
one piece elemental god

our mc lived a miserable life he spent most of his time in a hospital bed due to is inccurrable disease all he had was the manga's he would read his favorite was one piece when he finally died he met god and God apologized to him for the terrible life he was given so in return god decided to reincarnate him in a world of his choice he thought about it and chose to be reborn in one piece as monkey.d.Luffy god asked him what power he would like and after thinking for a while he asked for the power to control every element including the sub elements god granted his wish how will our mc change the world of one piece being reincarnated as our protagonist follow him on his journey to find out disclaimer I do not own one piece or any of it's characters

nexusstar21 · アニメ·コミックス
93 Chs

chapter 18

Third person p.o.v

Luffy woke up with bandages wrapped around his chest and kumi watching over him.The moment he got up, kumi jumped up, screaming something luffy could only make out as your awake.

Ace,sabo, and Garp came into the room along with Makino and dadan."How many times do I have to tell you about your reckless behavior?" yelled garp.Makino shook her head already accustomed to luffy's reckless nature . "It's not my fault how was I supposed to know the animals would come out of the deep part of the forest."shouted luffy. "I knew you were gonna be a handful." said Dadan. Although she didn't want to admit it, she had grown to like the three brats.

"Don't get smart with me, brat."said Gary as he punched luffy over the head.Luffy jumped in pain as ace, and sabo laughed at him.After scolding him about his his reckless nature, everyone left except ace,sabo and kumi."Luffy, what were those black flames and lighting you used?" asked Ace.

"To be honest, I'm not quite sure myself. It first appeared when me and kumi were about to be killed by the leader of some bandits who used a zone devil fruit.I have gotten a grasp over it, but It is incredibly taxing on my body."replied luffy.

"So, did you two manage to make any improvements to your devil fruit powers in this time?"asked, luffy."Yeah, I have learned how to partially control the temperature of the steam I produce, I can now make it twice as hot as usual."replied sabo."I took your advice and learned how to project the heat of the flames around my surroundings without generating any flames. I can only do it in a range of 3 meters, though."said ace.

That's pretty good when I'm done recovering. we'll go to the black market."said luffy.Why do you want to go to the black market?"asked Ace and sabo in unicen."To try and by the Marines secret rokushiki techniques."said luffy with a grin.What is rokushiki?" asked Ace and sabo."Rokushiki are secret techniques only taught to high-ranking members of the Marines."

"Then, if they are secret techniques taught to high-ranking Marines, why not just ask the old man to teach us?"asked Ace.He will never teach us rokushiki unless we join the Marines, which is why we need to go to the black market in order to buy these techniques.replied luffy.

"That makes sense, but how do you even know where a black market is, much less one that sells that sells the secret techniques of the Marines?"asked sabo.

The Marines are a very corrupt organization while their are good Marines. There are also evil Marines that just want power and money, as where we'll find a black market, don't worry about it.said luffy as he smiled.