

He loves her but she didn't care . All she cared about is work,work work but all he wants is her heart and body .After all he has an addiction for her pure body

Royal_Ink · 都市
11 Chs

Trouble maker

" please Stop here ..."Layla asked the driver politely,the taxi pulled up Infront of a shopping Mall, Layla alighted "Huh ....I will be back in few minutes ,let me get some few things."She said ,the driver checked his time then nodded, Layla mouthed a thank you then hurried into the shopping Mall.She need to pick up some food stuffs.

The Big Mall is quite crowded despite it's working hour now . Layla moved straight to the Food space and began picking out what she needed,she has no time to waste .


"Miss Alva...."Ethan's personal assistant called out , Catherine looked up to see the young Man standing Infront of her .He was dressed smartly in a black suit .

Catherine looked at his back in hope of seeing Ethan but couldn't find him."Where is Ethan "She questioned as she rose up from the chair .

Neon, Ethan's personal assistant bowed his head a little,not daring to look at her face.

"He had an urgent meeting to attend.....So he asked me to pick u up "He said in a monotonous tone .

Catherine left out a soft sigh ,then gave out a small smile .She shouldn't have put her hopes on him that much .

"Okay.... let go "Neon nodded ,then lead her out of the airport while the two girls carried her bag.

A Black Bentley was parked outside , Neon opened the door for her and she entered then they drove out of the airport.


"Stop..."Catherine suddenly said when the Car drove past the Shopping Mall .The driver stepped on the brake and the Car came to an halt .

Neon looked at her in confusion.What did she need ??.

Catherine opened the door and stepped out majestically.Neon quickly got down too .

"Miss Alva .. .. what do you need?,I will get it for you "Neon quickly said , Catherine stopped in her track without looking at him.

"I want to get something for my fiance .Stay back , don't follow me"She commanded ,her voice was low and soft almost like a feather.She was like a fairy beauty .

"Am sorry Miss Alva,I can't do that .My job is to protect you ,am going to lose it if I don't do it correctly "Neon refuted ,His head still staring at the floor .He has no right to look at his boss or boss wife in the face .

Catherine looked at him ", Don't push it.... Neon.Stay back"she said with a sudden smile , it's wasn't like her usual smile though . Neon raised his head and looked at her this time around and their eyes locked together.

"Stay back"Catherine said in a low tone ,Then turned back and walked away .Her face was properly covered.


"Layla . . .. .You are here today.It's being long I saw you "Diana,The cashier said with a smile ,she was a friend of Layla.

Layla smiled,she put all the thing she brought on the table and Diana calculated it then packed it for her .

"Busy with work ... You wanna come over tonight ??"Layla said as Diana handed her the grocery bag .Diana smiled

"Are you throwing a party????"

"Nah ,Girls only night"Layla said ,she bought out her card and flashed it on the paying machine.

Diana nodded with a big smile "Okay I will be there.Bye"Layla nodded then collected her card and walked away .

Layla hurried out of the Mall,the driver is probably getting impatient now .

"Heyyyy,Watch it " The lady quickly said as Layla mistakenly hit her with the grocery bag

"Am sorry . ....."Layla said with an apologizing smile .The lady nodded then humphed.

"Watch where you are going next time ."The lady said in a rude tone .Then walked away proudly ,she really got some high Ego there."Heyyyy ,wait "Layla shouted drawing the lady's attention back and the lady stopped then turned slowly to her with an arched brow.

"I don't appreciate the tone you just used with me .Next time ,keep it humble to prevent losing some teeth's ...Okay?"Layla said with an soft tone as she sounded a warning to the girl,She dislike Egotistical people , feeling so high about themselves.

"Are you talking to me like that , Don't you know who I am ???"The Lady said in an angry tone ,She wasn't going to let this poor nuisance talk to her like that !!

Layla scrutinized her from head to toe then rolled her eyes chuckling"You probably are a side chick to a wealthy pot bellied man and so what?? That means I should know a slut ??humm"Layla said shamelessly and the girl face turned breet red in anger .How dare she?????

"Ooh ,Bye for now .I don't have enough time to waste with... You "Layla said the hurried out of the Mall .The driver is probably angry now .

The Girl eyes burned at the back of Layla's back as she disappeared out of the Mall ,She was really angry ... really angry.Who the hell was that low life ????

"SAM.....!! "The Lady shouted ,her eyes were red,she was brimming with anger.

A young Bodyguard appeared from nowhere.

"Yes ma'am"

The Lady pointed to the Mall entrance "Find me that girl !!!!"

"Yes ma'am"He said then ran after that figure.That troublesome figure .
