A boy gets lost in the one piece world with his memories of everything except anime and manga taken away. Watch his journey as he is thrown into a world for the entertainment of those above
"Brat who are you and How do you know of Ace". Asked Whitebeard in a Demanding tone, he looked pissed or maybe it was fear for his son's wellbeing but it was threatening none the less.
All the members of the Red force where now on the Moby Dick as they saw someone crash land in the deck and came running to check the situation.
"Like i said it's a long story so we should talk about it over this". Corvak then tossed a gourd to Shanks who filled his Glass and then tossed it to Whitebeard.
Then all three of them drank as the bystanders mostly Ben Beckman and Pineapple head looked in shock and awe at how easy going it was.
*Glug* *glug* *glug*
"Ahah..that's some great quality booze". said Shanks looking at Corvak with eyes of acknowledgement.
"Gurarara..True this sake is much better than that water you brought Akagami no kozo". Whitebeard chuckled. "However you still haven't answered me brat, how do you know of my son's identity".
"To tell you simply i am a time traveller/ prophet kinda guy with A 100% accuracy rate, the reason i know of your son's identity is because i am from the future and he as well as you and almost all of your crew are dead...It will happen if you don't listen to me, the choice is yours...old man Shirohige".
Corvak said in one breath and then took another large gulp of his drink.
All the bystanders were shocked, by now almost all of the red haired pirates were on board. The commanders were shocked and waited for him to continue.
Whitebeard just looked into Corvak's eyes as he stopped drinking and put his Gourd down, "Grumph...How did it happen".
"Hoh you believe the kid?". asked Shanks.
"He tells no lie, i can see it in his eyes, aren't you also trusting him Akagami?... So kid!....tell me how and what happened".
"Hm Before that i want everyone except Marco, you, Shanks and Ben to go on Shanks's ship".
Everyone of the bystanders except Ben looked at Corvak wearily as if he said something heretic.
Whitebeard looked at Shanks for a while and then ordered.
"You Brats, all of you except Marco go on board Akagami's ship...No one is allowed to peek, It's a captain's orders!!".
"Ben stay, the rest of you leave..Now!" said Shanks
Both groups left towards the red force and only Corvak, Shanks, Whitebeard, Ben and Marco remained.
"So where should I start hmm....Oh ya Teach killed Tatch due to a logia fruit called 'yami yami no mi', it has the ability of nullifiying other devil fruits however unlike other logia it does not grant intangibility to physical attacks...So now you know why Tatch died". Corvak informed them like je was serving a starter before the main course.
"Teeaachhhh!!! that bastard he killed his comrade who sailed with him for years for such a petty reason...NO That can't be all of it ,isn't that right brat..Tell me why!.
"He is someone who carries on Xebec's will, but he is a weakling at least for now, i don't know how or why but he is different..From the future i saw/came from He takes your Gura Gura no mi and is able to wield two devil fruits..I don't have to tell you how he took it do I..Old man?". Corvak said.
"So Teach killed me hah..to think i would die by the hands of my own son". He then proceeded to take a sip out of the gourd.
Shanks who was simply listening until now asked me the important question again. "Does Blackbeard kill Ace?".
"No Blackbeard meets Ace and they both fight but Ace loses, he will then be handed over to the Marines who then promote Blackbeard to a warlord and this gives him access to Impeldown which he then uses to break out the worst of the worst prisoners by making them kill each other and the ones remaining in the Cells get to join his crew".
"Ace is put on public execution A week or so from now and in my time a huge war happens between the Whitebeard pirates and Marines called the Marineford war".
"Eventually Akainu kills Ace as he tries to protect Luffy and you die by the end having already taken a huge amount of damage before Blackbeard and his crew show up killing you". I said ending my story and waited for questions.
Shanks looked at Ben who was observing Corvak through out the story to know if he lied or not, For conformation. Ben simply shook his head signalling that Corvak wasn't lying.
Marco simply stayed silent despite his want to ask a thousand questions.
"You said Ace tried to save Luffy, what was he doing there? Shanks asked despite knowing the answer.
Whitebeard also wanted to know about his son's brother who was earning name in paradise.
"Well he went to save Ace from impel down with the help of Boa Hancock and was the star runner of the War, Even You liked him Oldman, you even asked everyone to back up Luffy as he was running to save Ace, after Ace's death he eventually carries on his will of fire with him, kid even freed wano and Helped Oden's people".
"Hmph...GURARARA seems exactly like how Ace described him".
"So Luffy eventually saved Oden-sans Country hah?." Shanks said taking a sip.out of his sake cup.
"Ya because he was offered rice by a starving girl when he was hungry, it wasn't the only reason but it was one of them".
"GURARARA...Brat!, that sounds like something Roger would do".
"Haha Oh you would be surprised at the amount of parallels you can draw". Corvak said chuckling.
Everyone all then took Huge chugs of their drinks almost finishing it.
"Old man why are you drinking so peacefully as if nothing's wrong, If what this kid said is true then we have to call back ace now before it's too late". Marco said finally.
"Hmm i agree with Marco, we should call back Ace". Shanks said.
"We can't do that". Corvak said.
"Why can't we Yoi?!". Marco asked a bit frantic and Ben, Shanks as well as Whitebeard looked at Corvak asking why indirectly.
"Well if we stop ace which is almost impossible as of now, Blackbeard's next target is Luffy in Water seven where Luffy will reach in a couple of days, Luffy will end up dead and Ace will chase down Blackbeard and the outcome will be the same".
"So is there no way of saving Ace?". Marco asked to which Corvak just grinned.
"Brat before i ask you how to save Ace!....Tell me why you want to save Ace!, Akagami here wants to save him because Ace is his former captain's son and I want to save the boy who calls me 'Father' and Marco over their wants to save his little brother but what's in it for you?, and looking at you seem quite strong yet I have never heard of a pirate like you in the new world". Everyone looked at Corvak waiting for an answer as Whitebeard's deep But soothing voice Bore into him looking for an answer.
"You haven't lied once until now, But you don't seem like someone who does things for charity, so then why do you care if Ace lives or dies?".
"MUHAHAHA...I don't care about Ace's death Oldman..he died because he went back to fight Akainu who insulted you despite other's advice on how it was a trap, Akainu might have dealt the final blow but Ace was the one who killed himself". Corvak said in disgust.
"No no...their are two reasons i am doing this. The first one is because Roger is third on my favourite people of all time list and that snot noses brat who has achieved squat shit bad mouths him, the pirate king ,the man who inspired an entire era of pirates all because he wasn't there for Little Ace to sing him his lullabies!". He spat in distaste
"I can't forgive that no no...i want Me to be the one saving him so that i can rub it in his face that the reason that he is alive the reason that his so called father and brothers are alive is all because of his father who he wants to disown so badly, to let him know That i saved him out of pity due to Roger's greatness".
Whitebeard looked at Corvak with sharp eyes holding his Bisento tightly.
"Brat are you trying to make my son question his road he took in life, How dare you say something that would be equally as bad as killing him to me!..his parent!!".
"Well it's because you are his parent that i can say it, after all a alive child is better than a depressed child to any parent.. MUHAHAHA, and also this feeling of everyone wanting to kill me right now but can't, so y'all are holding it in.... is the best feeling ever Muhahaha".
"A sinister brat...you remind me of someone i hate". Whitebeard growled.
Shanks and the rest stayed quite after hearing my reason untill Marco finally asked me the question.
"So yoi sinister brat i really don't want to hear it but what is your second reason?". He asked
"Like I said I am Black D Corvak".
"D hah hmm i guess it's always the D that do crazy shit". Ben mumbled.
"And i am a half lunarian half Fishman, yes i am an experiment of sorts, no it's not the world government...i am 7 years old... as for my second reason it's because of my goal".
"Hoh and what crazy goal do you have" Shanks asked curiously.
"My goal, my dream is....."
Everyone was stunned and then their eyes widened, then they sharpened.
"GURARARA...i stand by what Marco said you are one sinister brat, I once knew a man who said the same words as those and he became an almost unstoppable disaster towards the world. Now a snot nose brat who is Six years old is saying the same words, You say that Teach carries on the will of Xebec but aren't you also the same?..No you are more of a problem than him, you have what it takes to succeed where he failed.".
"Ho...so Xebec had the same dream too hah ..but don't worry i will not do not intend to take the same route he did so you can be rest assured". Corvak said.
"Then kid what's the plan to take back Ace?". Ben finally asked Corvak.
*NIKA* He grinned ear to ear.