

He loves her but she didn't care . All she cared about is work,work work but all he wants is her heart and body .After all he has an addiction for her pure body

Royal_Ink · 都市
11 Chs


"Thanks Buddy"Layla said , slamming the door close her hands were pretty occupied with hand bag on one and her lunch box on the other .She held her hot coffee with her right hand .

"Good bye Madam"The polite Taxi driver said with a small smile before zooming off .A sigh left Layla's lips as she stood in front of the biggest Hospital in the city .

XIAOMI HOSPITAL ,An international hospital branched in almost 8 countries in the world.It was one of the most expensive hospital in the world.Only top influential people has the right to step foot there.

She walked with elegance into the hospital , Despite it's expensiveness the hospital was still very much busy with doctors and Nurses running about the attend to one emergencies or the other .

Layla took a sip of her hot coffee ,not affected by the things going on around her . Emergencies were not her problem anyway ,She is a topnotch therapist not a doctor.

She checked her wrist watch again and a curse left her lips unintentionally

8:05am,She raised her head

Only for her to collide with someone and her Coffee cup came crashing to the floor spilling the whole content In it on the floor .

Layla stood there frozen ,her face turning to a shade of red hue .Oh No ,she is getting angry!!

That was her favourite coffee and the only thing keeping her sane ,She is having a damn headache ,a result of the over consumption of alcohol is taking trolls on her now.

Her breath hitched as her eyes came in contact with the most beautiful eyes she has ever seen in life and the rarest eyes ever

The Violet eyes stared back at her Amber Gold fleeks eyes ,a hint of surprise seems to flash in his eyes before it disappeared and got replaced with Coldness and ... Annoyance .

"You probably need some glasses cause I can see you have bad eyes"The Man's Sarcastic Mockery voice jerked her out of her daze .

Her face scrawled into a visible angry one again .She was super displeased by his words yet she found his voice so damn ....Hot and sexy that she could melt away just listening to his voice.

"Then I will guess you know where it's being sold since you seems to visit there often "Layla taunted back ,The Man's Eyes widen a little in surprise which you wouldn't be able to notice cause his expression changed back to the neutral coldness but that didn't miss her sharp eyes.

"Oh and you owe me a cup of coffee . Don't let me remind you next time "

She said then walked away,She is Already damn late ,She only hope her client don't get annoyed .The Man stared at her back until she entered into the Elevator and the door closed .

"Bro ,Am sorry for being ....."The Word's got stuck In his mouth as he stared at the Man with a wide eyes .Pure anger were steaming from his eyes .

Alan eyes trailed down his body .A big stain was on his white shirt as a result of the Coffee .

"Ethan , What's ..... happened"Alan asked ,He left here a few seconds ago and this already happened.

Alan has a big similar features with Ethan ,His own eyes were Deep blue same as their mother's eyes ,his facial features was a bit like Ethan .Unlike Ethan Cold and untouchable Aura,He was friendly .

"None of Your business . Get me a new shirt "Ethan said in his ever Cold voice then strolled away as if he owned the place .Alan shrugged then waved a cleaner over instructing her to clean up the place before walking away .