

“Who are you?” The voice said who stared at Roselina with curiosity in his gaze. Roselina opened her eyes and saw the man's face and jumped to sit upright on the bed with a scream. She tried to get off the bed but felt soreness between her legs and realized she had slept with the man and lost her virginity to him. “Go away.” She screamed without looking at the man's face as he left the bed for the bathroom. He didn’t meet her in the room before he came back as she left with no traces. Roselina drove home looking rough and sad, crying while driving back. She met her father with his wife. “Where have you been since yesterday? Look at you, you spent your night out there with whom?” Her father yelled at her. “And who are you to ask me that? You're not my father, why yell at me like that, do you even care?” Rosalina yelled back with tears. 20 hours ago...(Yesterday)... “Don’t worry, father, I'll disappear as you want,” Rosalina yelled to her father, who was fuming with anger, his eyes all red. “How dare you raise your voice at me, you unfilial daughter.” Mr Kim Hyun Woo yelled at Rose, who was not going to engage with whom he wanted her to marry. “I dare, father, I have told you I don’t love him, U-Jin is just my friend and yet you’re forcing me to get engaged to someone I don’t love for your reasons… you can just choose your second daughter to marry him, okay.” Rose yelled and ran to her room, locking herself up. “Honey, why don’t you just leave her since she won’t listen, after all, she’s not your daughter.” Mr Kim Hyun Woo's wife, whose name was Yeri, said, rolling her eyes. “If she’s not going to do what I want, then she should leave my house.” Mr Kim Hyun Woo said angrily while Rose came out of her room and unknowingly, heard them. “What! Did she just say I’m not your daughter?” Rose said, shocked and unable to believe what she heard. Mr Kim Hyun Woo was shocked to see her because they thought she was in the room. “Huh… well… uh” Mr. Kim Hyun Woo didn’t find suitable words as he stuttered, but Rosalina stormed out angrily with tears, entered her car, and drove with speed as she couldn’t believe she was just a bastard of the Kim family. “I’m not going back to that house,” Roselina muttered to herself with tears as she tried calling her friend’s number, but it was off. Then she decided to go to her house, but she didn’t find her at home as her door was locked. Rosalina was so sad and thought of going to the hotel and spending her night there, but she drove to a club to have fun, maybe she could forget all she had on her mind. POV This is Roselina, but her Korean name is Yoona. She lost her mother when she was ten, who died of a heart attack the day her father confessed he had a wife and a daughter but later brought them to the mansion. Mrs. Min-Ji didn’t look like she was hurt and accepted the fact that her husband married and had a daughter secretly and brought them to the mansion because of how much she loved him. But things changed when Mrs. Yeri and her daughter started living in the mansion and always caused trouble, especially with her daughter. When Rose and Mrs. Yeri's daughter are fighting, Mr. Kim Hyun Woo takes Mrs. Yeri’s side, shouts, and yells at Roselina’s mother. The day they fought, Mr. Hyun Woo refused to see Mrs. Min Ji, who was having a hard time in her room, crying until she started having a hard time breathing and died from a heart attack. QUESTION...… Who was the young man? Do you think their one-night stand was destiny? Would destiny get them to meet again after that night? How would Roselina live her life when she found out she was pregnant? Are you curious to know about this novel? Okay, let’s look into this story and grab our popcorn as we check into this serial novel and find out what it has for us.

Rikky_Joy · 都市
25 Chs

Threatening To Kiss Me?

"But I just said you don't need to get things for me, you can't touch me without my consent, hun," Rosalina said, rolling her eyes.

"You wanna try me?" Gu Won said and moved closer, causing Rosalina to step back nervously.

"Okay fine, I'll take it," Rosalina quickly said, snatched the bag from him, and ran to her room.

Gu Won laughed lightly and strolled up the stairs to his room.

Rosalina got into her room, sulking her lips cutely;

"What was that earlier? Threatening to kiss me? Ahh, does he know what he is doing to me right now? Oh, my heart almost jumped out from my chest," she said, placing her palm to feel her heart racing and pounding so fast.

"My heart skipped and felt butterfly when he said he's gonna kiss me. Oh no, Rose, you have to stop thinking about this, okay? He is a handsome devil trying to seduce you, don't fall for his tricks," Rosalina said to herself, hitting her forehead lightly to snap from the thought as she stood on the bed and looked at the small bag.

She made a cute face and wondered what he got for her, taking it, she opened it and was stunned to see a beautiful necklace he got for her.

She snapped the necklace and searched the price online and was stunned for him to get something so expensive for her;

"How could he waste his money to get this for me? I mean we don't have any close relationship so I don't have the right to collect it. I will return this, I can't collect it," Rosalina said, talking to herself like a lunatic.

She stood up from the bed and walked out of her room, she walked to Gu Won's door as she knocked on his door twice but got no response, so she decided to enter.

She entered and couldn't see him in the room, while she looked around just then Gu Won came out of the bathroom putting on a bathrobe, but his chest to his abs was exposed.

Rosalina was dumbfounded and didn't know how to react as she stared at his sexy abs.

"Why are his abs so sexy and his chest, gosh, I haven't seen anyone like this for real, just in pictures and movies but this is happening for real before my eyes? Oh no, so hot," Rosalina thought and didn't realize she was drooling.

"Oh, you are drooling?" She heard him say, snapping her from her thoughts.

She got back to her senses and looked away shyly.

"Hell no, why would I drool over what? I was just dumbfounded because I have never seen you like this," Rosalina stuttered, avoiding Gu Won's face, who had a smirk on his face.

"Of course, you haven't seen me like this before because I haven't looked exposed like this before your eyes. Anyway, do you love what you see?" Gu Won said with a soft, sexy, sarcastic tone, which Rosalina almost fell for as she nodded her head stupidly but quickly shook her head, feeling embarrassed and annoyed at the same time.

"What..no..no..I means you don't look attractive to me which means I don't love what I see? Anyway, cover-up, I'm here to return this," Rosalina stuttered and looked nervously.

Gu Won chuckled with a smirk, looking away disappointed.

"What did you say? I don't look attractive, huh? But I saw you drooling, ahh, you must be kidding me, right? Every girl is dying to see me like this and here you are lying, haha, you're so ridiculous right now," Gu Won said, acting cute like he was a bit annoyed that Rosalina said he wasn't attractive.

"Take this, it looks expensive. I can't take it," Rosalina said and tried walking away, but Gu Won pulled her back, moving closer to her while she stepped back, Gu Won continued moving closer and looking at her with a playboy gaze while Rosalina was stepping back until her back touched the wall.

"You are a rich girl, how come this looks expensive? I bet you can afford this if you want to," Gu Won said softly, while Rosalina was nervous because he was pinning her to the wall, which made her feel uncomfortable.

"Exactly, I can buy it myself if I want, but you shouldn't be buying me things because we don't have any close relationship for you to get me that. I will advise you to give it to your girlfriend, she will appreciate it more than me," Rosalina said nervously, trying to move away.

"Firstly, I don't have a girlfriend and secondly, I got you this not because of anything, but willing to get this for you because I feel like. And how do we not have any relationship, huh? You are the mother of my kids, that's enough to call it a relationship, don't you think," Gu Won said softly.

"I don't want it, and that is final," Rosalina said and pushed him away, trying to walk away, but Gu Won pulled her back and pinned her to the wall.

"Since you don't want to take it easily, then you will take it after this, or I continue doing it until you accept it," Gu Won said and moved his face closer to hers and kissed her lips.

Rosalina was dumbfounded but angry.

"How dare you, you pervert, I will…" she said and couldn't finish her sentences before Gu Won shut her with a deep kiss, causing her to moan in his mouth, not in pleasure but in anger and trying to stop him.

Gu Won stopped and smirked.

"Will you still not take it? You can tell me so I can continue," he said with a cute smirk.

Rosalina glared at him angrily raised her hand and slapped his cheek hard.

She stopped and looked nervous, scared, and stepped back fearfully.

"I feel good and you can hit me all you want, but will you still not take it?" Gu Won said softly, not angry that she slapped him.

Rosalina was stunned to see him unmoved or angry about her slapping him.

She glared at him and carried the bag because she had no choice but to take it or the handsome devil would not let her go until she took the gift.

"I'm not trying to force you to take it, but please take it and use it, I will be happy if you use it," Gu Won said while Rosalina glared at him and left his room back to her room.

She closed the door and ran to the bed, she thought she was angry and didn't like the kiss, but she felt happy and liked it. She didn't know she was smiling and touched her lips.

"Huh, am I smiling? Rosalina, you are getting naughty and crazy. He just kissed you without your consent and here you are smiling like a crazy girl," one side of her mind said.

"But you slapped him, how could you slap a man like that? He is nice and respects you for letting you go and not even mad that you slapped him. You are so lucky," the other side of her said to her, causing her to bury her head in the pillow and scream.

Later at night...

Rosalina was nervous to come out, her two kids knocked and ran to meet her in the room.

"Mommy, we are here to take you to the dining. It's time to eat," Joon Ah said and walked to their mother, who smiled nervously.

"Why don't you guys go eat? Mommy is sick and needs to rest, don't worry I will come to see you in your room before you guys go to bed, okay?" Rosalina said, while her kids looked worried, and Joon Woo touched her forehead to feel her temperature.

"Okay Mommy, let's go, Joon Woo. But why don't you tell Daddy? He needs to get you a doctor to see you," Joon Ah said, while Joon Woo nodded, agreeing.

"No, I just need to rest, okay? Go and eat. You don't need to tell your dad, okay?" Rosalina said, while her kids nodded and left her room.

It was later, knowing her kids would be in their room, Rosalina stood and went to check on them in their room but found them asleep.

She was surprised but smiled seeing them already asleep. Rosalina felt her stomach grumble and made sounds.

"Gosh, I'm hungry," she muttered to herself and walked out of her kids' room, tiptoeing to the kitchen to get something to eat as the living room and everywhere were quiet and dark.

She tiptoed and walked to the kitchen, cooked noodles for herself, finished cooking, and served it on a plate. She carried the tray to the dining to eat but was stunned to see Gu Won, who was also sitting at the dining table.

"Come on, you should sit and eat," Gu Won said with a mocking look.

Rosalina frowned and walked to the dining, placing the plate of her food on the table.

"What are you doing here?" she said, frowning.

"Ridiculous, it's my home and I can be here anytime," Gu Won said, chuckling.

"Oh, I see, maybe I should move out since you are here to remind me you own this house," Rosalina said angrily, causing Gu Won to look at her stunningly.

"You are so sensitive, you don't need to move out. I was just kidding but I came here to eat with you since I'm hungry as well," Gu Won said softly.

Rosalina rolled her eyes. "As you can see I only made noodles for myself, not enough for the two of us. You can go to the kitchen and cook," she said and sat down to eat.

Gu Won made a puppy face. "I don't know how to cook," he looked funny making a puppy face and cute, causing Rosalina to laugh at his funny expression.

"I want to taste your food again, I have never eaten to my satisfaction since you cooked for us that day," Gu Won said softly, causing Rosalina to pause and look stunned.

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