
One Piece's Extra

Akatsuki_Tetsuya_7944 · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Fighting Don Grieg's crew

'This coffin-like boat... It's definitely him, Dracule Mihawk! The world's strongest swordsman and one of the seven warlords of the sea...'

As soon as he thought those words, the latter rapidly took out his black bladed sword out of its scabbard at an astonishing and shealthed it right away.

Suddenly, the warship of Don Grieg in three and sailed through the path that he had just created. At that instance, only two words could be used to describe Mihawk and they were 'domineering' and 'charismatic '.

'To think that Zoro will confront that man and live to tell the tale... He's nothing more than a monster... I definitely must form part of this crew and to do that I must show them my usefulness, today itself .'

Tetsuya said as he stared at the scene from the top of the baratie with serious expression. At that same instant, Zoro and the rest of the crew rushed out of the restaurant and stood in front of Mihawk.

Then, he saw Zoro who unshealthed his three katana and moving towards Hihawk who took the crucifix around his neck, and it turned out that it was a mini-katana.

For the next few seconds started a duel of swordsmen between the strongest ever swordsman in the seas and an inspiring swordsman with bottomless potential. Zoro used all the strongest in his arsenal and Mihawk parried them easily using his mini-katana until the final attack. The final and ultimate attack of Zoro using all of his three swords simultaneously gave off an such a destructive force that the atmosphere felt heavier, and this attack forced Mihawk to unshealth his black sword for the first time since the duel to parry.

"That's beautiful...."

Tetsuya said those few words with a large grin on his face as he observed those two swordsmen' final exchange. His blood was boiling and he felt the will to fight, engulfed his entire being.

'To think that I would adapt, so well to this world as if it was my own... hihihihihi... May be I was never normal to begin with.... It don't matter anymore, I have decided what path I want to follow and who to walk behind... So let's just enjoy ourselves. '

Tetsuya jumped off the roof of the baratie and landed beside Sanji and the other chefs who was standing on a platform deployed around the restaurant for the upcoming battle with Don Grieg and his crew.

"Who are you?.."

*exhaling smoke*

Sanji said to Tetsuya who stood beside him with a rifle and covered with loads from barbell. In his eyes, Tetsuya looked like a complete idiot with no sense of fashion.

"He's a friend!!"

Luffy shouted as he landed in front of those two and chefs after using his devil fruit ability to move from the debris of Don Grieg's warship to the platform.

"Luffy-san! Is Zoro-san okay?"

Even though he knew that Roronoa Zoro would definitely survive, Tetsuya couldn't stop himself from asking Luffy about Zoro's whereabouts.

"Zoro is fine, don't worry... After all he's a member of the future Pirate King's Crew!...Shishishishi..."

Luffy said as he turned around to face Don Grieg's and his crew.

"Yeah!!!That's right."

Tetsuya replied with a smile on his face as he put his left hand on Luffy's shoulder and moved pass him.

"Leave those small fries to me.... Sanji-san!!!...Luf-no..captain!!!"


As Tetsuya finished speaking, the sound of gunshots filled the entire area and many of Don Grieg's men felt one after another. The pirates also retaliated as they couldn't escape or their captain will shot them to death. Tetsuya moved like a cheetah as he got closer to the enemies, while trying to evade the bullets that threatened to take his life.


At some point after shooting several dozens of Don Grieg's men, Tetsuya was shot in his right arm and left leg. But his wounds didn't stopped him from moving as the adrenaline rush in his body, has made him temporarily resistant to pain. He was akin to a god of war running on the battlefield and shooting at sight.


"Hagahahahaha...My defence is absolutely, your bullets are useless in front of my armour."

A man wearing big circular iron plates on the front and back of his body and one on each hands. He stared at Tetsuya with a prideful expression as if he was trying to belittle him.

"Look at this smooth facial skin... This is proof that my invincible defenc-"


Then, a hole appeared in the middle of the huge man's forehead right between his eyes and the man collapsed.

* baaaam*

"tsk... Shut up, I'm running out of time... Sanji-san!... Captain!... I'm leaving Don Grieg and Gin to you, I'll take a nap for now."


Then Tetsuya heavily felt on the ground and lost consciousness with blood flowing out of his two bullet wounds and multiple blade lacerations.