
One Piece's Extra

Akatsuki_Tetsuya_7944 · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

First Contact

"Hummmm!!??... Why is my head aching as if it will crack open at any moment. "

A young boy said as he slowly raised his body and got into a sitting position. The boy had long black hair and a pair of light brown eyes. The room he was in suddenly shook and he felt on the ground.

"Huh!?! Was this an earthquake? When did my room had a wooden floor...Huh?? What are those torn clothes that I'm wearing... Something is definitely off with me, today. But first, let's try to get out of here for now."

The boy then mustered all his strength and got on his feet. He then headed to the wooden door in front of him and entered a corridor. As he walked his way through the corridor, the building once again shook vigorously and he hit against the wooden wall violently with each steps.

"What the heck is going on!!! This is not my hometown at all!!! Why am I on a ship in the middle of the ocean!!! "

The boy instinctively exclaimed as he stared at the view that was unfolding in front of his eyes.

"Oi!! Shut up you, idoit! I'm trying to sleep right now."

A green-haired young man said as he opened his left eye to stare at the boy. The boy felt a shiver run down his spine as his gaze met with the gaze of the young man.


" Aouch... Why did you hit me, Nami!!!"

"It's because you are an idiot... Can't you see that he is surprised... And the only thing you did was to threaten him, Zoro."

"Wh-where am I... Can you please tell me!!!."

The boy shouted as he make a 90 degree bow to the green-haired young man and orange-haired young woman.


At that same instant, the deafening sound of a canon could be heard on the deck of the ship and the boy straightened his body in a jolt. Also without losing a second turned his body to the direction of the source of the sound.

In that direction, he saw two young boys standing beside a canon, one wore a greenish bandana while the other wore a straw hat. They turned around to look at their two companions with huge smiles on their faces and walked to the boy's location as soon as the noticed him.

"Oi! You finally awake up. Welcome on board of my ship, I'm Luffy... The man sleeping over there is Zoro... The girl beside him is Nami and the long nose guy beside me is Usopp."

"Luffy! This is not a way to introduce someone... "

Usopp said angrily to luffy who simply smiled without paying to much attention to him.

'Zoro... Nami... Luffy... Usopp... Those names are familiar to me... They are similar to the names of my heroes from the manga about piracy, One Piece. Anyway, it's only a manga anyway, so it can be them. Now, I must ask those guys about our location and how I got on board. '

"Huh!?! Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts. I'm Tetsuya. Nice to meet you and your companions, Luffy-san."

The young boy said as he stared at the hand extend towards him by Luffy.

" If I'm not asking to much can you tell me, where we are and how I ended here."

"We are on the ocean of East blue as for our destination, it's still a mystery even for me. Also, we picked you up from a piece of floating wood that seemed to came from a mast, three days ago . Does that makes it clearer for you, Tetsuya?"

Nami said as she left Zoro's side and moved closer to Tetsuya.

'Three days ago! but yesterday night, I'm 100% sure that I was in my room. Also did she said East Blue... There's no ocean going by this name on Earth.. hmmm ? I can't be that I got transmigrated or something like that in the world of One Piece... Those stuffs only happens in fanfictions not in reality, right. '

Tetsuya thought before he passed out under the gazes of th straw hat crew.

A few hours later

" Oi! Tetsuya! are you ok? You worried us there, buddy."

" Why did you fainted out of the blue? Are you still not feeling well?"

As soon as he opened his eyes, he was bombarded by the questions of Usopp and Nami while Luffy and Zoro just stared at him.

" Yeah! maybe I had not fully recovered... Sorry for worrying you, guys. By the way, are those to guys, also your companions. "

" Joni!Yosaku! No way, they are just old buddies of Zoro."

Usopp said as he stared at the two men pointed by Tetsuya.

' So, I'm really in One Piece. Huh!?!... Now, only time will tell me, if its a curse or a blessing to being transmigrated into one of th greatest manga of all the time. All I can do is to move forward.'