
One Piece: Bounty System

Synopsis to One Piece’s: Bounty System: Tian Lei crossed into the One Piece World and became the nephew of the Navy Admiral ‘Sakazuki, ‘Akainu’, Tian Lei thought it was very outrageous until he found himself having a [Bounty System] where you can exchange for everything in the world of One Piece. As long as you kill or capture Pirates, you can draw a Skills, Weapons, and Devil Fruits. Such as ‘Navy Six-style’ ‘Conqueror's Haki (Haoshoku Haki )’ ‘Observation Haki (Kenbunshoku Haki) ”Armament Haki (Busoshoku Haki)’ ‘Devil Fruits’ ‘Sword Skills’ have everything! This is a MTL novel and i just post it here and try to fix some mistakes. I do not own this novel and all rights go to the original Author. The original novel is https://www.mtlnovel.com/one-piece-bounty-system/ here.

Kamaschiki · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Chapter 7 One Piece Bounty System

When Snake got angered by Sora, he can't say it. Not to mention that he himself is probably the weakest Devil Fruit. Pointing at Sora and said: "You! You! You!"

The navy listened and laughed loudly. These navies followed Admiral Sakazuki "Red Dog". What kind of Devil Fruit ability have they not seen, but, let alone, this noisy snake is really the worst Devil Fruit ability they have ever seen.

"Young Master Sora, you are right, this is the worst devil fruit ability we have ever seen."

"Yes! Yes! I have never seen such a bad Devil Fruit ability."

Snakes listen to all the noise and said angry: "Little boy, you want to die, I will show you, see my snake whip." Then Snake's legs began to suddenly, grow long, like a long whip and it came over to Sora.

Sora now has no Armament Haki to protect the body. If you let it bite, you can't survive it. It seems that he can only play the long-range attack, but fortunately, he also has moves to attack.

Sora first shot out a Arabesque Tile True Punch, and attacked the attack of Snake with the shock wave. Then there is the constant use of water, and Rain Shower attacked the noisy snake!

Snake is also very tricky. Both hands have turned into a ten-meter-long snake. When they started two long whip, they waved up and blocked all the water-attack attacks of Sora. However, the main attack of Sora is not the Rain Shower. After all, the power of this move is still known.

The water attack is just a sham, used to disturb the eyesight of Snake. Sora has spotted the opportunity. After a move of Shark Tile True Punch, the two flurry snakes of Snake are shaken off, and the defense of the noisy snake is immediately broken. In the moment when he made a flaw, Sora tried his best to hit the chest of Snake in the middle.

[The Bounty System prompts that the host bombards the bounty with a bounty of 2.5 million bellys and can be rewarded with a primary body upgrade, swordsmanship, shooting, weapons, Paramecia devil fruit, Zoan devil fruit. ]

The words appeared in his mind, and Sora immediately knew that the attack was on the target. This is to directly give this noisy snake to KO.

[The Bounty System prompts that the host now has a chance to get a preliminary draw. Should the reward be drawn? ] No, Sora immediately voiced out.

After this attack, Sora understood a truth. If you are not strong enough, you should not force it. If you try to hit the KO opponent directly, is it OK? After a full blow, it's not too late to solve the fight! Just like this noisy snake, he made a full blow. This noisy snake couldn't stop his own blow. Will there be such trouble later?

Sora immediately said: "Next!" Just try your own idea, right?

The Mad Swordsman Fujiwara, stood up, but he did not go forward, but said coldly to Major Archie, "Sword!"

Major Archie glanced at Sakazuki and saw that there was nothing to say. He took a sword from a major on one side and threw it to Fujiwara. Before Fujiwara took hold of the sword, it looked very normal, but when Fujiwara got the sword it was different, and it became sharp.

Seeing that Sora's pupils couldn't help but shrink, Sora could see that this Fujiwara is a real swordsman, but such a swordsman would be a person without evil? Can't help but ask: "Mr. Archie, what is the crime of this Fujiwara?"

Major Archie looked at Sora with a puzzled look. Although he did not know what Sora meant, he replied: "This man was originally a navy. After killing his Leutnant as a pirate, it is really a sin!"

Sora: "Can you tell me why did you kill the Leutnant?"

Fujiwara said coldly: "Win against the sword in my hand and I say it."

When sora heard it, he suddenly became full of arrogance and shouted: "Good! Pick up!" After that, Sora shot his strongest Spear Wave.

Fujiwara: "The wind is raging!"

"Five Thousand Tile True Punch" and attacked again.

"One sword!" Fujiwara did not show weakness.

"Sharkskin Palm Block" Tian Lei made a full blow and immediately blocked the attack of Fujiwara. Immediately, he jumped out and kicked out. "Seven Thousand Tile Roundhouse Kick." Opened Fujiwara's defense, and then in the air, Sora immediately pulled out a shot, a bullet made of water. Flying and hitting Fujiwara that was too late to defend.

Fujiwara glanced at the left shoulder that he had been pierced, and said coldly: "I lost!"

[Bounty system prompts, the bounty of 3 million mad swordsman, voluntarily gave up, rewarding a primary body upgrade, swordsmanship, shooting, weapons, Paramecia devil fruit, Zoan devil fruit. ]

Sora is happy and once again asked: "Canyou tell me now what happend?"

Fujiwara: "The Leutnant colluded with the pirates, killing the people! Nowhere to sue, kill!"

Sora listened to it and was dripping a drop of cold sweat, this answer is really simple and clear! Also cold. Tianlei turned his head and looked at Sakazuki: "Uncle, this guy, I fancy him, can you help me find out if what this guy said is really true. If it is I take him as my partner, and he is also my future warship Swordsman"

The words of Sora came out, but they stunned everyone. It is that Sakazuki is also a bit stunned. He is very happy with the change of Sora. This is also a big brother who can die for himself. Moreover, the qualification of this Fujiwara is not bad, so the Admiral said to Major Archie: "Archie, you go check it."

Then he said to Sora: "Well, this Fujiwara can follow you after everythin is checked, so! Next."

The last one came out, that is, the Captain of the DryPirates with the Bounty of 5 million belly, the black scorpion, this guy can pull the wind as soon as he appears. This guy actually pulled a bone from his body as a weapon!

When he saw this scene, he thought of the bones of the fire and shadow. It was exactly the same! Is this the devil fruit? Of the four guys who are at the bottom of the pirates, actually have two devil fruit abilities?

Quite depressing Sora, fiercely stepping on the ground, flew away to the black scorpion, followed by a full-strength 2Seven Thousand Tile Roundhouse Kick. The roundhouse kick was on black scorpion, and after listening to the crackling sound, black scorpion fell to the ground. Sora was suddenly stunned. What is the situation?

At this time, Major Archie said: "Congratulations to the young master Sora for breaking through again. This black scorpion is a person who relies only on the ability of the Devill fruit. The rest are bad. He is a ordinary person who ate the devil fruit, as long as the strength reaches 300, you can break his defense! Winning against him is like stepping on an ant."

Jififififi the last for today.

Joke: What is a knight without a helmet called? Willhelm.

Kamaschikicreators' thoughts