep the sword".

Looking at the white sword in his hands Yasu can feel this isn't an ordinary sword.

Still unsure, Yasu charges towards the man with the sword still sheathed in his hands, with his never fading smile, the man takes his other sword in his waist grabbing it with his right hand.

With a quick movement, Yasu swings the sword from the side which the man easily stops, not stopping there, Yasu continues swinging the sword with the same result, but with each hit trying a different approach, hitting from another angle, changing speeds, he tries to change everything in hopes it works.

A few minutes into the fight, Yasu has created a sort of flow around the man trying to overwhelm him with different attacks, by this time he has completely forgotten about his doubts and has only one thing in mind, hitting him.

It does not matter what he tries, it does not matter what he changes, the man blocks his strikes with absolute ease as if it was nothing, he's not even trying to hit him, this has never happened to him, to have the skill gap so blatantly obvious, but he does not stop, he cannot stop, the man laughed at him and his dream, if he stopped now then his ambition would mean nothing.


Oden is really impressed, by coincidence, he found a boy in an alleyway having beaten, what he guesses by the screams, was a man trying to assault a woman, he didn't give it much of a thought.

But then he saw it, the kid was totally blind but still had no problems beating the man, you didn't see much of those, this grabbed his curiosity.

An then came the question.

"Tell me kid, what is your dream?"

And if before the kid had his curiosity, now he had his full attention.

When he heard his answer, he couldn't help but laugh.

What a great dream!!!

He himself had been all around the world and seen the secrets the world had to offer and to hear the same from the kid he couldn't contain his excitement.

And he certainly had the strength to back it up, or better said, he will, he can feel it in his bones.

Of course he is a kid now, Oden himself was too strong for the kid, but still the kid showed great skill with the sword, maybe the kid didn't notice, but with every second of his dance he was already improving and making him put a little tiny bit more effort to block his attacks!!.

This was great!!

'Show me the full extent of your ambition kid!'.


Yasu was lying on the ground and breathing heavily, he couldn't even touch him!, it didn't matter what he did, he would block it still, and it got even worse when the man decided to throw a blow of his own.

He felt the bones in his arms shaking from the force behind the blow, it made his arms go numb and he almost dropped the sword, and he just did a casual swing!.

This was the first time he felt this, this was the first time the strength gap was so blatantly wide between the two, but he couldn't stop, he wished he could, but he couldn't.

"Kid" Looking up he saw the man he couldn't match up to, blocking the sun as if it was an insurmountable wall.

And the man extended his hand towards him, Yasu could still see his big smile on his face.

"Come with me kid, be my servant!, and I'll hone you so you can make your dream a reality!."

The eyes of Yasu opened up in shock at hearing this, the same man who laughed at him was telling him that he would help his dream become true.

'Really, who is this man?'


OK, this is the chapter for today, hoped you liked it!

A little bit longer, hopefully it will continue like this

I don't know if you like or not this characterization of Oden, but I did what I thought was best