
One piece: Blessed Light

He was someone who's name struck fear in every criminal's heart. He was someone who's wealth rivaled that of countries. He was someone that everyone had to respect. But those factors still did not prevent that tragedy. he had failed once again and this time, He had also lost his life. All because he lacked power. power to keep those corrupted ones in their place. Now, he was born in a familiar world, a world he had grown quite fondly of. a world where he could grow strong. Strong enough to finally fullfil his dreams. what would this man do in a world where the seas are ruled by the Yonkos and Inhumane scum that arrogantly proclaim themselves as "Gods". That is for you to read and find out. ## Author's note: Schedule 9:00 am CT. at least 2 chapters per week. no chapters on Fridays and Saturdays No system for this fanfic. ## Join my discord server if you want to. Discord server link:- https://discord.gg/GqMKJsCUNN Please make sure to read the rules and react to the emoji else you wouldn't gain access to the discord server. It's a precaution against bots. ## Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. All characters, settings, and original concepts are the property of their respective authors and their associated entities. I do not claim ownership of these characters, settings, or concepts except what I have introduced myself. This story is created purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended for commercial gain. No copyright infringement is intended. ###

Rillik · アニメ&漫画
18 Chs

Chapter 011: It makes sense now.

Previous Chapter Recap:

Lucius noticed an unusual death aura permeating the capital city of Sorbet. As a precaution he made preparations for them, The person who had come to help Bekori with this situation is Spandine. Roger Pirates thought Lucius was in danger so they quickly escaped Shiki to help him. Bekori died.


"To think they would blatantly kill the king of a kingdom… Spandine, I give you permission to enact Justice as you deem fit. I will also notify Marine bases in South blue to provide support until the battleships arrive." Spandine was quite ecstatic hearing his supervisor's words but he restrained himself and solemnly nodded before answering back "I won't disappoint you, I shall uphold Justice!" Only When the call swiftly ended did Spandine burst out laughing seeing his plan so flawlessly come together.

From the moment Lucius had dared to boldly attack his Subordinates as revenge, Spandine had started to treat this matter more cautiously. Knowing he could lose his life, So when he read the notice from those rebels an idea had struck him. An idea to frame the rebels for Bekori's death so he could swiftly cover up his failure and turn this into a significant merit for his promotion.

'Hmm.. They might learn about the reinforcement from their credible source.' Spandine thought with a slight frown. He was quite troubled by this traitor he couldn't quite pinpoint. He had thought he had treated his Subordinates well but the notice told him otherwise.

He went outside his room and ordered his second in command,The only one he knew he could trust."Jam all communications and Lockdown the entire Kingdom down, Anyone who tries to leave will become a suspect for the king's murder and swiftly arrested for questioning."


Spandine had started hyperventilating,He didn't know what went wrong but almost immediately when he had ordered to Jam all communications, the rebels launched a city wide attack. Now after almost two days, they were already at the castle.his finger trembled above the golden den den mushi. Hesitating on whether he should press it or not. Knowing the battleships were already nearby. That hesitation however caused him to come back to his senses a bit too late. his brain only processed the excruciating pain that came from his now twisted right hand.

"awggg!!" Spandine exclaimed out loud. His breathing hitched in realization when he noticed someone else was in the room. But instead of trying to escape he immediately shouted "I surrender! I- I- Please sp-spare me!"

Lucius glanced at Spandine for a moment and paused. Internally Contemplating Spandine's suggestion while holding unto the golden den den mushi. After a moment of silence. "I would.." For a moment Spandine felt a flicker of hope, Then Lucius's next words made him fall into despair once more. "But, Does it really matter if you are alive or not? One less enemy for me to worry about.'

Spandine shivered when he felt Lucius' gaze shift ever so slightly while looking at him so he hastened and voiced his plea "Plea-se, I have a family!" Lucius looked at him as if he was an idiot. "So does everyone who was killed because of you." Lucius replied with a sneer.

Spandine paused. He subtly glanced towards a spot only to realize in despair, His most trusted assistant wasn't there at all. His body deflated as he bit down on his lips. Perhaps because Spandine was panicking right now but he didn't notice Lucius's unusual patience with him.

He tensed up even more when he heard Lucius say "Anything else? don't worry your 'friend' will soon join you." with an apathetic tone. But That was also the final push Spandine needed as he revealed his true selfish and cowardly self. "I- I know a lot of secrets of the world government! As long as you ensure I am alive, I will tell you everything!" Spandine spoke through gritted teeths.

Lucius paused as if completing it. "Very well.." Spandine's eyes light up with hope. Although inwardly he was snidely making plans on how he could betray Lucius later on. Unfortunately Lucius's next words poured water over his thoughts along with causing great shock. "Since you are part of the cipher pol.. you should know about 'their' existence right? you know… the five elders? If you truly want me to keep you alive. Then as loudly as you can declare the one behind all of this." Lucius revealed with a wide knowing smile as Spandine's eyes equally widened in realization.

'Its over..' Spandine thought bitterly. Despite being in a life ending situation, He knew what this meant. The man standing in front of him or rather the organization behind him was truly powerful and well-informed. Enough to be considered a threat by the world government. Spandine bit down on his lips contemplating between betrayal and his own life.

Ultimately his selfishness for staying alive still prevailed as without hesitation even though he didn't understand why Lucius wanted him to do this yet, he declared so loudly it almost hurt his throat. "SAINT SATURN IS BEHIND ALL OF THIS!! PLEASE SPARE MY LI-Ugh" But He didn't get to finish his words however as Lucius knocked him out with a satisfied smile on his face.

His eyes fell upon the Golden den den mushi before shifting towards an obscure looking shelf that held a baby den den mushi. His smile widened 'That should be enough misdirection…' Thinking inwardly but he let out a deep sigh. 'It makes sense now.. why the city exuded so much misfortune but it couldn't be changed even after I rushed here.. they had that aim in mind from the very start.' He Internally deducted. He had initially thought starting the civil war would help in that matter by buying them precious time.. however it was merely a miscalculation on his part.


"And Ultimately, Spandine has been compromised." The second in command who Spandine thought he could trust indifferently reported his death to Saturn. As he subtly glanced at the area where Spandine lived burning down to ashes.

Saturn's eyes gleamed in slight interest towards Lucius. He hadn't expected to discover such a hidden Organization.

However, Saturn quickly dismissed it and focused on the current affair. He shook his head in mild disappointment. muttering "Such a shame, Although he didn't have much combat value, He was indeed quite a proficient logistics talent..." He then lightly added "Make sure not a single one escapes.."

"Affirmative." The second in command spoke indifferently before ending the call. But he froze in his spot when he saw Lucius looking at him with an intrigued look on his face. Before he could even think of escaping His head snapped a hundred and eighty degrees. "That is quite troublesome. Don't you think so, Miss Espionage?" Lucius casually asked Ginny who had been tasked to keep an eye out for such suspicious individuals but still managed to let one get away.

Ginny lightly coughed in embarrassment, mumbling "I had it under control…" But her demeanor turned serious immediately when she heard Lucius say "About the battleships... I will try to delay them. For now gather everyone you can and escape with them to the base, Those battleships will likely focus on this city first." she immediately shook her head "Absolutely not! You are coming with us!"

Lucius sighed slightly. Before he spoke "Ginny.. Listen to me, There is not much time left, Those battleships will arrive soon.. and only I can accurately move fast enough to repel their attacks." He smiled sweetly before continuing "Trust me, I wouldn't risk my life unless I am sure I would survive. So please help everyone escape safely. Oh also Take this valuable 'Guest', He has a lot of funny stories to share" Adding at the end while throwing Spandine who was firmly tied up inside a Potato bag to Ginny

Ginny finally relented after a deep sigh but she did say before leaving "You better come back alive! else I will beat you up after finding a way to Resurrect you!"Causing Lucius to lightly chuckle while waving her off.

Lucius started spreading his Sonar of Misfortune across the entire city and towards the sea area nearby. Soon he spotted slowly moving Battleships closer to the shores. His eyes gleamed 'I should compensate them heavily for this 'favor' they have given.'


"Monster…" A marine soldier mumbled with fear written on his face. He had never encountered such an individual before… who single handedly held back an entire buster call himself.

He didn't understand how and why the man could 'walk' on air nor could he understand how the man threw their torpedoes right back at them. It had been many hours and quite a few battleships had been damaged. Luckily their backup had arrived otherwise he thought it Might be his end.


"Huff.. Huff." Lucius breathed heavily. His mind was beyond foggy, he knew if he was distracted for a moment he would drop unconscious. 'No… I can't rest.. there are still many people left,' Lucius thought after shaking his head to rid himself of the tiredness. He let out a grumble however when he sensed at least 30 different battleships on the horizon.

'?!' Lucius's heart skipped a bit when he finally a torpedo. But a smile unknowingly appeared on his face when he noticed it being 'Repelled' "You sure, took your time.. Kuma-ne!" He dizzily complained to his elder brother who gently grabbed him before 'Repelling' Him to the Oro Jackson.

Lucius although barely conscious but he understood who's tear slowly dripped on his face. His weak hand tremblingly touched his mother's face, Wiping away the tears. His heart finally felt pain and anger at himself for making his mother cry.

"Mum.. don't cry.. your tears are like daggers stabbing into my heart-." Lucius was weakly mumbling when he suddenly pushed his mother way right as a haki coated bullet stabbed hit his upper shoulder. drops of his blood splashing on Amara's stunned face which immediately turned into despair and anger "No No Nononono!! Lucius Stay awake! Hold on!" she trembled trying to calm down while grabbing her first aid kit.

The Roger pirates turned serious as they surrounded Amara while she tended to Lucius's Injury. A hint of tension hung in the air because despite having so many haki masters especially Amara who was the best at Observation to not notice such a lethal attack.. "Northwest.. 5.36 Miles.." Lucius spoke so quietly everyone would have missed. Amara however felt something like a third sense. She saw a black fog-like figure standing atop a building. It took only a moment to realize what it was as Amara almost immediately grabbed her sniper rifle and shot three consecutive shots Aimed towards the target.


"Ho*ugh*.." The figure tried to mumble yet one shot in his throat. Heart and Stomach hit precisely. He died without even knowing what and why it happened.


Word count: 1810

Author's note:-

Hmm, I think I have writer's block right now. Either way I have an idea to solve that. I will rewrite my marvel fanfic chapters and upload them instead for the next three or so days.

New schedule for now: 3 chapters for one piece fanfic and 3 chapters for Marvel fanfic per week.

That way I think I won't experience writer's block. Sorry for not uploading. Ironically I got diarrhea yesterday because of my own fault along with not being satisfied with the chapter. I rewrote it.

I had initially planned for Spandine to die. Then I realized He still has some usages and it makes sense based on his wiki personality, he would betray the world government as long as he is about to die and he thinks the other party can challenge the world government or at least keep him alive longer even as a traitor.

Anyways join my discord server if you want to. It has a channel that will ping you when my chapter has dropped.

Discord server link:- https://discord.gg/GqMKJsCUNN