Aliyah's Pov:
"Oh come on Aliyah.... It's just a dare and nothing more" Cassie nudged me.
"I know but you know I can't... I really regret playing the game with you guys" I cried out.
"It's not even that bitter,,, just four glasses of vodka that's the dare" Veronica added as I shrugged.
"But you know I can't do it..... I don't take alcohol cause I can't stand it" I refused bluntly.
"I told you guys that Aliyah is just a baby have you forgotten? She can't fit into the game" Gina teased me.
"This is a school prom for crying out loud and not any form of town fiesta where you get drunk all in the name of fun" I snapped.
"You can't be in the gang anymore Aliyah.... Just look the guys from another school are getting their dares perfectly and now you are gonna make us loose the game if you don't do what you are dared to" Cassie replied in annoyance.
"Why should I do what I was dared to do? You girls know I can't stand the alcohol percentage in that bottle of vodka" I cried out.
"Then Aliyah... You're out!" Gina grinned wickedly at me.
She have always hated me for no just reason or should I say she's always pestering me.
"Fine.... Am game" I said shooting Gina a disdainful glare.
"That's my girl!" Veronica danced as I walked towards the table.
My heart skipped a beat and raced so fast.
I have to do the dare else they might all consider me a coward.
I uncorked the bottle of vodka and filled it into a glass.
"Aliyah.... Aliyah..... Aliyah.... Go girl" They cheered me as I emptied the glass of vodka into my mouth.
I filled the second and then the third before the fourth and I drank all of them.
They applauded me.
But then my head was hurting so badly already and I felt my head spinning around.
I managed to sit down with my hand on my forehead.
I'll introduce myself first....
Am Aliyah Dela Cruz.... Am twenty years old and am a scholar in the biggest college in town.
Prestige college....
And the only daughter of a Minister so am from a very wealthy family.
Tonight we are having a school prom.
I think this should be all cos my head is really hurting.
******Few moments later******
I was already dead drunk and staggered up and down.
"Aliyah what happened to you?" Pearl my bosom friend asked as she walked in.
Actually she wasn't there when I was asked to drink the vodka.
"More bottles Pearl... I need more" I kept misbehaving.
She gasped as she covered her mouth with her palms in shock.
"Aliyah don't tell me you took alcohol" She asked.
"It was a dare Pearl.... I had no choice and now I want more..." I staggered.
"You know you can't take alcohol right? Don't you know the dangers of what you have done?.... You are a Minister's daughter and your family's reputation is at stake" She worried.
"Let's go dance Pearl.... Let's go to the platform" I staggered up as she held me down.
"No Aliyah... You can't do that in this condition,,,, do you want your dad to be humiliated? Sit here and I will go get the driver so that he can help me carry to the car cos we have to go home before you cause a scene here"Pearl said as she walked away.
I belched noisily as I staggered up.
I was pressed and I needed to urinate.
I headed to the restroom.
I walked in and due to the heels and with the help of the alcohol,,,, I fell on the ground.
"Hey lady....." I heard someone say.
"Who are you?" I laughed crazily as he too who was drunk tried helping me up but we ended up falling again on each other and burst into laughter.
I belched and threw up right in his face.
"Ew..... Gross" He laughed as we shared a laugh.
Even in my drunk state,,,, I still found out the strange guy is extremely handsome.
"You.... You are beautiful" He said as I laughed again.
"You too" I replied with a crazy smile.
Our lips drew closer and met hungrily.....
Pearl's Pov:
"Mr Carlo please you have to help me carry Aliyah back to her house.... She's dead drunk" I pleaded with Aliyah's driver.
"Okay ma'am.... Let's go" Mr Carlo said as he followed me.
We walked into the hall and headed straight to the place where I left her.
But she wasn't there anymore.
"Oh my gosh!" I gasped.
"What happened?" Mr Carlo's asked anxiously.
"I left her here.... Where could she have gone to?" I cried out.
That was how we started looking for her.
The whole night we continued looking for her but we didn't get a glimpse of her.
And her phone was still placed on that table,,, I couldn't contact her.
Aliyah's Pov:
The sun rays directly from the window straight to my eyes.
I yawned tiredly,,, my head was aching so badly.
I felt some pains in between my thighs and in my V.
I managed to open my eyes....
I looked around in shock...
I was lying half naked beside a strange but handsome guy who wrapped his hands around me and was also naked.
I gasped in shock as I saw a blood stain on the ground.
Then blood stains in between my thighs.
"Ahhhhhh......" I screamed aloud and he jerked up.......