
One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames

In the tumultuous world of pirates and marines, a legend is born from the very flames that seek to consume the seas. Portgas D. Ace, son of the infamous Pirate King Gol D. Roger, is destined for greatness before he even takes his first breath. Within the protective womb of his mother, Ace’s consciousness awakens, and with it, an unparalleled talent for understanding—the ability to visualize and manifest abilities that defy the heavens. [Overpowered Ace]

NikaTheHonoredOne · アニメ·コミックス
181 Chs

Chapter 64:Clashing with Garp!

The second day dawned bright and clear.

Accompanied by the Block Head sisters, Franky boarded the sea train bound for the sacred tree Adam, set on acquiring a vital part for their project.

Meanwhile, IceBurg diligently gathered all necessary materials for the Merry's transformation.

Ace joined IceBurg to oversee the preparations for their ship.

Despite Merry's insistence that her appearance mattered little as long as Ace approved, he smiled warmly and gently assured her otherwise.

"Merry, you're a crucial partner of mine. I can't just choose decorations without your input."

IceBurg watched in disbelief as Merry, temporarily disembodied from her ship, accompanied him to select materials.

Witnessing Merry's departure from the ship's hull, IceBurg found his perspective refreshed.

Eventually, he could only sigh in admiration,

"He truly is the man who razed Enies Lobby, Destroyed Pluton's blueprints, and vanished without a trace from the World Government's grip."

The morning after.

Amidst the bustling breakfast prepared by Laki, the atmosphere among the Entei Pirates held a subtle tension.

"Laki, your cooking skills just keep getting better and better, hahaha."

Ace complimented Laki in his usual jovial manner, savoring the food she had prepared.

Blushing, Laki quickly busied herself with serving more delicacies.

Robin sat beside Ace, eating her breakfast with grace and poise, though her demeanor seemed subtly altered.

Her eyes, like tranquil water, exuded a newfound maturity that seemed to radiate from within.

Where Robin's maturity once stemmed from her life experiences, it now embraced a deeper, physical and emotional confidence.

Kaya and Vivi observed Robin's transformation with a mix of admiration and complexity.

They had assumed Nami might be the first to take this final step with Ace, given her pioneering spirit in such matters—being the first to kiss Ace and flaunt her red lips.

Now, with Robin boldly leading the charge, Kaya and Vivi found themselves reconsidering their own timidity.

"If we wait any longer, we might miss our chance altogether!"

Their cheeks flushed, Kaya and Vivi's thoughts raced, and they bashfully lowered their heads.

Nami, observing Robin's initiative, felt a pang of hesitation regarding her own reservations, especially with Kaya and Vivi still in mind.

However, witnessing Robin's boldness sparked a flicker of intrigue within her.

Beside her, Nojiko observed the scene with a knowing smile, covering her own red lips.

Robin's actions last night had stirred up the group like a sudden electric shock among fish in a school.

Taking a bite of her bread, Nojiko's eyes twinkled with amusement.

But as a sister, should she allow Nami to steal this particular spotlight?

Nojiko blushed, returning her attention to her breakfast.

Conis, fidgeting with his harp, couldn't help but recall some rather inappropriate scenes in his innocent mind.

He couldn't be blamed—the noises last night had been quite loud.

Shaking his head vigorously, Conis tried to clear his flushed face.

Tashigi, as adorable as ever, couldn't quite grasp the full implications of last night's events, but she had an inkling.

She absentmindedly polished the handle of her Shigure knife, her thoughts drifting.

"Oh, by the way, Kaya."

Robin lifted her chin lazily, fixing a meaningful gaze on Kaya.

"Huh? What is it, Robin?"

Caught off guard by Robin's sudden attention, Kaya flashed a sheepish smile.

Robin's smile deepened into a mature grin.

"I need to ask you for a favor."

"Sure, is it a pain reliever? I'll get it right away."

Kaya blurted nervously, noticing Robin's slightly altered demeanor.

"Ace is quite something. Looks like I'll have to step up my training."

Kaya blushed, contemplating her next moves.

"No, not pain relief."

Robin's index finger traced her red lips provocatively, her smile beguiling.

"I want to remember this feeling."

Robin's candid admission left the girls blushing and averting their eyes.

Their minds raced back to last night's events.

"Robin, you're quite bold!"

Ace chuckled warmly, his gaze lingering on the flushed faces of the girls.

"Well, Robin, what kind of favor do you need, then?"

Kaya patted her crimson cheeks, trying to maintain composure.

"I need some medication... But not the kind for pain relief."

Robin's tone held a hint of mischief as she glanced at Ace, a suggestive smile playing on her lips.


Kaya, Vivi, Nami, and Nojiko's faces instantly turned scarlet.

Giving birth to Ace's child—those words echoed in their minds, overwhelming them with embarrassment.

Laki and Conis exchanged a knowing look, their cheeks reddening as they avoided eye contact.

Tashigi's adorable brain started to shut down completely, her eyes resembling bug-repelling incense.

"If that's what you wish, I won't object."

Ace's warm smile reflected his affection for Robin.

"Perhaps it's best to wait until I become the Pirate King before we consider that."

Ace chuckled, teasingly glancing at the blushing girls.

"After all, if all of you have my children, Merry might get a bit crowded."

Robin cast a meaningful glance at the girls, a mischievous smile tugging at her lips.

Nami, Vivi, Kaya, and Nojiko trembled at the implications, their faces burning as they looked away.

Laki and Conis exchanged another awkward glance, their eyes betraying a mix of curiosity and embarrassment.

"If we all have Ace's babies..."

Tashigi's brain short-circuited, her body trembling uncontrollably.

"I guess I'll need to build a bigger kingdom first, hahaha."

Ace laughed good-naturedly, observing the girls' reactions.

What does it feel like for a woman to love a man so deeply?

Naturally, the desire to bear his child arises.

As Ace's gaze softened, the girls blushed deeper and cast their eyes downward.

"I-I'll go prepare that medication right away."

Unable to withstand Ace's gaze, Kaya hurriedly stood up.

"Make sure to prepare enough. We wouldn't want to run out."

Robin waved casually, a playful smile dancing on her lips.

"Uh, yes!"

Kaya blushed furiously, nodding hastily.

Not only did she need to prepare for Robin, but for everyone else as well.

And most importantly, she needed to prepare one for herself.

Kaya stumbled towards her room.

Having mastered the Six Powers to the point of wielding Rokougun, Kaya struggled to maintain her composure.

Her embarrassment was palpable.

"Eat, eat... huh?"

Ace glanced at the girls, intending to divert attention from the intense atmosphere. However, his brow furrowed slightly.

Ace, yes, there are two very strong auras!

"One of them is...."

Nami hesitated momentarily, suppressing her shyness as she fixed her gaze on Ace, her beautiful eyes narrowing.

"Tsk, troublemakers are here again."

Ace rubbed his head, a hint of reluctance evident despite his words.

It had been a while.

Outside the Capital of Water 7, on the sea, a warship adorned with a dog's head clutching a bone on its bow slowly approached.

"Hey! What... what warship is this!"

The citizens of Water 7 gasped as they saw the approaching vessel.

"Ah-la-la, Garp-san, aren't you going to answer Sengoku's summons?"

Aokiji, reclining lazily on a lounge chair, addressed the figure before him with nonchalance.

His injuries from previous battles were healing, but bandages still covered many parts of his body, and burn marks marred his exposed skin—a reminder of his recent skirmishes.

"Why don't you just keep in touch with Sengoku, Admiral? And you, Aokiji-kun, if you don't return to headquarters to resign, what are you planning to do?"

Garp picked his nose, impatiently eyeing Aokiji.

"You really don't mind getting scolded, huh?"

"Nevertheless, Portgas D. Ace has really stirred up quite a commotion this time."

Aokiji scratched his head, a hint of helplessness crossing his usually lazy demeanor.

Yet, beneath the facade, an ultimate shock flashed through his eyes.

Through the white phone snail, Aokiji had already been informed by Sengoku about Enies Lobby.

White phone snails were rare devices used to prevent eavesdropping, especially among high-ranking Marines like Admirals.

Aokiji, being an Admiral, had access to such privileged information. The actions of the Admirals were top-secret within the Navy.

The ultimate shock in Aokiji's eyes was unmistakable.

He knew firsthand the strength of Portgas D. Ace, having recently engaged in a fierce battle against him.

Even with his intuition, Aokiji sensed that in a life-or-death struggle, he might be the one to fall.

Their battle had reached a stalemate, despite Aokiji's initial advantage in Devil Fruit ability and Haki prowess.

However, Ace's Conqueror's Haki infusion had proven overwhelming, resulting in a draw.

Although Portgas D. Ace was formidable, even at full power—utilizing a unique blend of abilities—it was on par with Aokiji.

But according to the latest report from Fleet Admiral Sengoku, Portgas D. Ace had unleashed devastating force without even tapping into the power of the Mera-Mera Fruit, relying solely on Conqueror's Haki and techniques learned from the Giants of Elbaf.

In one fell swoop, Ace had defeated Momousagi, two Navy Vice Admirals, Ghost Spider, Huoshaoshan, Flying Squirrel, and three senior Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals.

Ghost Spider perished, Huoshaoshan sustained severe burns, Flying Squirrel lay near death, while Momousagi and the tea dolphins suffered grievous wounds.

This level of attack was achieved purely through martial prowess and Conqueror's Haki, a feat that even two Yonko at their prime—Kaido of the Beasts and Red-Haired Shanks—would find challenging.

Such strength represented a qualitative leap that surpassed Aokiji's own capabilities.

Aokiji struggled to comprehend the news relayed by Fleet Admiral Sengoku.

But Sengoku's reports were infallible.

In these waters, there truly existed such a formidable individual—a being capable of drawing strength from each battle to exponentially enhance their own abilities.

What an unfathomable figure Portgas D. Ace had become.

Emotions and astonishment played across Aokiji's face as he processed this revelation.

"Hahaha, He's indeed my grandson, turning the sea upside down," Garp chuckled heartily upon hearing Aokiji's remark.

"Hey, Mr. Garp, your grandson caused chaos in Enies Lobby and led to losses from the Buster Call. Are you really okay with that?" Aokiji queried, looking at Garp with a mix of disbelief and helplessness.

"Huh? Enies Lobby was destroyed by the Buster Call. What's that got to do with Ace? CP9 acted against Ace's crew without involving us Marines. Ace and his crew merely invaded Enies Lobby. And as for the Buster Call, if Ace hadn't been Kind, Momousagi and the others would have been lost there," Garp retorted, nonchalantly dismissing the implication.

"Just invaded Enies Lobby?" Aokiji's mouth twitched at Garp's cavalier attitude. Was this how a Marine hero should speak? Yet, confronting an Emperor's wrath was indeed foolish, he mused, conceding that Ace's Approach had been merciful in sparing casualties.

"Let's leave Portgas D. Ace to the Fleet Admiral. I'm no match for him now," Aokiji yawned, resigning himself to the reality of Ace's formidable prowess.

"Hahaha, Aokiji, you still have much to learn. Let me show you the true meaning of an iron fist," Garp boomed, laughter echoing across the sea.

"Ace! Grandpa's coming to catch you!" Garp bellowed with enthusiasm.

Aokiji sighed inwardly. Capturing Portgas D. Ace? It was no laughing matter. Facing Ace and his Entei Pirates, now rivaling the strength of an almost complete Four Emperors' crew, would be perilous even for Garp at full strength.

"Taking on Ace here? Don't be foolish," Aokiji thought, feeling a chill despite his ice-based abilities.

As Ace stood on the uninhabited coast outside Water 7, his eyes flashed with an intense purple-black hue of Ultimate's. In the distance, the girls watched silently as a warship approached.

"He's coming," Ace muttered with determination.

"Hahaha, Ace!" Garp's booming laughter resonated as he appeared above Ace, his eyes gleaming with the same purple-black intensity.

"Galaxy Impact!" Garp's fist crackled with violent purple-black lightning.

"Old man!" Ace's Haki-infused fist retaliated fiercely.

The clash of their Ultimate Furious Conqueror's Haki erupted in a bone-jarring impact, unleashing terrifying shockwaves.
