

He loves her but she didn't care . All she cared about is work,work work but all he wants is her heart and body .After all he has an addiction for her pure body

Royal_Ink · 都市
11 Chs

Plastic doll

They both reached the elevator In time before it's closed up .A pretty lady was already inside ,She was sporting a white off shoulder top over a brown flary skirt which seems too short for a woman .She has a blonde hair which poured down her back in a beautiful way .

She has too much makeup on her face making her look like a doll.

"Doctor Alan"She called out ,a smile on her lips but still she looked a plastic doll too much plastic surgery .

Alan Looked at her then offered her a smile too as a formal courtesy .

"Good Morning miss....."

"Evelyn....Evelyn Bissell"She said and Alan nodded ,He wasn't interested in her full name anyway .

Evelyn eyes landed on Ethan noticing his strong presence Who wouldn't notice such an handsome Man.

Her eyes instantly sparkled with interest seeing the Man ,He got her captivated already.He was totally her type .

"Hello Sir"Evelyn quickly greeted her infatuated eyes not leaving his body . Ethan didn't bother looking at her as he was lost thinking of how he would find that coffee girl and make her pay .Ooh Secondly he has to get her to his bed as well ,He remembered her clearly .She was that girl from last night.The girl that made him sleepless .

Evelyn felt hurt seeing his lack of response ,She was every Man's desire .So why isn't he looking at her .

"Hey Sir"She said again her voice low and sexy and Alan rolled his eyes secretly , Can't she see he has no interest in her ,What a loose Woman .

He wasn't really a fan of plastic dolls like her .Women who does everything to get up the Rich ladder.

She has literally seduced half of the Doctors since her arrival yesterday , Hopefully she hasn't gotten to him yet.But now she was heading for his big brother . What a shame .

He knew his brother loves women but would never sleep with a woman like her .So his heart calm down a little .

The Elevator opened in time before Evelyn got to him , Alan breathed a relief .

Evelyn let out a curse before stepping out of the elevator .

"Bye Doctor Alan ,I will see you next time "Evelyn said with a wink then walked out the elevator to her own working space .She thought they were going to the office at the top floor .

"Bro"Alan called out but Ethan seems to be lost in his thoughts ,Alan shoke his shoulder bringing him out of his daze .

"What?"Ethan asked in his forever chilling voice ,his facial expressions were perfectly hidden as if he wasn't thinking of something .

"We are here already "Alan announced and they both got out of the elevator .

"Good morning Doctor Alan ,Mr Ryan's"Betty got up from her desk greeting them in a polite manner .Her eyes landed on Ethan and a surprise expression displayed on her face ,She wasn't expecting their new client to be this Gorgeous

"Miss Fisher...."Doctor Alan asked and Betty pointed to the door .She was certain that Layla would have gotten prepared so no need to call her .

ding .... ding..... ding

A sharp alarm took Alan's attention ,his face became dead serious .An emergency ..

"Ethan...I have to go "Alan said and Ethan nodded .Alan smiled at Betty then ran straight to the elevator and out of sight ..