
One Night Stand With A Vampire

Betrayed by her fiance, taken advantage of by her family, and defrauded of her wealth. All she wanted was a rich and powerful life free of stress, a life without her overbearing so-called family, who she knew were only using her and were not there for her, and a beautiful life with her fiance CLAUS EASTON. She thought her life was perfect without anyone having to tell her, living as a mysterious person at night and as a wealthy and powerful CEO during the day. Despite her self-perception of perfection, everything changed when she discovered her obedient fiancé having an affair with her step-sister just days before their two-day wedding. Knowing no one would believe her, not even her biological father who was under the influence of her stepmother, she needed a way not to get married to her cheating fiance. In an attempt to end the relationship without taking lives, she had a one-night affair with an enigmatic stranger she had nicknamed "DRACULA." A man whose aura conveys distinct messages, a man who made her experience emotions she had never experienced before. Who is this guy? Would she come to regret her actions?

CherryZee · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Night Club

She had it all, she is more beautiful than you, smarter than you, and not as childish as you are, who cares about business, more than her fiance" Radella smiled, recalling the memory of the last two nights.

Her shoes clicked slightly, as she walked into the club, with the disco light playing around the club, irking the living out of her.

Heads turned, with the gentle sway of her hips, and the elegance she puts in the steps she takes.

Her blood-red painted lips added a domineering glimmer to her face, with her blonde hair, which was packed in a ponytail, bouncing gently behind her.

"Childish," he said" She was going to prove how childish she could be tonight.

Their wedding was just tomorrow, It was sure going to be the happiest day of her life' A sarcastic smile on her lips.

She had just realized she was too into business than her normal girlish life, she was the only different female here who had this look, the rest were in shorts, pants, mini skirts.

But she was here in a business suit and heels, even though she knew very well that it wasn't hiding her feminine beauty in any way, because if it was, she wouldn't be getting these crazy lustful stares and glares.

'But would she be able to get what she wants in a business suit?' She slightly shook her head. She hadn't even found anyone eye-catching, since she'd stepped into the club, and she likes her work fast and victorious.

"Get me the sexiest clothes you can get in two minutes, I don't care how much it costs….I need it here in two minutes" Radella said into the phone.

"Ma'am t…" Radella hangs up, not wanting to hear what her secretary wants to say.

She watched the people, who were dancing happily in the club 'Joblessness' if they were to have a job, they wouldn't have come to a club and do shits, which is just a waste of time.

She just needed a five-minute thing, and she would be out of here in no time 'but she was still looking for the perfect guy'.

Her nose scrunched in disgust, when the scent of a cigar, mixed with someone's body odor hit down her nostrils.

"Why don't we go to the dance floor, babe, after that, we can…." Her eyebrows furrowed together, with a guy, whom the bad odor came from, pressing himself to her back.

Before the guy knew it, a punch was sent flying to his face, and he fell to the ground "What about hell floor hun!!" Her heels went to the v on his pants, and she pressed on it, having him scream out loudly.

Even with the loud music played in the club at that time, those around 'em, could still hear the man scream, and plea.

"Am a…m sorry please, let go" the man pleaded.

"Stinky asshole," she said, as she kicked into his butt, before leaving him 'she needed to take of her current clothes and shoes, she was now dirty, having touch with this fvcker here, and she needed to change as soon as possible'

"I will get a room somewhere, find me. Two minutes have passed, and I would let that slide. Am adding a 50 sec, just know you will be sacked if you are not here before that time, or by that time" she said hanging up once again.


Man 1; Wow

Man 2; (Drooling)

'unique' Radella was happy to be getting the attention she needed, she taught, as she matched In, in her killer form.

Her milky skin, a skin-tight red dress, that fitted like a second skin, the v-cutting of her neck, which exposed her cleavage, and the dangerous shakes and turns of her ass, made the men in the club want to crawl on her feet.

She could sense Instant jealousy in the club, which came from most women in there.

Her eyes stopped at a couple, seeing the man staring at her with mouth open, his female partner got angry at this, as she sent a deafening slap, to the once stunned man's face.

'Ouch, that hurts, just the number of heartbreaks she would naturally create, and the amount of shocked faces, and heart attacks on her wedding tomorrow' she smirked.

She suddenly walked away from the spot. 'She should have chosen a better place than this fvcked up place'.

You look too classy to be here ma" a waitress came up to her "We have a place much quieter, and would suit your looks and class"

"Take me there," she said authoritatively.

'Maybe she would see better options'.

After minutes of walking, they stopped in front of a large door "You can go in, miss" the waitress said, pulling the door open a little bit, as Radella walked in.

The dark aura that emitted from this certain place, had goosebumps run down her skin, and the urge to pull the door open, and walk back out ate through her.

Trying to keep calm, and behave like her usual self, she submitted half her mind to the gentle song, which played in this side of the club.

The people she had noticed on this side of the club looked like powerful people, rich, powerful people. She suddenly felt an unsettling feeling, after sensing a kind of dark aura, it seemed to be coming from a specific place she couldn't point out in the club.

She watched how most of the men in the club had pleasure with women, some rocking, some touching and pleasuring.

What is so interesting in this sexual pleasure of a thing, that could even have her once-promising fiance cheating on her with her step-sister.

A man called, walking up to her with a smile on his round face "Hey beauty".

'potbellied' he wasn't fit for it, giving a fake smile, she excused herself.

'Too short'.

'To fat'.

'Too tall and lean'.

'Ugly'. Her judging had gone on like that.

Not knowing she was already walking to another space in the club entirely.

The unsettling feeling she had felt earlier, came running to her, as the dark aura thickened than before, almost choking her.

The more she walked, the more the air around her thickened with more darkness. Being the curious lady that she was, she wanted to see what gave her goosebumps, what woke the unsettling feeling in her.

'No one is here' she taught, as she looked round the dark corridor. After feeding her curiosity, the air suddenly lightened as if she had felt nothing before.

'Hugh, maybe it was time to go home. Just a little poison would do the work, it was time to go with her second plan'.

"You love wandering uhnn" a voice dangerously cool and deep echoed in the corridor, with the intimidating aura pushing through and soaring around her like a thick dark cloud.

"Who are you?" Without wanting to feel scared, she asked, but the goosebumps on her skin said otherwise.

"You could have played along with the humans, why sneak here?" The voice said again.

" I wasn't sneaking, come out now and stop playing tricks with me, I have a gun on me, and if you push this further, I won't think twice before finding you, and shooting your fvcking skulls out," she said bringing out the gun she had in her purse, as she outstretched her hand, moving in circles.

"Humans and their toys, it is still a mystery why they haven't feasted on you, and a mystery how you made it through".

'Why was he talking in parables?' Her legs began moving backward.

"Scared," the voice asked again.

"No" she made sure she didn't drop the hand her gun was in.

"Admit it" She suddenly felt a swift breeze push past her, having her blonde hair waver with the force.

"I don't like mind plays either"

" And I am not playing with your mind" Before she knew it, she was pushed to the wall, and her body got trapped between two muscular arms "Does it still feel like a trick signorina…"

An electric bolt thundered through her body, as she helped herself keep still, her eyes met with the man standing in front of her, his eye held the color of the blood that flowed through her vein.Trees like dark veins drew down his face.

Radella suddenly chuckled "You should be an actor, you think I would fall for this" Her face suddenly turned serious before shaking her head "NO"

"Out of my way, my hand itches a lot with not pulling this trigger" she held the gun up " for playing tricks on me"

" Foolish as a human'" he whispered huskily with his rich baritone voice.

"Nice act," she said, wanting to step on his toes, but the intrusion of his hand stopped her.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

CherryZeecreators' thoughts