
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

OneMoreScore · アニメ·コミックス
151 Chs

True Prowess (R-18)

After picking up the Dressrosa girls and boarding our ship we headed back to Amazon lily.

"So I think some introductions should be underway don't you girls agree? How about I start off to ease it in I am Firebrand Vargas, I just turned 19 recently and I'm the youngest of the 8 Warlords of the Sea." I then motion to them to introduce themselves.

"Hi Hi! Im Sugar! Im 10 years old and I like eating grapes!" She says as she holds out a basket of grapes towards me. "You want some?" But I realized she was using her abilities, I didn't know what her powers were but I got an instinctual feeling if I let her touch me it would be bad news.

So I got close to her, she was about 3'8" roughly 2 feet shorter than me, and leaned forward with my face near inches from her face, I was smiling with my eyes closed while releasing my aura across the ship causing Baby 5 and Monet to get ready for a fight, I slowly opened one eye that was releasing flames from it, I saw she was getting really scared of what I was doing, "I would love a grape, that is if you will give it to me without trying something you shouldn't." I was unfazed by Baby 5 pointing her bazooka at me and Monet seemingly becoming an ice woman.

All sugar could do was nod and hold the basket in a position where she doesn't touch me with her hands, with a nod I pull back my aura before eating some grapes from her basket, but some of them were oddly extremely spicy.

"Hoooo that's a spicy grape, but unfortunately spicy things don't work on me so nice try with the prank kid." I say as I shrug and walk away while Sugar falls to her knees shaking in fear.

Monet and Baby 5 were still prepared to attack me, "I'd suggest you don't even try it, unless you girls are in for a spanking?" I say as I flex my hand at them.

This makes Monet have second thoughts on attacking him but Baby 5 was too brash and decided to try her luck and fired her bazooka at me which I easily deflected the missile with my hand sending off into the ocean causing it to explode sending water flying into the sky.

After that I just look at her and sigh before near instantly appearing behind her taking one of the chairs nearby to sit on while i drape her over my lap and begin spanking her through her skirt hard.

"AHHHH Stop it that hurts you jerk!!!" She says as she cries in pain of my spanks.

"You didn't listen so now your paying for it!" I say as I spank her over and over again for a good few minutes before pushing her off me and getting up as I brush off my hands.

"Now then, anyone else wants to try me?" I say as I stare directly at Monet

But she's smart and decides to shake her head no.

"Good then let's start this over, starting with you ice lady."

"…. Monet…. I'm Sugars big sister." She says while giving me a fierce glare.

"Well that would make more sense as to why your here then, your here to protect your baby sis then." She just nods in response.

"Now ladies I'll just say this once, I could honestly care less what kind of person you are, be it an absolute monster of a person or a living saint, I don't give a shit, I'm here to train you girls into genuine threats to your enemies and that's it, if he has ordered you to try and fuck me over just know this, I can be even more terrifying than him if need be, but if your good I'm probably one of the nicest people you could ever meet."

"…. What do you mean by that?" (Viola)

"Well since you asked I have a set of skills that when used, specifically on women just makes there day, such as I am a master masseuse that runs a spa on my wives island, and a great cook and dessert maker as well as other things to please a woman in the bedroom…" I say as I stroke my chin and grin.

When Sugar realizes I can make candy she immediately gets up and runs over to me and bows her head.

"I'm sorry for trying to mess with you, I won't do that again!" She says as she bows her head at me.

I just grin and pull out a grape flavored sucker and give it to her, "See even though you only said that to get candy, I still accept your apology." I say as I pat her head and smile at her.

Even though she's still a bit afraid of me, she does feel genuinely happy to have candy and have her head patted.

Seeing as everything was calming down everyone began to relax and with that we continued back home.



Sometime later, Amazon Lily Palace

"Now that we're back, all of you will need to sign a soul contract as all information I will be telling you is confidential, so if you even think of telling anyone just know your life is forfeit."

"How can you be sure?"

"When the contracted you will feel as if something is holding your very soul and when you begin to think about breaking the contract it will start to slowly crush it until you stop wanting to break the contract, but if you try to udder a word it will crush your soul and end your very existence." I say with such severity.

"Are you serious?" (Monet)

"After you except it and I tell you everything you need to know, try thinking about who you want to tell about this information and you'll feel what I mean."

They all look at eachother, nervous, but ultimately nod and except the contract.

With a nod from me I explained everything to them, the frontier, evolution, fusion, leveling, the virtual shop, the inventory, summoning and the virtual battlefield.

"Now just think about someone you want to tell about all that info who currently isn't in this room and already knows the truth."

The girls start to think about it, but the near instant that thought crosses their minds a chill runs up their spines and the world loses it color as time seems to crawl to a stop, then suddenly a orb of darkness appears behind the girls with an eye appearing to stare them down as it generates an shadow arm that goes in there bodies grabbing at their souls and it asks in a robotic voice, "is that your final decision yes or no?"

The girls couldn't respond but screamed in terror in their minds *NO!* the shadow then let's go and says, "This is your first and last warning, because there is no next time."

Then to them time resumes as they all slump down and cough up blood and take in deep breaths of air.

"I didn't see what happened but now you know the consequences of trying to tell the others the truth." I say as I kneel down and produce glasses of water for them to drink.

They just nod as they shakily grab the cups of water and drink it to calm their nerves.

"But with that settled tonight when you girls go to bed I'll show you around the frontier and get you on your path to evolution." They nod and go off to do there things till night fall.

"Honey, haven't you forgot something?" Hancock and the sisters say as they all surrounded me with Hancock twirling my nipple, and all 3 of them grabbing my crotch.

"Hmmmm….. oh wait it's our anniversary today isn't?"

"You actually forgot?"

"No of course not it just with everything that's been going on I put it to the back of my head, but tonight don't worry I'll rock your girls world even more than usual." I say with an evil looking grin.

After saying that we all began to make out, not noticing some other people listening on our conversation with intrigue.



Later that night in our love nest, the same one we made for our wedding night all those year's ago.

As I'm prepping the girls by eating them out, unknown to us a few rooms down, Viola with Monet and Baby 5 were all watching what I was doing with my wives in our love nest thanks to Violas devil fruit ability by turning several Glasses that Monet carry's on hand and turned them into X-ray glasses that can see through walls all the way to the love nest.

Though I got this strange feeling we were being watched but seeing nothing but still feeling like we were being watched I turned us into positions where we're facing away from whoever was watching, this in turn gave a clear backside view of the action, lucky them we were only doing one type of position today, mating press because the girls seem overly eager to have kids, but I'm not ready to be a dad yet, at least not till I believe I'm strong enough to, and also have more women to do while their pregnant.

All 3 of the girls covered their mouths when they saw the size of my member, it was larger than usual since they wanted me to throughly break them for once, I.e they wanted to try some womb play which is both painful but also exciting as well.

While I began to go to town on Hancock the three girls unconsciously began to play with themselves as they watched the fun me and my wives were having.

"AHHH YES YES YESSSSSS!!!" She began to squirt from the overwhelming pleasure that I was giving her womb by prying it open and getting in deep causing her belly to bulge at my size a bit.

The three girls came as I filled up Hancock with my spunk, right in her womb, now you maybe asking why I'm having unprotected sex if I don't want to be a dad yet and the short of it is I put to much heat I'm my spunk that it's sterilizes it making it so unless I want to I can't make a woman pregnant.

I then moved onto Sonia and Marie as they wrapped me up in there half snake forms as I plowed them straight to there wombs, making out with them as I went in between the two alternating each thrust into a different pussy.

The girls were now getting each other off as they kept watching all of the action that I was having with my wives.

The girls all decided to take off there glasses to stop watching all the action.

".... Is that size normal?" (Baby 5)

"...…. I don't think so." (Viola)

".... Men don't get that big, unless he was part giant then maybe but he's a full blown human too me. (Monet)

"…. Is it strange that I want to try it for myself?" (Baby 5)

The other two look at each other and then both nod to her in agreement with wanting to try it themselves.

"… though we need to be prepared if we want to pursue him, and if we make him ours we might be able to make him get rid of the contracts so we can complete our missions and tell young master everything he wants to know." Monet says with a scheming look on her face, Viola grinned as well at the idea as well because it might mean she can save more of her family.

*… I might actually want him for real though…* (Baby 5)

(End R-18)


(A/N this wasn't meant to be a full blown sex scene, really only going on for as long as the 3 were peeping on it, so when they stopped watching it ended that's why I ended it in a weird time like this if that makes sense.)

After the night of fun with my wives and feeling that we weren't being watched anymore we rested for the night into the next.

The Dressrosa girls complained I didn't keep my end of the deal, but I countered that they came at a bad time since yesterday was my anniversary so I needed to put it off till today before they could go to the frontier.

With that being said that night, for real this time, we all went to the frontier and introduced to them all the facilities that they can use while in here.

And with that there several month training began with there schedules looking like this, during the day they have free time to themselves to do whatever they want, explore Amazon lily, enjoy the spa I open up for everyone in the palace, or go to the dining room to get some food from me if I'm not working in the spa at the time, Perona (15) is usually there to get sweets and to sometimes ask for stuffed animals from me, after finding out I give out stuffed animals Sugar asked to get some as well which I obliged because she was genuinely growing on me as a younger sister.

Though Sugar and Perona don't seem to get along that well, Perona told me that she felt her position as little sister was being threatened with her being here, but I didn't treat her any different and still gave her the same amount of attention as before just also giving Sugar attention as well.

I learned from her that her and Monet didn't really have a good family environment growing up that's why they were so loyal to Doflamingo as he gave them the true family they never really had.

Besides Sugar, Baby 5 during both at day and night seemed to always wanted to be helpful to me and everyone else, and when I asked why she said, "because I genuinely like to help….. and I want to feel wanted by someone so that's why I always love to help!" She says with a smile on her face.

With a slightly sad smile on my face I rubbed her head, "even if your brash sometimes and do dumb things, know that I always genuinely appreciate the help…" I rub her head some more, but stop as she begins to blush.

*maybe he really does need me…* (Baby 5)

With her thoughts running wild she ran away and from that point on act like a timid maiden around me and always watch me from around corners.

But Viola and Monet on the other hand were very obviously to me trying to get my affections by trying to seduce me.

"Well as I said their both trying to seduce me now, probably to get out of the contract so they can tell Doflamingo everything they know." I say as me and Hancock enjoy some coffee out on the veranda of the palace.

"So are you gonna make them yours and steal them away from him?"

"Yes and no, I'll make them mine of course but when they finish with their training, I'll convince Monet to be my spy on the inside of Doflamingo's family and find out anything that I can use to my advantage over him, but like in our agreement I'll be keeping Viola, after all she was the price for these girls to get all this training after all."

"And how will you do that?"

"By making it impossible for her to find pleasure in another of course." I say as I drink my coffee with a grin on my face.

"… And Baby 5?"

"If she openly says she likes me and you girls are alright with it I'll let her be with us."

"… Well she is very helpful all around the place, and I find her personality to be very cute and endearing, so if she is alright with it she can be apart of our family, but don't you dare touch her till she's older got it?" Since Baby 5 is 14 which to most of the world is an adult already on Amazon lily your not an adult till your 16 so even if we got together we cant go all the way until then.

"And as for Viola I'll slowly but genuinely make her mine after all even though she's scheming with Monet, I think I can get to her heart genuinely, even if she can read minds whenever she wants…"

"She can read minds?"

"Of course I noticed it when we first met the girls, when I pointed out that most likely her and Monet were sent here to spy on me she flinched, and when I thought she looked like a mess she instantly tried to fix her hair and clothes, plus I think she's the one that's been secretly watching our nightly activities with that ability of hers."

"You were able to deduce all of that?"

"Nope but the contract does tell me what Devil fruit has been eaten and what it can do, I didn't know it could also be used to see through not only thoughts but physical objects like walls as well, hell the contract even tells what devil fruit someone will eventually eat unless they decide to never eat that fruit which could change somethings, example being Baby 5 hasn't eaten a devil fruit yet but will eat the Arms Arms fruit in the future turning her into a weapons human."

"So with that said what are you gonna do now?"

"Now? Why I'm gonna take some of his family away from him of course." I smile evilly as I look out to the city below.