
One Piece : Brotherhood

In a world where destiny weaves its intricate threads, Ross finds himself entangled in a web of fate beyond comprehension. Once a mafia enforcer in his past life, he meets his demise shielding his brother, the reigning mafia king, from a fatal betrayal. But as death claims him, another door opens. Transcending realms, Ross is reborn into the vibrant world of One Piece, armed with the memories of his former life and the knowledge of its canon. However, fate has a cunning twist in store. He awakens within the body of young Rosinante, a noble-hearted soul entwined in the dark machinations of piracy and government corruption. As Ross grapples with this new existence, a tragic turn of events leads to Rosinante's demise, allowing Ross's soul to seamlessly merge with his. Now, armed with his past experiences and the vessel of Rosinante, Ross embraces his chance at redemption and empowerment. Driven by a newfound purpose, Ross sets his sights on aiding his brother, the infamous Donquxote Doflamingo, in his quest to become the true ruler of the One Piece world. Amidst the turbulent seas and the clash of titanic powers, Ross navigates the treacherous waters of politics, betrayal, and warfare. Together with his brother Doffy, Ross/Rosinante must unravel the mysteries of the Grand Line, face off against formidable adversaries, and forge alliances that will shape the very fabric of the world. But as they ascend towards their ultimate goal, shadows from the past loom ominously, threatening to unravel everything he holds dear. In "One Piece : Brotherhood," embark on an epic journey where alliances are tested, loyalties are challenged, and destinies are rewritten. Will Ross help his brother carve his legacy into the annals of history, or will the specters of the past consume him whole? Or does Destiny have something entirely different in play for Ross that he might not even have imagined in his wildest dreams? *************************************************************************************************** Disclaimer: One Piece is a copyrighted work of Eiichiro Oda. This fanfiction is a creative work by Silent_stiele and is not officially affiliated with the One Piece franchise. For exclusive access to advance chapters and more, visit the author's Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/Silent_stiele. Visit my Discord server for updates on the fanfic https://discord.gg/DecNeDpY

Silent_stiele · アニメ·コミックス
220 Chs

Chapter 117

"You monster, do you know the value of life? Do you know how much we sacrifice to save each life in Dressrosa?" King Riku roared as Doffy was about to step out onto the balcony. Doffy froze mid-step. Suddenly, an ominous laughter echoed through the room as Doffy couldn't control his mirth anymore. He turned back towards Riku, his eyes glinting with a mix of amusement and disdain.

"The question is, do you know the value of life, Riku? No, you are a hypocrite!" Doffy's voice boomed, silencing the room. He took a step closer, his presence overpowering. "Since I set foot in Dressrosa, I've seen thousands perish at the hands of pirates. Even as we speak, the entirety of Dressrosa's people are suffering due to lack of resources and the constant fear of death. Yet your loved ones live in absolute safety inside these walls, enjoying a life of abundance while the rest of Dressrosa suffers."

He paused, letting his words sink in. Riku's grip on Scarlett tightened, his knuckles white. Viola clung to her father's leg, trembling.

"Talk to me about sacrifice after you send your own daughters to live in the pirate-infested town. Have them experience the same life as the rest of Dressrosa's citizens—a life of pillage and rape. You use your status as king to keep what is dear to you safe, so don't lecture me about sacrifice." Doffy's voice grew softer, but the intensity remained. "I know the weight of losing someone dear to me in this cruel world. So yes, I do know the value of life, unlike you."

For a moment, a flicker of genuine pain crossed Doffy's face, a rare glimpse into the heart of the man behind the monster. It was a look that spoke of buried memories and lost loved ones, of a childhood marred by betrayal and brutality.

King Riku, seeing this fleeting vulnerability, felt a pang of something he hadn't expected—pity. But it was quickly overshadowed by the anger and sorrow for his people and his wounded daughter. "You think you're different, Doflamingo? You think your pain justifies the suffering you inflict on others?"

Doffy laughed again, but this time it was a hollow sound. "I don't need justification, Riku. This world is built on suffering. It's how you wield it that defines you. You cling to ideals that mean nothing in the grand scheme. In the end, power is the only truth."

As he spoke, the remnants of the soldiers looked on, some with hatred, others with a dawning realization of the complexity of their enemy. Doffy turned his back on Riku, ready to leave, but he paused one last time. "Remember this, Riku. Every life lost under my rule serves a purpose. I will bring order to this chaos, even if it's through fear and strength."

With that, Doffy stepped out onto the balcony and disappeared into the wind. King Riku, holding his injured daughter and surrounded by the remnants of his loyal soldiers, felt the weight of his kingdom's plight more heavily than ever.

Scarlett, still whimpering in pain, looked up at her father with wide eyes. "Daddy, will everything be okay?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Riku kissed her forehead, trying to muster a reassuring smile. "We will find a way," he murmured, his voice filled with determination. "We will find a way to fight back, to protect Dressrosa. We must."

As the storm outside continued to rage, King Riku knew that the battle for his kingdom's future had only just begun. And within the heart of Dressrosa, amidst the suffering and the fear, flickered the enduring hope of its people—a hope that, despite everything, would not easily be extinguished.

Within Balsa, inside a grand mansion that served as the current base of the Donquixote Pirates, a little mermaid played around with a crystal ball. Many pirates who had come to Dressrosa coveted this little mermaid, but everyone who tried to approach her had become cold corpses.

She was Shyarly, a member of the Donquixote family. Currently, little Shyarly is accompanied by Gladius and Giolla. Earlier, she had urgently asked their master to visit King Riku in his palace. She had divined that there was something important for her there.

As they waited in the opulent room, the tension was palpable. Gladius leaned against the wall, his arms crossed, while Giolla fussed with her extravagant attire, trying to alleviate her boredom. Shyarly, however, remained focused, her eyes occasionally flickering to the crystal ball.

Just then, the door swung open, and Doffy strode in, his presence commanding immediate attention. In his hand, he carried what seemed like a devil fruit, its unusual appearance drawing the eyes of everyone in the room. He walked over to the table and placed it in front of Shyarly with a satisfied grin.

"Here, little one, I suppose this is what you wanted," Doffy said, his voice a mix of amusement and curiosity. Although her foresight had not told him exactly what he was looking for, after reading the note about the paramecia devil fruit, he knew this was destined for Shyarly.

Shyarly's eyes widened as she gazed at the fruit. She had seen this in her visions, but seeing it in reality was something entirely different. Her small hands reached out, almost reverently, to touch it. The fruit was smooth and intricate, with swirling patterns that hinted at its power.

"Thank you, Master Doffy," Shyarly said softly, her voice filled with awe. "This is exactly what I saw. It's the Giro Giro no Mi, a paramecia devil fruit that grants the power of clairvoyance and enhanced perception."

Gladius and Giolla exchanged glances. They had heard of Shyarly's foresight and knew it was powerful, but seeing it in action always left them slightly awestruck.

"And are you sure about this? You are a mermaid, and consuming this fruit means losing your ability to swim forever," Doffy remarked. He didn't want little Shyarly to regret her decision later on, especially because she was only a child now.

Shyarly looked up at Doffy, her eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and sadness. "I understand the cost, Master Doffy. But I also understand the importance of this power. It's my duty to help the family, and if that means giving up swimming, then I am willing to make that sacrifice."

Doffy's expression softened slightly. He knelt down to her level, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You're a brave girl, Shyarly. Just remember, this decision will change your life forever. Once you eat the fruit, there's no going back."

Shyarly nodded firmly. "I've seen what the future holds, and this is the right path. With this power, I can help protect everyone. I can help protect the fishman Island in the future."

The room fell silent as everyone watched Shyarly take a deep breath and then bite into the devil fruit. The taste was as bitter and awful as she had been warned, but she forced herself to swallow it. Instantly, she felt a rush of energy coursing through her, changing her from within.

Her eyes began to glow with an ethereal light, and the air around her seemed to hum with power. She gasped as her vision expanded, seeing not just the physical realm but glimpses of possible futures, paths that were yet to be taken. The world had transformed, and she could perceive layers of reality that had been hidden before.

"It's... overwhelming," Shyarly whispered, her voice filled with awe. "I can see so much... so many possibilities."

Doffy stood up, his gaze intense but proud. "Take your time to adjust, Shyarly. Your power is immense, and with it, we can foresee and navigate the challenges ahead. You have made a great sacrifice, but it will not be in vain."

Gladius and Giolla watched in awe, understanding the gravity of the moment. They knew that Shyarly's new abilities would give them a significant advantage, but they also respected the personal cost she had paid.

"Remember, Shyarly," Giolla said gently, "we are your family, and we will support you through this. You are never alone."

Shyarly smiled, her resolve strengthening. "Thank you, everyone. I won't let you down. I will use this power to help us all."

As little Shyarly celebrated her newfound powers, Gladius stood to the side, his expression tinged with sadness. Though he was genuinely happy for Shyarly, he couldn't shake the feeling of uselessness that had been gnawing at him. He felt as if he couldn't contribute actively to the family.

Even the newcomer, Smoker, seemed to be adapting well, fully immersed in his training. As for little Lucci, he was a monster altogether, and everyone knew that Issho-san would soon start teaching Lucci the secrets of Haki, while Gladius was still stuck improving his basic foundations.

Doffy noticed the change in Gladius's mood and couldn't help but sigh. Originally, he had thought he would wait until Gladius had formed a solid base before pushing him further. But the kid seemed too hung up on chasing after his peers. He even wanted to compete against a monster like Lucci. Doffy knew that Lucci was a different breed, much like his own little brother Ross.

Comparing oneself to them would only lead to frustration and pain—this was a hard lesson Doffy had learned since he was young.

Gladius realized that his moping had been noticed by their master and felt a wave of embarrassment. He quickly tried to compose himself, but Doffy stepped up, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Gladius," Doffy began, his voice soft but firm, "I understand how you feel. It's natural to want to compare yourself to others, to measure your worth against theirs. But you need to understand that everyone grows at their own pace. Lucci and Ross are exceptional, yes, but that doesn't mean you are any less important or capable."

Gladius looked up at Doffy, his eyes filled with uncertainty. "But, Master Doffy, I want to contribute more. I see everyone advancing, becoming stronger, and I feel like I'm being left behind."

Doffy nodded, understanding the young man's frustration. "Well, in that case, Ross originally wanted to give this to you after you formed a solid foundation, but now seems to be as good a time as any." He turned to Giolla, who immediately understood and went into one of the inner rooms in the mansion.

"Congratulations, Brother Gladius!" little Shyarly commented, her voice filled with genuine happiness. Gladius seemed confused by what was going on, while Doffy couldn't help but smirk. He needed to be careful around the little girl—she might end up uncovering all their secrets.

"I once promised you a devil fruit, remember? Now, I guess it's time." Doffy remarked. Right then, Giolla returned with a small chest in her hands and presented it to Doffy.

Gladius's eyes lit up at the mention of a devil fruit. Since joining the Donquixote family, he has always been fascinated by them. He remembered the day when Senor and especially Diamante were gifted their devil fruits, Gladius had always wanted a Logia devil fruit, but he knew how rare each Logia fruit was. Since then, he has been waiting anxiously for his turn.

Doffy opened the small chest and revealed a crimson, crystal-like devil fruit. Gladius's eyes were glued to the fruit, completely ignoring his surroundings.

"This, Gladius, is the Ekisho Ekisho no Mi, a Logia type devil fruit. It will allow you to transform your body into crystals, and once you hone your mastery, you can transform your crystals into something akin to diamonds. Your defenses and attacks will reach new heights with this power, and you no longer have to feel inferior in front of Smoker just because he has a logia fruit," Doffy explained, watching Gladius's awe-struck expression.

Just as Gladius was about to reach out to take the fruit, he paused and turned to Doffy. "Master, I think you should give this fruit to Lucci. I know how rare each Logia fruit is. This fruit would be better suited in the hands of little Lucci," Gladius said, his tone filled with reluctance.

He very much wanted to eat the fruit, but the benefits of the family stood ahead of his own selfishness. He was an orphan; if not for the Donquixote family rescuing him, he would have been dead in some ditch in North Blue. For that, he would always be loyal to the Donquixote family.

Doffy threw his head back and laughed heartily. "Hahahaha, oye Gladius, since when did you grow up? Remember, you are barely ten. You can worry about the family once you have grown up. As for Lucci, let my little brother worry about him. This fruit belongs to you and no one else." Doffy presented the fruit again to Gladius, his eyes gleaming with pride.

"Eat up," Doffy encouraged, his voice softer now. "This is your moment."

Gladius's hands trembled slightly as he reached for the fruit. "Master Doffy... thank you," he said, his voice filled with emotion. He took a deep breath and bit into the fruit, grimacing at the horrible taste.

Doffy watched as Gladius consumed the devil fruit, his expression a mix of pride and satisfaction. "Remember, Gladius, this power now belongs to you and you alone, you have no more excuses to stay weak, so grow strong, strong enough so that you can roam the seas unchallenged. Use it to protect our family and further our goals."

As the initial shock of the devil fruit's taste subsided, Gladius felt a strange sensation coursing through his body. He looked at his hands, watching in amazement as his skin began to shimmer with a diamond-like sheen.

"Brother Gladius, you look amazing!" Shyarly exclaimed, clapping her hands in delight.

Gladius felt a surge of confidence and determination. "I promise I won't let you down, Master Doffy. I'll use this power to make our family proud."

Doffy nodded, pleased with Gladius's resolve. "I know you will. Now, let's see what you can do with your new abilities. Giolla, take Gladius to the training grounds and help him get started."

Giolla smiled warmly at Gladius. "Come on, Gladius. Let's see what you're capable of."

As they left the room, Doffy turned his attention back to Shyarly, who was still beaming with excitement. "You did well, Shyarly. You should get used to your new powers too; go on, get to the training grounds."

Shyarly giggled. "I'm just glad I could help. And now Gladius has a devil fruit too!"

Doffy ruffled her hair affectionately. "Yes, he does. And with all of us growing stronger, our family will be unstoppable."

As Doffy watched Gladius and Shyarly head towards the training grounds, he felt a deep sense of satisfaction. Each member of the Donquixote family was finding their place, growing stronger, and becoming more united. Together, they would achieve greatness.


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Currently updated until Chapter 152.

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With heartfelt thanks,


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