




"KILL HIM" "FIREEEE!!!" all those who had pistols on their hands shot at Zoro who again disappeared causing the bullets to hit the other bounty hunters. "ARGHHH!!!" "AHHHH" "WATCH WHERE YOU SHOOTING...." "HE'S GONE!!" Igarappoi was sweating and at the same time annoyed by his fellow hunters, "YOU FOOLS!! HE DISAPPEARED AGAIN! HE'S TOO FAST!!" he looked around himself, "HURRY UP AND KILL HIM AND THAT STRAWHAT ALREADY!!! THEY ARE ONLY TWO PEOP...."

"Are you sure, that you want to add only two tombstone tonight?" Igarappoi froze on his position, as Zoro is standing just behind him, back to back. Hearing this, all the other bounty hunters saw this and aimed their weapons at Zoro and Igarappoi's position, "THERE HE IS!!" "S-stop you fools! Are you planning to shoot me too!?" he shuttered. But the bounty hunters didn't listen to this and were ready to shoot again. Igarappa then took out a giant trumpet from who knows where and blew into it, which caused the sound chamber of the instrument to shoot shotgun bullets.

Zoro disappeared again and appeared few yards away from them, "That's some shotgun you got there!!! Talk about dangerous...." all of them looked at him with anger and disdain filled eyes, "It looks like...." Mr.9 started, "We'll have to take him seriously...." Miss Monday finished.

Luffy sitting on the roof looked at the scene, Zoro on the one side stood alone with just the wooden scabbard on his hand and a calm expression on his face and the other side hundred bounty hunters with furious look on their faces, ready to kill anyone. "Now this sure reminds me of 'VAGABOND'....Mushashi vs 70 samurais...." Luffy thought with a smirk.

The whole plaza was silent, the harsh wind started to pick up and blew between the Zoro and bounty hunters. Air was tense and somehow Luffy imagined of hearing a Biwa tone of duel. A single leaf flew with the wind and slowly and gently touched the ground and then it begin. The bounty hunters charged at Zoro with ferocity but Zoro stood there and waiting for them to come closer to him and when they were closer, he moved and started to move around between them like a fluid and striking them on vital spots.

A strike on the neck, a strike on the knee, some at elbow, at collar bone and like this, he was immobilizing his opponents at a pace that their numbers started to decrease. He jumped back and deflected few bullets, he then started to move around the plaza, and causing more chaos in such a manner that it looks like a dance, A Dance of Destruction.

Few of the bounty hunters started to back away in fear, "H-he is monster...." "How can someone be this strong!!!" then one of the hunter took out the flame thrower and launched the flames at Zoro who looked the coming flames and smirked, then swing his scabbard with so much force that the wind generated by the swing caused the flames to dispersed and huge crater was formed where the tip of his scabbard touched the ground.

This shocked the remaining bounty hunters as they momentary froze on their spot and Zoro utilizes this chance and jumped on them. Then Miss Monday jumped towards Zoro with giant boulder to smash him, "DIE YOU BASTARD.....!!!!!" but Zoro just back handed the boulder and broke it into piece and then grabbed Miss Monday by her face and looked her into her eyes, "You wanna dance too...!!???" but to his disappointment, she passed out from the shock alone. He then threw her at Mr.9.

The only few remaining hunters with Igarappa aka Mr.8, Mr.9 and Miss Wednesday looked at him fear, "...S—So this the power of person with 300 million beries!!!!" Mr.8 gulped and then looked at the roof where Luffy is sitting and enjoying the beatdown, "Then how strong is that boy with 400 million beries...!??" "H-hey...Mr.8!!! it's no time for any of that...W—We need backup...!!" Miss Wednesday muttered, "Y—Yes...!!!" Mr.9 also said while shaking.

"So, wanna bring more of your people...." Zoro grinned, "Bring it on!!! I'll take you all on...." "H-he is crazy....!!!" Mr.9 said, to which both Mr.8 and Miss Wednesday nodded. "But we cannot back down now...." Mr.8 said and then aimed his trumpet at Zoro and shot at him. Zoro dodged the bullets. Miss Wednesday and Mr.9 took this for their turn, "Let's go, Miss Wednesday!!" "Yes, Mr.9!!" with that, Mr.9 immediately hoped on the roof of the church, while Miss Wednesday whistled, "COME GIVE ME A HAND, CARUE!!"

A quack was heard as a giant duck ran towards Miss Wednesday's side and gave his hand to her, "NOT LITERALLY!!!" she yelled at him, then she mounted him like a horse, "Alright!! Show your famous speed that can outran even a leopard!!" Carue quacked in determination and then sat down on the ground, "WHO THE HELL TOLD YOU TO SIT DOWN!?" she yelled at him.

While Zoro was standing on the building and looking at this scene with deadpan, "The hell wrong with these people!?" "HAHAHAHAHAHA!! ARE YOU SURE YOU SHOULD BE LOOKING SOMEWHERE ELSE RIGHT NOW?" Zoro heard this and looked up at the tower of the church and saw Mr.9 standing there and then started to back rolling towards him, "I WONDER IF YOU CAN KEEP UP WITH MY ACROBATIC FINESSE!?" Zoro just looked at the rolling human ball coming towards him and he sidestepped causing Mr.9 to roll off the building, "AHHHHHHHH...." and with the scream Mr.9 crashed into the building.

"Idiot" Zoro said then look to the side and saw Miss Wednesday with her duck had finally climbed up the building, "NOW PREPARE YOURSELF, MR. BUSHIDO!!" she said while standing on Carue and opened her jacket to show her shirt underneath which has spiral design on it. "Now...gaze deeply at my body~~~" and then started to do some weird dance, "Captivating Dance of Dizziness" and waves of hypnosis started to flow towards Zoro who just stood there and was not affected at all.

Seeing him standing, Miss Wednesday thought that her trick worked on him and then took out a stinger attached by string to a ring on her pinky finger. "Now for the finisher.....Peacock Slasher!!! LET'S GO CARUE!" Carue quacked in affirmation and started to run, but in opposite direction and jumped off the building, "YOU'RE GOING THE WRONG WAY!!!!" Miss Wednesday yelled and then crashed on the ground. Zoro's eyes twitched seeing this, "I feel embarrassed at myself for having to fight these losers..."

Zoro then jumped off the building and saw his handywork, bodies of Bounty hunters lay everywhere, some on the ground, some hanging by the roof and some were half buried. "GOT YOUUUUUU....." Zoro heard this and saw Igarappoi said and jumped towards him, but Zoro just side stepped and chopped the back of his neck making the man blackout. "sigh....atleast don't yell when surprise attacking...."

Luffy then jumped off the building he was sitting and walk towards Zoro and returned his swords to him, "That was something else...." Zoro put all of his three swords back to his waist, "It was nothing...." Luffy nodded at that.

Far away from the town plaza, on a large tree, there were two creature sitting on the branch. One is was the vulture and the other one an otter, the otter was making the picture of Luffy and Zoro while the vulture was keeping an eye on them. "What do you think!!?? Are we able to take them down....!!?" a man asked from the foot of the tree looking at the two creatures. The vulture shrugged at the question, "I thought that it was some mistake made by the Marines, but no....the strength of that swordsman truly deserves such a high bounty and not to talk about that Strawhat guy, we don't know how strong he is and his bounty is higher than the swordsman!!" said a blond haired women with a yellow umbrella.

"What do you think!!??" Luffy asked, to which Zoro just shrugged. They both were also sitting on the same tree, just on the much higher branch. "They don't look impressive....and I can tell they're not here for us!!!" Luffy nodded at that. "Well whatever it is....our coming days are going to be fun" to which Zoro smirked, somehow knowing that Luffy is going to do something crazy.

"huff huff..." 'I can't just die here...!' Igarappoi thought as he struggled to stood up, 'I still have to protect her....!!' as he stood up by the support of the wall, he heard footsteps coming towards him. "Truly, how pathetic....!!! they all lost to a single swordsman!!?" "Now now, Mr.5....don't be so hard on them!!! Afterall, it's not their fault that they got pitted against someone more than they can handle....." Igarappoi heard a female voice saying this, as he looked and saw two figure standing few meters away from him. "M-Mr.5 and Miss Valentine...!!"

Mr.5 looked at him with disdain, "Well? Had enough fun...!?" "KYAHAHAHA!! Give then a break, you can't expect them to be as capable as we are...." Miss Valentine said with a smirk. Igarappoi just looked at them, 'Yeah, as if you can beat that swordsman...' he then coughed, 'Now I really wants that green haired guy to beat these two...' he then calmed his breathing, "What do you want!? Or are you just here for laugh at us?"

 "Huff huff...ha....with you two here now, that swordsmen stand no chance..." Mr.9 muttered. Mr.5 looked at him, "Stop joking around....!!! You think we're your back-ups?" Mr.9 looked at him with shock. "You honestly believe that we'd be ordered to come all the way out here at the edge of the Grandline, just to clean up the mess you all had created? KYAHAHAHAHA!" Miss Valentine said. "W-What...? Then why you come here??"

"Surely you must have some hunches....a crime severe enough that the boss would personally dispatch us all the way out here...." Mr.5 said, "The boss' direct words were, 'My secret has been found out.'" Miss Valentine added. "Of course we have no idea what that secret may be but....our organization's creed is 'SECRECY'...no one is allowed to pry into the real identities of our members." Mr.5 finished.

"After some investigation into the matter, it seems an agent of a certain kingdom has infiltrated into Baroque Works." Miss Valentine said with a coy smile. Mr.9 hearing this started to freak out, "Wha...! W-Wait! I know I wear a crown and all but I'm not really a king!" while Miss Wednesday started to sweat in nervousness. "We know it's not you." Miss Valentine said to Mr.9.

While this all are happening down below, both Luffy and Zoro were sitting on the roof of the building just next to them on the plan site and yet no one seems to notice them. "That guy with glasses talk too much...!!" Luffy exclaimed, "But the things sure starting to get interesting...." Zoro added.

Back with the group, "The spy we're talking about, is the Alabasta Kingdom's--" Mr.5 was about to finish his sentence but suddenly Igarappoi stood up and fired bazooka at him, "DIEEEEEE!!" a huge explosion struck which caused many buildings to collapse. "IGARAM....!!" Miss Wednesday shouted. Mr.9 looked at her in confusion, "WHO!?" Igarappoi now Igaram looked at Miss Wednesday, "PLEASE RUN AWAY!!"

"Not so fast..." they heard from above and saw Miss Valentine dropped towards Miss Wednesday and kicked her which caused the clip which holds her blue hair to break and her hair to fall on her back. Then she saw Igaram falls to the ground, "Igaram!! Igaram!!" she then saw the shadow of Mr.5 from the smoke, "The name of the spy, is Igaram The head of Alabasta Kingdom's Royal Guards! And the second spy is none other than Alabasta's Princess herself....Nefertari Vivi!!"

Miss Wednesday, now identified as Vivi looked at Mr.5 with anger, "You monster!" Mr.9 was shocked at hearing that, "Miss Wednesady....you are a princess!?" "Not now Mr.9...." Vivi muttered. Then Mr.5 shoved a finger into his nose, "Under the direct orders of our Baroque Work's boss, we shall hereby eliminate you two!" Vivi then took her stinger and started to spin it, "Don't you underestimate me!" but was stopped by Mr.9, "Step back Miss Wednesday!! I don't exactly know what's going on....but you are my partner whom I had worked for so long!!" he said with a wink, "Now, run away from here while I hold them back..."

Mr.9 then launched himself at Mr.5 and Miss Valentine, "BYE-BYE BABYYYYY!!!" "MR.9 NOOOO!!!" Vivi shouted. Mr.5 just looked at the charging Mr.9 and took out his booger and shot at Mr.9, "NOSE FANCY....CANON...." his booger shot like a canon ball and struck Mr.9 and exploded, sending Mr.9 flying.

Luffy and Zoro who were now standing on the ground because the buildings nearby were all destroyed, "Damn!!! That's one dangerous booger there...." Zoro said with a giant sweat drop on the back of his head. Luffy then looked down at his feet and saw Igaram holding it, "Strawhat....I saw your swordsman's strength and I knew that you are much stronger than him....so please allow me to make an unreasonable request!! Those two are devil fruit users and it is beyond my power to stop them!! Please! Please protect the princess in my stead.....I beg of you!!"

With Vivi, "CARUE!! RUN FOR IT!!" she yelled as she is riding the duck and fleeing. Miss Valentine looked at the fleeing Vivi and Carue, "She ran away." "She can't escape from us...." Mr.5 said while adjusting his glasses and then started to chase Vivi, "After her, Miss Valentine!" "Roger, Mr.5...." Miss Valentine used her umbrella to fly.

Back with Luffy and Zoro, "If you successfully send her safely back to Alabasta, A Kingdom located in the far east....I swear you shall be rewarded greatly...!" Igaram said looking at both Luffy and Zoro, "So I beg of you sir! Please protect the princess!" "Greatly rewarded you say?" they all heard this and looked up to see Nami sitting on the roof and looking at them, "Alright then! How about a billion beries then??" 

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