

"Ok, old man here's my first wish. Give me the power of 'Goro Goro no mi (lightning-lightning fruit)." Leonard thought of asking his 1st power based in the one-piece world so that he doesn't restrict them and he also had a little idea.

"Goro-Goro no mi? You sure you want this power as a wish. You could get this power directly in the one-piece world" the old man skeptically asked Leonard.

Leonard smiled 'of course he didn't want his Goro-Goro no mi to be simple. Its just that in the whole series many fruits are shown to be extremely destructive from logia to paramecia. One of the prominent being Gura-Gura no mi(Tremor-Tremor fruit) held by the Great Whitebeard.

But there's only one devil fruit that had been said to have the potential of being invincible as stated by Nico Robin and that Devil fruit is Goro-Goro no mi. Plus, it's everyday uses far exceeds any other devil fruit.

"I am sure old man I want this power but just with a little twist" Leonard replied with a bright smile.

"And, that is?" the old man asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You know that in the one-piece world some devil fruits have higher forms like Fire and magma, snow and chill, rubber and mochi right?" Leonard asked looking at the old man who seems to have figured something out as what he is trying to say.

"Superbolt lightning." The old man guessed instantly.

"Yes, Lightnings that are just a little bit stronger than the normal ones," Leonard replied with an innocent face.

"If by a little bit you mean 1000 times stronger than normal lightnings then yes just a little bit stronger." The old man replied while his eyes were twitching a little bit.

Superbolts are a type of lightning that releases at least 1 million joules of electrical energy — more than 1,000 times the power of regular lightning.

"Now, now old man, I didn't go overboard, did i?. I just asked for a power that already exists in the world with a phenomenon(Higher form of devil fruits) that is already present in the world of one piece. Did I not?" After seeing the old man reactions Leonard justified himself

"Sigh! The old man took a little breath and then replied "No you didn't, you smart-ass kid. Wish granted but you have to learn to use it bit by bit and slowly as it is a very dangerous fruit even for you!

1000 times the power of normal lightning! Do you understand the destructive power of this fruit? It will simply reck destruction if not controlled with extreme caution and concentration until mastered." the old man made sure he understood the power he was wielding.

"I do old man. Don't worry about it" Leonard replied while patting his chest with confidence.

"Now for the 2nd wish. What i want is what every Isekai protagonist ever wanted. Old man give me the powers of 'Sharingan'." Leonard proudly asked without any hint of embarrassment.

Sharingan? You mean the Blood of Otsutsuki from Terra 5696?" the old man asked

"Yes, that would be even better than only having Sharingan. Can I have it?. It is fine even if its power is restricted a little bit" Leonard asked with big grin on his face. To him having a little bit less power doesn't make a difference as he already got an op devil fruit. What's more, he was getting the pure blood of Otsutsuki, which means he might be able to unlock Rinnegan too. It's a plus either way.

"Hmm.." the old man suddenly seemed to be thinking about something while seemingly looking towards the sky which seemed to appear out of nowhere just like the tea.

"After thinking about some time the old man replied " I can give you the power of both Goro-Goro no mi and the power of pure Otsutsuki clan without much restrictions .." the old man stopped after saying this much

Leonard became happy after hearing this. He really did but he knew there was one more word left after that old man's line.

"But..." Leonard followed.

"But, you will have to help me in some work regarding Terra 5692 (aka the one-piece world). Will you accept it?" The old man asked for his answer.

"Depends on the work." Leonard replied. He didn't like where this conversation was going.

"About the work, you will know when you reincarnate in the world of one -piece. Telling you right now would be same as giving you reasons through my perspective which I don't want. What i want is your Point of view, reasons, and finally the conclusion you reach in the end, if you reach the end." The old man explained.

Either way, you will have to make a decision the will define the fate of the world known as 'Terra 5692' or as you call it the world of One-piece!" The old replied sternly.

Leonard didn't feel that he was joking this time. He was dumbstruck.

He could barely make a proper decision for himself otherwise he would not be in this situation in the first place, but now out of nowhere, he had to decide the fate of a whole world? This was the most outrageous joke he ever heard in his entire life!

"Hold on! Don't run your train of thoughts so fast" The old man understood his dilemma and interrupted him while he was spacing out.

"Really? Phew!!" Leonard sighed a breath of relief. He knew the old man could read thoughts so he calmed down thinking this was truly a joke.

"You just gave me a heart attack old man."

"No, what you are thinking is absolutely right!!!" Replied the God calmly.

Leonard's color turned pale again! This old man was trolling him too much. He refuted "old man stop joking around!"

"Who said I am joking?... I am hereby making you a deciding factor for the fate of the planet 'Terra5692'."

Slowly the Old man's aura changed. From an unkempt, plain old man to dignified, holy aura! Too bright to even look upon. "Young man, you wished for immense power and so i am granting you these powers. But, let me ask you this, What good is your immense power if there is no use for it?"

Leonard was frozen in his place not from fear but the overwhelming presence of this old man ...no- God. But immediately after the old man returned to his previous bearings.

He looked right into Leonard's eyes and said "A man who bears great power, devoid of aim nor ambition, tends to corrupt far too often than those with the opposite conditions"

Each word he spoke were slow and deliberate and had an mysterious rhythm to it.

If you are trying to sell me this job than that's not happening!" Said Leonard calmly

Hahaha" the old man burst out laughing not minding the mannerism of a God. "I see, it seems i troubled you too much."

"Lets see. How about this young man. I will give you your wishes and you also don't have to do anything for me but i will leave the passage open just in case you have a change of heart one day. "


It means you will get to choose your path."

What is the work?"

You will know when you are ready. Just remember what i want is your Point of view, reasons and the finally the conclusion you reach, should you choose this task."

"Come on old man that's too Vague. At least, give me some hints."

"So you keep yourself away from it!" the old man replied with a cheeky grin

"What!? No! of course not!" Leonard denied this baseless accusations

"Fine. Mm... Lets see..." the old man acted as if he was trying to come up with something: "If ignorance is your wish then 'Do not Follow History'!"

"Hey, now you are talking space language." Leonard retorted

You will get no further information than this, as anymore of it will already make you a part of this endeavor which you do not wish upon yourself." The old-man clarified

What?" Leonard sighed in defeat. This oldman was not giving him any clear idea about this task.

"Do not follow history? What does that mean...! Wait!!!!" He looked towards the old man in utter shock: "Old man you just didn't..."

"Not as dumb as you make yourself to be. Pretty perceptive!" The old-man replied while having a little chuckle

"Never will I date an archeologist ever -said Leo never."

Saying Leonard was annoyed would be a light statement right now.

"What will happen if I don't choose this path. Is the world going to be destroyed?" Leonard calmed down and asked another important question ringing in his mind.

"Yes and No. If you don't choose this path nothing will happen as it is an event that will take place long after your time has gone. But, if you do decide to take on this task, you will have to deal with it in your time and failure will result in untold destruction and loss of life." the old man replied calmly

Then, why would i even do this task? Seems completely unnecessary to me." Leonard replied even though he was sure as hell he was not going to pick this path.

"Because, my child, you are that random piece of pebble that will fall down onto that 'ever still' serene pond creating giant waves and thunderous storms, disturbing all, only to search for that ever elusive ray of light." The old man said with a gentle smile

"???... i see!" Leonard calmly understood what he just said nodding his head a few times to show his agreement: " So, do i get my wishes?"

"Hahaha, yes." The old man heartily replied: "Now let's get back to your wishes. You have asked for two wishes and both are granted!

"Really?" Leonard excitedly asked

" Yes, for your Sharingan, I have given you the purest blood of Otsutsuki clan with a little modification and it has no restrictions which means you will eventually be able to unlock your 'Eternal Mangekyo' and then 'Rinnegan'!"

"As for your Devil fruit, I have given a little bit of twist in it. It will be called as 'Goro Goro no mi: Model Extreme' and will be classified as a 'Special Logia' class. It will also have some special attributes other than its immense powers. You will know of it when you master your devil fruit to a certain extent, so don't ask me about it.

Now then what will be your third wish?" the old man asked for his final wish.

Tell me if I am describing the things excessively then I will try to cut the dialogs short and get right to the point.

Feel free to suggest if you have any ideas and thank you for reading

BoredDWritercreators' thoughts