
The Greatest Shop

After taking in his surroundings Jack decided he was going to find somewhere a little more safe, before checking out his shop functions, because lets face it, whats the point of going shopping without any money?

Jack started walking towards the closest tree to climb so he could get a view of the surroundings, and hopefully find some water, or better yet a settlement of any kind. He never was really into physical activities, but he was always game to go out and explore when his friends invited. He'd climbed trees before, but the trees in this world were ridiculously tall, so it took him quite some time to get to a decent height.

Glancing around the area he spotted a river not too far away, but there didn't seem to be any signs of settlements or people. Not finding any better options he climbed down the tree and headed towards the direction of the river.

It didn't take him that much time at all to get to the river, but trudging through the forrest in walking shoes wasn't the best for his feet. Reaching the crystal clear water, he knelt down and scooped up a handlful and drank.

'Could be unclean to drink, but fuck it.' he thought as he savoured every drop. After a few more handfuls and he was satisfied, he walked to a nearby tree and sat down against the base.

'Now how the hell do I access the shop?' Jack wondered. "Shop" Jack called out to the wilderness, only for nothing to happen. 'Well fuck.... In all those books they either called out what they wanted or... they willed it open in their minds!!'

"One Piece basically revolves around will for everything, why should this be any different!!" Jack exclaimed happily to himself.

Concentrating on the thought, 'Open Shop' in his head, Jack was happily surprised that it actually worked. Floating in front of him was a blue screen, and before he could even do anything the screen was covered in a message.

{Hey kid its me, God the all powerful. As much fun as I thought it would be to watch you struggle to open this thing, you ruined it by getting it pretty quick. Anyway, as you've guessed, your shop and inventory work by willing them to either open or close. And just like willing them to open, will whatever it is you are trying to do at the time to happen. Pretty simple. To put stuff into them, you have to be physically touching them. Thats pretty much it. Bye.}

After having finished the message, it dissappeared and Jack could see lists of categories that he could slect. He realized he could click on multiple different categories to narrow down searching for specific items. Looking through the different catergories, his eyes locked on to one. "Haki".

Jack immediately clicked\Willed it open. The screen changed and he could now see three boxes in the middle of the screen, a red in the top right corner, and a green are in the top left.

The three boxes is the middle were labeled from the top, Observation Haki Manual, Armament Hak Manuals , and Conqueror's Haki Manual. Clicking on each one starting with Observation Haki Manual.

Observation Haki Manual: Teaches the user the ability sense life around you, their intentions and power. Can be used to glimpse into the future a couple of seconds. Price: $10,000,000 berries.

Armement Haki Manual: Teaches the the user the ability to coat their body with their will, which increases your bodies strength and attacks and protect yourself. Can be infused in weapons to enhance you shot, or blades. Can be used to crush anothers will, which can't be dodged. Price: $ 30,000,000 berries

Conqueror's Haki Manual:Teaches the user the ability to dominate your will upon those with weaker wills than your own, causing them to lose concious, or in extreme cases death. Strengthens your own will from those around you. Price: 50,000,000 beries

After reading the descriptions Jack was pretty disappointed. They were all extremely expensive, and looking in the bottom right conner, showing a grand total of $ 0 berries, he wouldn't be getting those anytime soon. "God Fucking Damn It!!!" Jack roared aloud.

Grabbing a stick from the ground Jack smashed one end of it into the tree he was previously resting against. The end shattered into off, and Jack cursed inward. 'Useless stick! Not good for anything other than firewood!' After he thought that, the store changed. The screen now only showed one box which read,

Broken dried out wooden stick. Sell price: $1 berry Yes/No

Jack was stunned at the discovery. clicking yes, the screen went back to the previous page, but now in the bottom he had $1 berry. Quickly picking up a handful of sticks and willing the sell page back, it now read,

11 dried out wooden sticks. Sell price: $11 berries Yes/No

Mentally clicking yes once again, the screen changed back like before, but now his total currency was $12 instead of $1. Picking up rocks, he tried the same thing with them. some big rocks sold for $2 or $3 berries but the mostly they were $1. Walking over to the water he scooped up a handful and tried selling it.

Surprisingly it sold for $1 berry. Fresh drinking water was really popular he guessed. He went back to the rocks and sticks and sold them until he had a grand total of $500 berries.

Punching in a bunch of food categories, the screen changed. There were now lots of food he could choose from. All the cooking ingredients were relatively cheep, but the finshed products for some of the meals were many times more expensive than the ingrediants purchased to make them.

"Guess someone's gotta get paid to make these. Oh well." Jack said. Finding an already prepared meal, for $150 berries, he focused on the meal and willed, "Buy". A screen popped up, "purchase: Yes/No".

Thinking 'Yes' he suddenly felt a warm feeling enter his body. Looking around he couldn't see anything around him. 'Maybe its in the inventory' He thought. Thinking 'Inventory' the screen changed. Now there was just a bunch of little white boxes, all empty except for the top left corner.

Willing the food to come out of his inventory, a plate of steaming warm pasta appeared in his hands. "Oh Fuck Yeah!!" Jack yelled, He didn't think it would still be warm, but now knowing some things were fresh, he got excited.

After eating all of his food, Jack looked up into the sky. He hadn't realized how late it had gotten due to his conquest for food, but now that he was satisfied, and having stored the plate and fork in his inventory, (Cause why not) he figured he only had about 1 or two hours till the Sun would set.

Looking in the shop in shelter categories, he found lots things that were way too expensive for him, a mansion being one, but the cost of $10,000,000 berries crushed that. There were even cardboard boxes for a few berries. Finally his eyes landed on a nice little tent. The price was a little to expensive for him, it being $670 berries and all, but after awhile of selling stuff he found, he bought the tent.

Pulling the tent out of his inventory Jack walked over to a decent little area and set it up. He was happy to see that it came with a little cotton mattress, a pillow and a blanket. Climbing in the tent, Jack continues his store browsing. Scrolling down, he finally found something exciting.

"Devil Fruits". Clicking on it, he was once again brought before three categories. Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia. Touching the Zoan Fruit section, the happiness on his face, died. The average price for a Zoan fruit was about around $70,000,000 berries. While looking through the list he noticed that lots were crossed out. Touching them, he saw a description of the fruit, and its abilities, but at the very bottom, it read, "Already Consumed".

That made sense. 'Wouldn't want there to be two of the same out there.' A thought struck him and he quickly went to the Logia section. At first glance despair took hold of him. The prices were all $100,000,000 berries or more.

"Its just not fair..." he muttered to himself. Focusing back to his previous thought, he continued to scroll down till he found what he was looking for. "The Dark Dark Fruit" clicking on the fruit, a description popped up.

Dark Dark fruit: A Logia type class devil fruit. Grants the user to control the power of darkness. Also gives the user the ability to nulify other peoples devil fruits. User will not be able to intangible, and will take amplified pain. The darkness nullifies the soul of a second consumed devil fruit in user, allowing the user the opportunity to have 2 devil fruits. Tries to corrupt the user. Price:$300,000,000 berries

Jack was excited about this. He could have two devil fruits. As long as he got the berries before Blackbeard ate the fruit than he was going to get this fruit. 'This shop is awesome!!" Jack mentally shouted. 'I'll figure more out in the morning'. Jack thought as he wrapped himself in the blankets and went to sleep.

(Can you blame the guy? Died, met God, Transmigrated to a different world all in one day)