
One Piece: Build the Strongest Naval Branch

MTLNovel The 18th branch of the East China Sea… This is the most bizarre branch of the navy, built in the East China Sea with the title of the weakest sea, but it is more majestic than the headquarters. The top war was actually carried out in a branch? A branch prison instead of advancing into? The East China Sea has entered the era of no pirates? …… Soon everyone found out that before they knew it, even the Navy Headquarters was about to lose its meaning! Original name: 打造最强海军支部

Mandobro · アニメ·コミックス
577 Chs

Adventurer's Guild officially launched

Popular recommendation:

[The Adventurer's Guild was officially established, and the trial operation began in the East China Sea]

[Gorgeous turn around, the pirate redefined]

[On the establishment of the Adventurer's Guild, how much of a blow to the pirate forces]

[Interview, General East China Sea tells you what is the Adventurer's Guild]

[Adventurer's Guild has full support from Marijoa and the Navy Headquarters]


The overwhelming news and editorials directly occupy two-thirds of the pages of this issue of the World Economic News.

In short, as one of the editorials said, the Adventurer's Guild's plan is a redefinition of pirates.

That is, the pirates who are evil, and the pirates who simply adventure and hunt for treasures.

Of course, this adventurer doesn't mean that you can apply directly to the East China Sea.

Instead, it has to go through layers of review, but if you have a history of killing civilians or navies, and looting, it will never pass the review.

However, again, as long as you can pass the review to become an officially recognized adventurer, you will no longer be rewarded or hunted down by the navy.

Of course, your pirate group will also become an adventure group, and you can no longer fly the pirate flag.

At the same time, in another exclusive interview with Li Yan, he also mentioned the many benefits that an adventurer can enjoy.

For example, in the Adventurers Guild, each adventure group will be rated, and with the increase of this rating, you can even directly exchange the Guild Points for Devil Fruits.

For another example, after reaching a certain rating, the adventure group can even enjoy the support of part of the navy's intelligence system and so on.

This makes many people restless.

Although Devil Fruits are not too expensive except for some powerful ones, ordinary fruits are worth 100 million Baileys.

But the problem is, the devil fruit is priceless.

It's not that you can buy it anytime you have the money!

However, for Li Yan, Devil Fruit is really not a thing.

Many of the fruits that I have drawn before have not been used, let alone the opportunity to draw 100,000 meritorious deeds of ordinary Devil Fruits at one time. It is simply sprinkled with water.

Of course, Li Yan wouldn't just randomly give benefits just because it was easy for him to obtain Devil Fruits.

If you want to redeem Devil Fruit, you must reach the A-level adventure group, and it takes a million points to exchange points.

Whether it is to achieve an A-level assessment or earn enough points, it is not an easy task.

In the later stage, Li Yan will even add more attractive things to the exchange items, such as...

Ironclad ships, airships, etc.

Of course, these are all things to come, and they will definitely not be taken out at present.


a few days later.

In the north of Corona Island, a new artificial sub-island, a ship that has lowered the pirate flag, docked in the port.

"Just take it easy for me. I heard that a group of pirates came here to make trouble, and they were directly suppressed by a few ordinary sailors."

"To be suppressed by ordinary marines is too bad, hahaha!"

"Laugh at you, that's the one-eyed Kaur, the 7 million big pirate with a bounty!"

Seeing his subordinates laughing loudly, Beatr, the captain, scolded angrily.

Your boss is me, and the bounty is only 2 million, okay?

"Boss, is it true?"

"Of course it's true. Now the whole East China Sea is spreading. In terms of the elite level of the navy, even the headquarters can't compare to the East China Sea Navy!"

"Hey...is there such an exaggeration?"

"Otherwise, I will always pay attention to me when I land. I don't want to follow Kaur's footsteps!"

"Yes, boss!"

Hearing this, all the pirates also nodded quickly, and even their expressions restrained a lot.

"Hello, where is the Adventurer's Guild?"

Beatr, who had just stepped off the boat, immediately trotted over after seeing the two patrolling sailors, and asked very respectfully.

"Over there, the biggest building is, are you pirates?"

After pointing to the center of the island, the sailor glanced at Beate and asked immediately.

"Yes, but we did not raid merchant ships, nor did we attack civilians or the navy..."

"Okay, although I don't know that you haven't attacked civilians, I still believe that you haven't attacked the navy!"

"Ah, do you believe me?"

"With your strength, who can you attack? Believe it or not, I can beat the whole boat down by myself?"

Glancing at Beat, the sea soldier said angrily.

Hearing what the sailor said, Beate was also dumbfounded.

Speaking of which, Beate really didn't do anything bad, just because he was persecuted by the nobles, he had to take his brothers out to sea to escape.

However, even if he ran away, the aristocrat didn't let him go. He went straight to a naval branch at the time. After giving some money, he asked that branch to list a bunch of crimes and label him a pirate. And offered a reward of one million Bailey.

After all, the East China Sea Navy a year ago was a mess.

So, in terms of fighting, Beyatt and the others really don't have much fighting power, at most they are slightly stronger than ordinary people.

As for these elite sea soldiers under Li Yan, their basic Dao Strength is above 30. If one person overthrows all of them, he is really not talking big.

Beat was also very embarrassed to be complained by an ordinary sailor, and hurried away with a few of his own men.

A few minutes later, when they came to the Adventurer's Guild, they were a little stunned.

As soon as they entered the door, they were all beautiful ladies and sisters, and they were all very enthusiastic.

"Hello, is this the first time you have come to the Adventurer's Guild?"

"Yes, it is!"

"Don't be nervous, please come with me and do the registration first!"

"That... I want to ask, if I fail the review, will I be arrested on the spot?"

To be honest, this problem is also a problem that many pirates worry about.

After all, who knows if this Adventurer's Guild is a trap, deliberately tricking them over, and then sweeping them away?

And that's why, after so many days, only a few pirates came to register.

As for the other pirate groups, most of them are watching.

"No way!"

"Even if you don't pass the audit, you can leave safely!"

"According to General Li Yan, as long as you are a pirate, it is impossible to escape the pursuit of the East China Sea Navy, and there is no need to arrest you here to smash your own brand!"

"But I suggest that if you don't pass the review, you should just surrender yourself and your sentence can be reduced!"

Dude, listen to what this girl has to say?

To translate it, it is...

If you want to catch you, you can do it at any time. We disdain to catch you here, after all, this will damage our own brand.

So, even if you fail the audit, you can leave at will.

But it is better to surrender than to leave you. In the East China Sea, you absolutely cannot escape. At least surrendering yourself can reduce your sentence, right?

"I really didn't do anything bad. The bounty was framed by the nobles and the navy."

"Don't worry about this, our audit team is very professional. As long as you have never done anything bad, you will not only pass the audit, but will even thoroughly investigate the person who framed you back then, and give you justice!"


"General Li Yan promised himself!"

"Okay~www.mtlnovel.com~ Then let's go to register for the level!"

Hearing this, Beatr was immediately excited...


the next day.

"Mr. Beatr, you have passed the review of the Adventurers Guild. This is your adventure license. The initial rating is F, please keep it!"

"At the same time, your reward order has been revoked. From this moment on, you are a great adventurer!"

"Finally, if you want to register for an adventure group, please bring at least five members who are also adventurers and go to the second window to apply!"

Filmed by a group of reporters stationed in the 18th branch, the receptionist smiled and handed the adventure license to Bayat.

And when all this was done, the reporters on the side immediately gathered around.

"Mr. Beatr, can you talk about your mood at the moment?"

"After you become an adventurer, what is your goal?"

"Excuse me..."

Surrounded by a group of reporters, and constantly asking questions.

At this moment, Beate is extremely confused.


Just passed?


I am not a pirate, but an adventurer!

In the office building on the island of the Eighteen Branches, Li Yan was watching this scene in the Adventurers Guild with satisfaction through surveillance in the office.

"When the newspaper comes out tomorrow, it is estimated that the Adventurer's Guild will soon usher in a wave of registrations, right?"

"However, it seems that another fire should be added to completely stir up this matter."

"Ain, go check it out, what this Best said was about being framed back then!"