
God Slayer

(Perona POV)

Perona had been standing aboard the Pearl, gushing at how adorable her new teddy bear was, when all of the sudden she felt someone grab her. The next thing she realized was she was standing in the middle of a large crowd, not sure as to what was going on around her.

'Huh? Where are the others?' She thought as she looked at the large group of people surrounding her. Unsure what to do, she began walking around randomly, hoping to run into Luke, Jack or someone that was part of the magical group.

'I need my magical place back!!' She shouted internally as she made her way down a dark ally way, thinking that because it was dark, it should be safe. "Well ain't you a sight!" A gravelly voice called out from somewhere around her, making her halt in her tracks. "I'll bet she'd sell for a fortune!" Another voice called out.

"Who's there?!" Perona called out in annoyance. In response to her question, 6 people armed with swords and guns walked out of the shadows, lecherous grins on their faces. "We can have some fun with her before we sell her, right?" A creepy guy with a sword asked, not taking his eyes off her.

"Do any of you know where Luke or Jack is? They are aboard a flying ship." Perona asked, not even bothering to listen to what they were saying before. "Forget about them, sweetie! You're gonna be coming with us!!" An ugly man that resembled a pig, shouted with glee as he stepped towards her.

Before any of the six creeps could even get close to her, three ghosts appeared out of nowhere and shot through each of the individuals, making them all fall to their knees. "I'm a flee!!" "I should just die!" "I'm scum!" "I'm worthless... *Sniffle*" "Kill me!" "Trash is better than me!" The six scumbags shouted, sounding as though they were on the verge of committing suicide.

"Wretched little worms!! If you don't know where the magical place is then begone!!" Perona shouted as she turned in a huff and began walking away from the sniveling idiots. She walked for almost an hour in search of someone from the Dark Phoenix guild, when she spotted a tall fat man dressed in white clothes wearing a bubble looking thing on his head.

His attire wasn't all that catchy, but what caught her eye was that the man was riding atop another person like a rider would a horse. 'A circus?' She thought as she looked at everyone around her. To her surprise, everyone was dropping to their knee's and bowing their heads to the man.

'I always hated the circus!! They make no sense!' She thought irritably as she started to walk down the street, trying to avoid the circus at all costs. "HEY YOU!!" Someone shouted, causing her to turn her gaze around, trying to find the spokesman.

As she eyed the surrounding area, she noticed the man wearing the bubble on his head was now looking at her with wide eyes. "What do you want?!" She asked, clearly pissed off from all the conversations she was having today, and being away from the magical place.

"YOU DARE TO STAND IN MY PRESENCE?!!" The fat man shouted in shock and rage. "You know what...? I've had it with you idiots! All I want to do, is go back to the magical place and be alone with my teddy!! So why don't you get on your knees and bow to me!!" She demanded as a swarm of ghosts shot towards the fat man and his guards. To their credit, the guards did try to block the ghosts, but it just resulted in them dropping to their knees, then cursing themselves.

When the ghosts got to the fat man, instead of dropping to his knees, he pulled a gun from his robe and shot himself in the head. "That works too I suppose." Perona said calmly with a small smile on her face.

'His Will must have been nothing.' She thought as she took in the sight, then to her surprise, the body of the fat man vanished and a pile of money appeared where he was before. Walking over to it, she started to grab handfuls of the berries in front of her with glee written all over her. She stopped after a moment to look around, making sure that no one would come near the massive amount of berries, but instead of greed on their faces, she saw looks of horror.

Taking their reactions for something else, Perona smiled wickedly before standing tall. "Begone from here and find me the magical place!! Hahahaha" She shouted like a queen giving her subjects a command, then laughed her annoyingly weird laugh. "Saint Charlos just killed himself!!" Someone in the crowd shouted, then mass panic ensued. People no longer kneeled, instead they ran for their homes, no one staying to talk about what just happened.

The woman who started all of this was walking down the street, $300 million berries richer with a big shit eating grin. 'I'll just buy my own magical place!' She thought happily, not concerning herself with the chaos around her.

Again she walked aimlessly for almost half of an hour, then she came across hundreds of marine soldiers running around in a mass panic. When a solider spotted her, his eyes grew wide before he shouted, "THERE SHE IS!!" At his announcement, everyone turned to look where the man was pointing, noticing her dumbly stare at them, no idea as to what was happening.

"GET HER!!" Someone shouted, causing all of the soldiers to run at her like they were hungry hippo's and she was the last marble. "Get me?!! I'd rather you bow to me!!" She said coldly, followed by half a dozen ghosts that made the soldiers drop to their knees.

"I hate this God damned island!! Where is my fucking MAGIC PLACE?!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, which got the attention of some other people. "YOU!! You were the one that killed Charlos!!" An older man with a hairstyle that curls upward, a curly black mustache and a fluffy gray beard, and wearing black shades, shouted angrily.

Perona noticed how the man was sitting atop another person, which made her sigh. "I'm sick of the circus!! Just go away!" She said as she started making her way somewhere else, but was stopped in her tracks as a tall man in a yellow suit appeared in front of her. "Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?" The tall man asked curiously.

Perona could only blink helplessly as the man cocked his right leg back and made it start glowing golden yellow. She closed her eyes and held her breath, awaiting what was about to come. She knew very well who the man in front of her was. Admiral Kizaru. She heard a loud boom, but to her shock, there was no pain. Instead she heard something that made her eyes bolt open in complete and utter joy.

(Luke POV)

Luke had been looking for something to do for fun, when he spotted a large commotion going on. Taking the time to listen in, he heard talk of a pink haired goth chick that made a Celestial Dragon commit suicide, which made him almost keel over laughing. Listening in a bit more, he also heard that a marine Admiral was on his way, and that they were now hunting this girl to take back to the Holy City to be kept alive as she was to be tortured for many years, which brought his laughter to an end.

'Guess I gotta go and find the moron!' Luke thought, shooting into the sky to get a better view. Spreading out his Haki, he noticed many marine soldiers running around, then saw them drop to their knees. 'Definitely her!' Luke thought before he bolted in that direction, only to stop as he noticed the other Celestial Dragon, then the tall man standing in front of Perona. "Kizaru..." He mumbled softly as he took in the man's appearance.

Jack had informed them about the three Admirals, and in his opinion, Kizaru was definitely the strongest of the bunch, just lazy. He heard Kizaru ask "Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?" Then noticed how Kizaru was cocking back his leg to kick, then saw it glowing brightly, which made him quickly move in front of Perona with his sword drawn to deflect the blast away. *BOOM!*

Staring into Kizaru's widened eyes, Luke said "Have you ever experienced a lightning sword up your ass?" Instead of waiting for Kizaru to answer, Luke slashed at Kizaru with a Haki coated sword, which in turn made said Admiral to jump away from him. Luke smirked as Kizaru gained some distance between them.

Instead of charging towards the man, Luke wrapped an arm around Perona and appeared right behind the Celestial Dragon with a sword at the man's throat. Looking to Kizaru he smiled before saying, "You attack mine, allow me to return the favor!" Luke sliced the man's head from his shoulders, getting a look of shock from Kizaru and a feminine scream from not too far away.

Looking over towards the scream, Luke saw another World Noble, only this one was a fat woman, same hair style as the one he just killed. "Hehe I get to kill another one!" Luke said excitedly as he noticed the girl look at him with rage filled eyes. "You just killed Father!" She shouted as she pulled a gun from her robes. "Don't forget I'm gonna kill you too in a moment!" Luke shouted as he turned his attention back to the still stunned Kizaru.

"Shocking, am I right?!! Who knew "Gods" could be killed so easily!" Luke added with a manic grin on his face, which brought Kizaru out of his stupor. "I'm gonna have so much paperwork to do after this..." Kizaru mumbled as he shot towards Luke with a glowing fist. Noticing the attack, Luke answered with a powered fist of his own, the result being a massive explosion and a loud *BOOOOOMMMMM!!*

The area within a dozen meters around the impact was destroyed, leaving only a crater and the two causes of the explosion. Luckily for the people around them, no one was close enough to be caught up in the explosion, but they were all knocked back on their asses. Perona could only watch with wide eyes and open mouth at what was occurring before her very eyes. "You truly are deserving of the Admiral title. With you here I can finally have some fun!!" Luke said, far too happy given the situation.

Kizaru and Luke clashed repeatedly, Kizaru having formed a sword made of light to counter Luke's own blades. Kizaru was indeed faster than Luke with his power, but he couldn't react nearly as fast as the lightning man, which put him more on the same level as Luke. The two moved at a speed that was impossible for most people to see, but to them it was only normal.

Kizaru was starting to get pushed back on the defensive, Luke not giving him a chance to counter attack, so to try and get an opportunity, Kizaru disappeared from view and up into the sky, which worked out well for Luke. Instead of following the Admiral, Luke shot a small bolt of lightning at the Celestial Dragon that was curled into a ball not too far away from him, killing the woman instantly.

When Kizaru reappeared he saw what Luke had done and scowled angrily, finally showing some emotion. "I can't believe you let me do that twice!! Fucking idiot!" Luke said with a shit eating grin on his face. "Do you know what you have just done?!!" Kizaru bellowed angrily.

There was a pause before Luke answered, "Killed a God? I mean we both know she was just a little bitch pretending to be one, but she still tried to claim the title. If she can do that, I claim the title, "GOD SLAYER!" HAHAHAHA!" Luke laughed maniacally, not hiding his joy at having killed another World Noble.

Kizaru took his eyes off Luke, looking to Perona, but in turn Luke positioned himself in front of her. "Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Shame on you!! Have you know decency?! Trying to attack a lady! And a mentally unstable one at that!!" Luke admonished the Admiral as he wagged a sword back and forth, making the Admiral and the hundreds of marines around them look at him with disbelieving eyes.

"You just did exactly that!!" A marine soldier shouted, which got nods from everyone else, including Kizaru. "OH BULLSHIT!! That thing rides people because it didn't want to walk. It wore a fish bowl on it's head because it didn't want to breath the same air as us "Commoners!", and it and the rest of it's kind believe themselves to be an immortal race!! So fact is, what you were going to do, and what I did are completely different. Although they both might have mental problems!" Luke stated as he shot a quick look to the goth chick, then looked back to Kizaru smugly.

(General POV)

Kizaru could only dumbly stare at Luke, not being able to understand what the hell was going on. Never before had someone dared kill one of the Celestial Dragons, not even Fisher Tiger when he raided the Holy City to free all of the slaves. "Who are you?" Kizaru finally asked, still not sure if he was believing what was going on.

"About time you say something worth listening to! You know, for a nightlight you're pretty Dim-witted! HAHAHA!!" Luke laughed at his own pun, but just got silence in return from everyone around him. "Of fuck you, that was funny!!" Luke said in defense of himself.

"Anyway, back to who I am. Luke Strous, member of the Dark Phoenix Guild, and part of the Adventurer's Association. God Slayer and enemy of marines and Nobles! A displeasure to meet you!" Luke said with a mocking bow, just like he'd seen Jack do dozens of times to people he had met. It was actually really fun, which made him understand why Jack liked to do it.

"Adventurer's Association...? Like the one from East Blue?" Kizaru asked curiously, already getting an idea as to why this man would be so bold.

*CLAP!* *CLAP!* *CLAP!* "You are correct sir!!" A man in a white skull mask said as he appeared out of some shadows behind Luke. "Haha I'm glad to see we haven't been forgotten! We have after all been flying under the radar lately." Jack said happily as he stepped beside Luke.

"You must be Prime..." Kizaru stated, getting a nod in answer from the masked man. "So my little Nightlight, what are you going to do now? I'd be more than happy to step aside and let you and Luke here battle it out or you could run like a little bitch back to your masters. It's up to you." Jack stated happily, getting a frown from Kizaru in return.

"There is nothing wrong with retreating when the odds aren't in your favor!" Kizaru stated, getting a nod back from Jack. "Very true, but your new Fleet Admiral would disagree! Akainu has killed hundreds of marine soldiers for running from people they couldn't even hope to stand against! I very much doubt he would be able to do anything to you, but your fellow soldiers aren't quite as fortunate as yourself!" Jack stated knowingly.

Kizaru couldn't refute any of his words, so he remained quiet for a moment. "Now listen here! He's not allowed to run away, he's mine!!" Luke declared as he stepped closer towards Kizaru. "You do know that lightning is only about 1/3 the speed of light, right? If he decided to run away, he very well could." Jack said, causing Luke to frown slightly.

Turning to Kizaru, Luke shouted, "Don't run little Nightlight!! I promise we can have lots of fun!! My sword has been demanding to penetrate you!" Luke paused then turned to Jack before he added, "You shut your mouth!! I know how that sounded, but we all know how I meant it!!" All he got was a fit of laughter from Jack and a creeped out look from Kizaru. "I'm not into men." Kizaru said, making Jack laugh even harder. "Fuck you!" Luke said to Jack as he flipped him the middle finger, then shot towards Kizaru.

Jack could only hold his sides as he kept on laughing, much to the confusion of the little goth girl beside him. "I don't get it." She said as she looked at him, waiting for an answer. "Do you know how a man and woman get intimate?" Jack paused his laughter and asked the pink haired girl. Her face turned bright red in embarrassment as she nodded her head, which made Jack shake his head slightly. 'What the hell is wrong with some people?' He thought as he straightened himself to his full height.

"Well, Luke said his sword wanted to penetrate Kizaru, it could also be interpreted that he wanted to get physical with him sexually by thinking of his dick as his sword." Jack said, which got a flustered look from Perona. "O-Oh I-I See!! *Cough* U-ummm... could you send me to the magical place?" She asked, hoping to get off the topic.

"*Sigh* Fine! But only for a little while. I'm actually not sure how long people can stay alive in there." Jack relented, which brought a heart melting smile from the mentally unstable girl before Jack made her disappear. "She is so messed up!" He grumbled as he turned his attention back to the fight between Kizaru and Luke.

Kizaru looked to be holding his own against Luke, but it didn't look like Luke was even going all out compared to when they spared against each other. Luke was definitely moving as fast as he could, but he wasn't using his guns, knives, lightning attacks, although that could be because they were both Logia users and they were more focused on Haki.

Jack watched as Luke got a few scratches on Kizaru, and Kizaru got some back, but it was nothing special. They went on for a few more minutes before Jack just walked over to the stunned soldiers that were watching the scene before them with wide eyes. "Excuse me, but do you all want to fight me? If you can last more than a minute, I'll give you that $600 million berries right there!" Jack said as he pointed to the 2 piles of $300 million berries from the two dead Celestials that Luke had killed.

Some of the soldiers actually looked tempted, but after taking another look at the fight in front of them they all backed off. "What a shame. Oh well, I didn't really want to let any of you live anyway. You are all suppose to protect people, yet there are still human auctions that go on daily on this island. Bye." Jack said calmly, then killed every soldier present, some of them even dropping rewards themselves, which made Jack smirk evilly. 'I get my money back! Take that bitches!' He cheered happily as he went around and collected all of the money that was laid out around the area.

When he was done he looked back to the two people fighting in the air. "If you two idiots don't finish soon, I'm gonna join in myself!!" He declared, getting a frown from both fighters. "I don't intrude on your fun!!" Luke shouted, getting a raised brow from Kizaru. "You think this is fun?" Kizaru asked, not understanding the monster he was fighting.

"Well yeah!! It's not often I get to fight someone who is a challenge, while also not getting beat the crap out of." Luke answered, shooting an annoyed glance back to Jack. "Hey, if you didn't want your ass kicked, then get stronger!! I said I'd be more than happy to start a more advanced training regime with you!" Jack said, getting a shudder from Luke and a more curious glance from Kizaru.

"Like hell any sane person would ever willingly do your training again!!" Luke declared, getting scared at just the thought of going through that again. "Pussy!!" Jack stated as he pulled out a chair and some popcorn before sitting down. "If your gonna fight then get on with it!" Jack said as he munched on a handful of popcorn.

The two clashed for another 45 minutes, getting quite a few spectators while they were at it. Jack was still watching the show as he munched on a few snacks, only moving when someone caught his eye. So far he had killed a few hundred marines, pirates, human auction house members, and a few minor nobles who he did confirm owned slaves.

He also managed to free hundreds of slaves as well, then returned back to his movie, which was quite repetitive in his opinion. Finally it looked as though the fight was coming to an end as both Kizaru and Luke got a little bit o distance between them, both breathing heavily. "You two finally done?!!" Jack asked hopefully as he stopped eating popcorn and pulled down the lower half of his mask that was up so he could eat.

"No!!" Luke declared, not taking his eyes off Kizaru. "How about this! I'll fight the both of you at the same time!! What do ya say?!!" Jack offered hopefully as he looked back and forth between the two speed users. "Not a chance!! And aren't we on the same side?!!" Luke shot down quickly, knowing that even when he wasn't tired Jack was far out of his league.

"Well this is getting boring, so I'm gonna leave you to it. If you somehow lose, I'm gonna increase your training to the point where the previous training will feel like heaven in comparison!" Jack stated, then left the scene as the two continued fighting.

There were 79 different areas that made up the island that was Sabaody Archipelago, and Jack went on a mission to clear out the scum out of most of them. He started from the worst districts, Groves 1-29, which were known as the lawless areas. Then he went onto 30-39, which was the amusement park, which had a few thieves and slavers, which didn't last very long.

Jack also found quite a number of pirates, most of them scum, but some were not bad people. The scum were dealt with quickly, while the ones who were just trying to get by after the marines dubbed them pirates were left alone.

While in the amusement park he saw Chopper, Nami, Robin, Nojiko and Tashigi on various rides, while Smoker just watched on from a bench, taking glances at them every once in a while before going back to reading a newspaper. Deciding it was best to let them all enjoy themselves, Jack continued on his way.

When he got to Grove 60 where the Marine base was, Jack made sure to rob them blind while also killing a few of the higher ranking soldiers. He did give a heart warming speech that did manage to convince many of the soldiers left alive to quit the marines, which he was quite proud of. It had nothing to do with the fact that Jack dismembered their leaders right in front on them, then sent them to what could only be called hell and toyed with them before finally letting them go, battered, broken and bruised.

"I wonder when all the rookies from the 'Worst Generation' will get here? I might have to get Shakky or Rayleigh to keep an eye out for me." Jack mumbled to himself before he went back to the amusement park.

When Smoker saw Jack approaching he stayed seated, not bothering to move from his seat. "How goes the chaos?" Smoker asked, eyes still glued to the paper. "Pretty boring actually. Luke and Kizaru are fighting it out, but it's pretty boring. Although when you're not the one fighting it can be kind of boring sometimes." Jack said, getting a small chuckle from Smoker.

"Only you would say that. By the way, did you see that Akainu became the new Fleet Commander of the marines?" Smoker asked as he showed Jack a page of the paper. "Yeah I saw it when I was visiting Rayleigh. Honestly I kind of figured it would be Aokiji that would become the new Fleet Admiral, but whatever. They won't last too much longer anyway." Jack said calmly as he took a seat next to Smoker.

"I did too. Akainu might be stronger than Aokiji physically, but in terms of intellect and guidance, Aokiji is far superior. It's almost as if the marines want their people to leave faster, cause with Akainu that's what's gonna happen. The man is downright murderous." Smoker said as he exhaled a breath of smoke.

"Maybe they found a way to make the moron more subdued towards his fellow soldiers, but not our problem." Jack said, which got a nod from Smoker. Looking around the amusement park, Jack got ideas to build one of these parks in everyone of the Blue Sea's in the city where the HQ for the Association would be, letting it be a way attract people to come from all over to those places.

Soon the girls finished their ride and made their way towards them. "It looked like you all had fun!" Jack said with a smile as they all surrounded the bench. "It was amazing!!" Chopper exclaimed happily. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, but where did Dr. Kureha go?" Jack asked curiously.

"Well after we saw the girls going on rides, she said I could hang out with them while she went to go and find the hospital to see how advanced they were here." Chopper said, which was understandable given the old hags personality.

"That's fair. Anyway I'm gonna head back to Shakky's Bar. I'd keep an eye out though, Admiral Kizaru is here on the island, but he's kind of stuck in a clash with Luke. If you listen carefully you can hear the rumbling from it." Jack said, which made all of their eyes go wide. They all listened, and after a few moments they could indeed hear rumbling off in the distance. If you weren't looking for it, you would undoubtedly mistake it as rumbling from the roller coasters.

"Shouldn't we go help him?!! Tashigi asked in panic. "No. He's having too much fun, and honestly I don't see him losing against Kizaru. I do however think it's gonna be a draw because it doesn't look like he's actually trying to Kill him as seriously as he should be." Jack stated, which got raised brows from everyone.

"Don't ask me, it's just what it looked like. Luke wasn't using any of his weapons other than his swords. He was only using his powers to move, not attack, and he wasn't using his Conqueror's Haki, which wouldn't do that much to Kizaru, but it would still slow him down. It looked like he was just really enjoying himself." Jack answered their confused stares with what he thought was going on.

"Anyway come to Grove 13 to Shakky's Bar or the Ship when you're done. Also I already cleaned up most of the island of trash, but I know I missed some so keep an eye out for them as well." He added as he started to walk away, leaving them all to have their fun. Smoker stayed to hang out with the girls, mainly to keep an eye on them because they were too busy to keep track of their surroundings while they were having fun.

After running for a few minutes, Jack re-entered Shakky's bar. Shakky was sitting at a table with Rayleigh, both of them eating the last bit of cake that Jack had left them. "Well it doesn't look like you two stopped eating at all!" Jack said as he joined them at their table. "It was so good!" Shakky cooed happily with a big smile on her face.

"Well I guess this means you're gonna be too full for dinner then. *Sigh* And here I was planning a glorious feast. I was even gonna pull out my best liquor, stuff that can't be found anywhere in the world, but now I guess I'll just save it for old man Whitebeard." Jack said sadly, which got quite the reaction.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR GOD DAMNED MIND?!! We're more than up for a feast!!" Rayleigh declared, Shakky equally as pumped for more deliciousness. "Geez! Calm down!! I was only joking about giving it to Whitebeard. I still haven't even met him yet." Jack said, trying to calm them down.

"Dinner won't be ready for a few hours anyway, so it will give you time to get more hungry. It will also be aboard my ship, which I'm inviting you to. Come, I'll give you a tour." Jack said happily, always excited to show off his ship. A few minutes later and they reached the edge of the islands where Jack stopped and turned to them.

"Okay we're here." He said, only to get looks of confusion from the two of them. "Where is it?" Shakky asked curiously. In response to her question, Jack pointed upward, which made them tilt their heads into the sky. "Like I said before, I like this kid!" Rayleigh said happily

. After Jack helped them both get to the Ship, he led them inside all of the rooms for a tour, which got a gasps from Shakky. The library was of course her favorite spot, but the bar was Rayleigh's. "How come your bar doesn't have most of this stuff?" Rayleigh asked as he helped himself to a bottle of alcohol that he'd never seen before.

"For starters I wouldn't even know where to get it, and then there is you who would just make me go broke!" Shakky said as she shot a glare to Rayleigh. "Sounds about right." He said as he gulped down the drink.

The three of them talked about a few small things here and there, and about how Jack was going to head to the Holy City tonight, which got a lot of questions from Shakky. After finding out he was just going for the slaves, she relaxed and talked about other things.

It wasn't until Smoker and the others walked through the door that they all introduced themselves. When Jack told them that Rayleigh was the right hand to Gold Rogers, they all went crazy with different reactions. "You really fought alongside the pirate king?!! Smoker asked with a grin on his face. He was acting like a little kid who had just met a super hero, which wasn't all that surprising when you considered the fact that he really thought Rogers was one of the coolest people in the world.

Rayleigh answered a few questions, then the door opened and Luke walked into the room with a few bruises, a bloody nose, and a few scrapes. "So how'd it go?" Jack asked with a smile on his face, his tone far different then what he showed.

"I didn't lose! He just got away! He still got a few broken ribs, busted arm, lost a finger, and small stab wound on his ass, but in the end he shot off towards Marine HQ. I would say it was a win more than a draw!" Luke said, taking a seat next to Chopper, who in turn started to put some ointments on his bleeding wounds before wrapping them with bandages.

"I still say I should start an advanced training routine. Robin is getting better and better by the day, and in a few months she will be caught up to you all. At that point I think I might just have to start your training up again if you can't show me you've improved enough." Jack's words made everyone pause what they were doing and look at him as though he was the devil, then they glared at Luke.

Seeing this, Jack smiled happily. "Don't worry guys! I have a splendid idea! As soon as Robin is caught up to where you all were when we left Foosha, I'll give you all a chance to get out of the advanced training. If you pass my test, you can sit back and relax. If not..." Jack left it at that, letting them all come to their own conclusions on what he could do to make his "Training" worse.

As soon as Kureha called Jack and told him that she was back, Jack had Nojiko go and get her while he prepared a feast. "It's alright dear. You get dinner ready for the kids and I'll go get the senior citizen." Nojiko said as she left the dining table, which earned an amused chuckle from Rayleigh and Shakky. "It sounds like you two are parents to these guys!" Rayleigh said amusedly.

"They basically are! Jack does all the cooking, Nojiko drives the ship, they both make us clean up, get exercise, and Jack gives us all our money, while Nojiko spends hers and his like it's going out of style. Can't do anything without their say so, and talking back gets you punished. Parents indeed." Tashigi said with a big smile on her face, which caused everyone to laugh.

"Hey dad, I need my allowance raised!!" Nami said jokingly to Jack. "Haha I'm sorry brat, but you haven't been doing well in training, so you're actually getting docked $1 million berries everyday that you don't land at least one strike on me. Starting right now." Jack said sadly, but his smile said otherwise. Nami froze at his words and tried to say she was just joking, but she couldn't get out of it. "Dad's the worst!" Nami said angrily as Nojiko and Kureha walked through the door.

Everyone enjoyed a lavish feast, especially Rayleigh and Shakky. Everyone talked for awhile, and Jack managed to hear one conversation that perked his ears. Nojiko was telling Shakky something, but Jack didn't hear how the story started, only the end.

"After covering each other with the chocolate sauce, you race to see who can get the other cleaned with your mouths. The winner gets to have the loser do any one thing. A good way to have a little extra fun." Nojiko had said with a spaced out look on her face, whereas Shakky was nodding along, then shot a glance at Jack, who in turn just looked in a different direction

. 'Blabber mouth!' Jack grumbled internally as he thought back to that night a few days ago. After dinner was over, Jack and Nojiko helped Shakky and Rayleigh back to the bar, and before they left, Nojiko whispered for him to give something to Shakky. Without looking at her, Jack put the bottle in her hands then left with a wave of his hand, the other dragging Nojiko with him. "What did he give you?" Rayleigh asked curiously. "Chocolate sauce." She answered with a mischievous smile on her face as she eyed Rayleigh from top to bottom.

As soon as night fell, Jack and the others made their way to the Red Line in moments. As the ship hovered above the extremely well crafted city, they all gathered on deck as they looked down below them. "Well... get as many slaves as you can, cripple the Dragons, and steal anything that isn't nailed down." Jack said as they jumped down towards the beautiful city below them.

The next chapter will be a marine POV, but after that it will go back to the Holy City. Anyway Enjoy.

GrimsReapercreators' thoughts